
Skill Groups

Skill groups allow learners to enrol themselves in additional courses (classrooms) that will provide them the required skills, such as Microsoft Office, online privacy and security, effective communication and collaborative skills, and critical thinking etc. These skill groups will be available for learners through the Skills Catalogue based on their grade and other meta fields (such as campus etc) as per the site configuration.

The idea behing the skill groups is that once learners enrols in the required skills groups and completes them based on the set completion rules, they can then be considered proficient in the given skill. The learners will be able to view all the skill groups that they are enrolled to, and track their progress in them.


This article will guide you on:

Managing Skills for a Classroom

As an instructor when you access a classroom on Teamie, you will be able to see all the skills that are applicable for that classroom based on the mapped meta fields (such, level and campus).

1. Click the Skills tab in a classroom to see list of all the skill groups with the same mapped meta fields as the classroom.

2. The Skills page opens. You can view the skill groups' completion status for all the classroom learners. The completion statuses are as following:

  • Not enrolled (learner has not enrolled in the skill group yet)
  • Not started (learner has enrolled in the skill group, but have not yet started reading/attempting the materials of the skill group)
  • In progress (learner has enrolled in the skill group and started reading/attempting the materials of the skill group, but not yet completed them as per the set completion rule)
  • Not successfully completed (learner has enrolled in the skill group and completed reading/attempting the materials of the skill group, but not yet achieved the score as per the set completion rule)
  • Completed (learner has enrolled in the skill group and completed reading/attempting the materials of the skill group as per the set completion rule)

3. In case you wish to share a skill group with the classroom, hover over the required skill group and click the + button.

As an instructor, you can also quickly navigate to the skills classrooms directly from inside the classroom digital skills report by clicking the corresponding icon.

4. The post creation window opens and the skill group will be pre-tagged in it.

(8) Newsfeed | Grade 10 - Science (East) | UWC ORB

5. Add content in the post as per your requirement and click Post now to share the post with your classroom.

6. Once the post is shared in the classroom, learners will be able to click the tagged skill group and access its About page where they will be able to enrol themselves in the skill group and learn the skill.

Send Reminders for Skill Groups

As an instructor, you can use the 'Send Reminder' action to send reminders to the learners about any of the required digital skill group.

1. Select the required learner(s) that you wish to remind.

2. You can also filter the learners based on their completion status before you send them reminders. Click the Completion Status drop down.

3. This will be a multi-select field that allows you to select one or more of the available completion statuses (ex. Not Enrolled, Not Started). Selecting the filter will only show the learner(s) that have the selected statuses in all the currently shown skill groups. So if you choose to filter for [Not Enrolled, Not Started], then only the learners that have statuses of Not enrolled or Not started in all the displayed skill groups will be shown. For instance, in the following screenshot, the learner 'Teamie Student 2' has one skill group with status "not started" and the others with "not enrolled", hence you will need to select both to filter the learner.

4. Select the required learners or select all of them by ticking the checkbox besides the Send reminder for: button.

5. Select the required skill group about which you wish to remind the selected learners.

6. Click Send reminder for: button.

7. A Send Email box opens. The Subject field will be pre-filled with the name of the skill group.

8. Enter the required content in the email body. The reminder body will also contain the link of the skill group for learners to access it directly from the email reminder.

As an instructor, you have the option to send a copy of the reminder to all the instructors in that classroom. This is similar to how we use the CC option while sending an email to keep the recipients in loop. Click the Send a copy to staff checkbox to send a copy of the reminder to all the instructors in that classroom.

8. Click Send Email to send the reminder.

9. Once the reminder is sent a success message is shown.

Accessing Skill Groups

You can access the skill groups that you are part of as an instructor from your homepage or the sidebar. The skill groups are categorised under the Skill Groups section.

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