User expiration feature allows administrators to set the expiration date for a user account. Upon reaching the expiration date, the user account will be automatically blocked and he/she will not be able to log in to Teamie anymore.
As an administrator, you can set the expiration date for a user’s account from the user’s profile or Manage People page and can also set user expiry date in bulk.
This help article will guide you on:
Following are some advantage that site administrators will get by using the "User Expire" feature.
1. Easily manage users on your site and automatically block users on the specified date. This will help avoid any overage charges.
2. Set user expiry date in bulk from the Manage People page.
The following site-level permissions are required to set / change / view user expiry:
1. Set User Expiration
2. View any user expiration date
Both the above permissions will be available to all the users with administrative roles.
1. Click Sliding Menu.
2. Under Manage Teamie section, click Manage Optional Features.
3. You can see a list of all optional features on the Manage Optional Features page that you can be enable or disable anytime from the user-friendly interface :)
For example: 'User Registration', 'Stories', 'Splash Images' or 'User Expiry' feature.
2. Click Enable of the User Expiry optional feature.
3. A confirmation message appears. Click I understand. Enable. if you wish to enable the user expiry feature on your site. Once enabled, you will be able to set user expiry for single users or users in bulk.
2. Click Disable of the User Expiry optional feature.
3. A confirmation message appears. Click I understand. Disable. if you wish to disable the user expiry feature on your site.
1. You can set the expiration date for a user account from his/her profile page. To quickly access any user's profile page, type in the user's name in the Teamie search bar. Upon typing, you will see a list of user(s) auto suggested by the system. Select the required user from the search suggestions to land on his / her profile page.
2. Click the ellipsis (...) on the user's profile page.
3. Select Edit Profile from the resulting drop-down menu.
4. On the Edit Profile page, tick the Set expiration for this user check box..
5. Once you tick the check box, you will be able to see the Expiration Date field. Click the Date field.
6. Select the expiration date from the date picker. By default the date is set as the next day.
Note: You can set any future date as the expiry date. But, you cannot set past dates or the the current date as the expiry date.
7. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save to save the changes made to the user account.
8. The user account will be blocked upon reaching the expiration date (12 am of the selected date). A Blocked label will be displayed on the user profile page by which you can easily distinguish the blocked user.
By default, an email is sent when a user's account expires (at the start of the User Expiry date). But this is an optional setting and can be configured during site implementation.
1. Click Sliding menu.
2. Under Manage Teamie section, click People and then choose Manage People.
3. On the Manage People page, search for the required user. You can use our nifty filters to search for a user quickly. In this case, we are searching for a user by her name.
4. You can also filter user on the basis of their expiry date with the help of our new Expiration date filter. Then click Apply.
5. Once you filter out the required user, tick the checkbox before the user picture in the table.
Click the user's name link to open his/her profile in a new tab.
6. Click the Operations field and select Set Expiry Date operation from the resulting drop-down menu.
7. Click Execute.
8. You will taken to set the Expiry Date for the selected user. Click Date field.
9. Select the required expiry date from the date picker.
Note: You can only set any future date as the expiry date; by default the date is set as the next day.
10. Click Next.
11. The Set Expiry Date process will initiate. Do not interrupt the process; it will automatically terminate once the process is completed (100%).
12. Once the process is completed, you will see a success messages. You will also be able to see the set expiry date for the user in Expiration date column of the table.
If you are setting user expiry date for a larger number of users, then doing it one user at a time can be quite cumbersome. So, we have made this easy for you. You can set user expiry date in bulk, i.e, select a number of users and set their account's expiration date at once. Let's see how it is done!
1. On the Manage People page, search for the required users. You can use our nifty filters to search for a user quickly.
2. You can also filter users on the basis of their expiry date with the help of our new Expiration date filter. In this case, we are searching for users with expiration dates greater than or equal to 05th December 2016. This means than any user whose account is set to expire on 05th of December 2016 or after that will be filtered out. For that click the Expiration date field.
3. Select Is greater than or equal to from the resulting drop-down menu.
4. Click the date field and select the required expiration date from the date picker.
5. Click Apply to execute the filter process.
6. The filtered user list appears in the table. To select all the users select the top most checkbox in the first column.
7. All the users will be selected. You can also select / unselect users individually by ticking their respective check boxes.
8. Click the Operations field and select the Set Expiry Date operation.
9. Click Execute.
10. On the resulting page, click the Date field.
11. Use the date picker to select the expiry date. On this date, 12 am, the user account will expire (from active to blocked).
Note:You can only set any future date as the expiry date; by default the date is set as the next day.
12. Click Next to proceed further to the next step.
13. The Set Expiry Date process will initiate. Do not interrupt the process; it will automatically terminate once the process is completed (100%).
14. Once the process is completed, you will see a success messages.
15. You will also be able to see the newly set expiry date for the selected users in the Expiration date column of the table.
You can view any users expiration date from their profile page on Dash. Let's see how.
1. Search for the required user by typing his / her name in the omnipresent Teamie search bar. Select the required user from the search suggestions to land on his / her profile page.
2. You will land on the user's profile page where you will be able to see the expiry date of the account.
Tip: You can also view any user account expiry date by following step 1-5 of the article "Setting User Expiry date from "Manage People" page"
Q) Can a user be manually blocked even before the expiry date? In that case, what happens to expiry date setting?
A) Yes, the user can be manually blocked anytime. Expiry date is simply an automated way to block users. If the user is already blocked when the expiry date is reached, then nothing happens. The user continues to remain blocked.
Q) Will the user get blocked at classroom-level?
A) Expiry date only blocks the user at the site-level. It does not have any impact on blocking at the classroom-level. So, once a user account is blocked, he/she will not be able to log in to Teamie anymore unless the account gets unblocked.
Q) Can expiry date be set in the past?
A) No. You can only set future dates as expiry dates. Even the current day can't be set as the expiry date
Q) Can expiry dates be set for blocked users?
A) Sure. Expiry date can be set for any user. For blocked users, setting expiry date is going to have no impact, since they're already blocked. But, if they get unblocked before the expiry date, then when the expiry date arrives, they'll get auto-blocked again.
Q) What happens to the auto-expiry if the "User Expiry" feature is disabled from the "Manage Optional Features" page?
A) Once disabled, user accounts will no longer auto-expire.
Q) On user expiry any notification will be sent to the user?
A) By default, an email is sent when a user's account expires (at the start of the User Expiry date). But this is an optional setting and can be configured during site implementation.