
Tagging Resources in Posts

Tagging allow instructors and learners to map Teamie resources (lessons, lesson pages and assessments) in a post on the site. While migrating this functionality to Dash, we thought of enhancing it. Unlike before, users will be able to tag a specific page within a lesson too.

In this section, we’ll focus on how to tag lessons, lesson pages and assessments (quiz, assignment and offline tests are referred as assessments) in post.

This article will guide you on:

Tagging Resources in a post from global Add button

You can tag resources/materials (lessons and assessments) in your posts from the global add button in two ways:

  • By typing "@" and then start typing the required resource name
  • By using the materials picker in the post creation box
By typing "@" and then start typing the required resource name

1. Click the global Add (+).

Tagging Resources in a post from global Add button

2. Click to select the Post type (Thought, Question or Homework).

3. Type your thought in the text box and attach files, if any.

4. In the post creation form, you can simply type @ and then start typing any word. Teamie will show you suggestions matching the entered text. These suggestions appear based on the classroom(s) that you have selected, and are grouped into 3 categories:

  • Lessons & Lesson pages
  • Assessments
  • People

Note 1: Auto-populated list shows only the published resources for the selected classrooms and not the draft ones.

Note 2: Till no classroom is selected to share the post with, all classrooms resources will be shown in the auto populated list.

5. Select a resource from the suggestion list either by using down arrow or by mouse click.

6. After you have selected a resource from the list, it will be tagged and start appearing in the post sharing form and would also be attached as an attachment in the post (Will annotate the attachment part while addressing your feedback).

7. You can tag more resources in a post if required. But we’d like to explain what happens after tagging a resource in a post. So, currently one resource has been tagged in this post and  if you click on Share with… drop-down to select the classroom(s) to share the post with, you will notice that only those classrooms will be available for selection to which the tagged resource belongs to. Rest of the classrooms will be disabled for selection and hovering over those classrooms will show a warning message stating that “tagged resource does not belong to this classroom”.

So, basically once you tag a resource that belong to one or more classrooms, the next resource you want to tag needs to be from the same classroom(s).

8. Repeat the step 4 to tag more resources in the post. And as explained in step 7, this time you will see a list of resources from the classroom(s) to which the first tagged resource belongs to.

9. All the tagged resources will appear both in the post share form and as attachments in the post.

10. Click Share with… drop-down to select a classroom to share the post with.

11. Click Post Now to share your post.

12. You can click the link in the success message to view the post.

By using the materials picker in the post creation box

1. In the post creation box, click the Attach Materials folder icon which you will find adjacent to the attachment picker.

2. Clicking the Attach Materials button will open Attach Materials panel. This panel is a smart one and will fetch you the matching results based on the classroom you are sharing the post with. In case you are on the homepage and have not selected any classroom, the search result will include all classrooms materials. Then you need to type at least 3 characters of the required material for matching results to populate.

3. As soon as you start typing, the matching results will start appearing. By default, the results from the Units tab will be shown.

4. If you click on the materials picker having at least one classroom selected, then all the materials will be shown in the picker for that classroom by default.

5. There will be a column Updated On, that will show the last updated date for the materials. By default, the most recently updated material will be shown at the top. Although, you can click on the Updated On label to sort the materials as earliest first. Similarly, other column labels (Title, Created By, Created On) can be clicked for sorting the materials.

6. Select the required lesson(s) and click Attach.

5. The lesson will be tagged in the post creation box.

You can select more than one material at a time. The total count of material selected by you will be shown in parenthesis of the Attach button. For instance, in the following screenshot '1' material is selected.

6. In case you wish to tag the matching lesson pages to the post, click the Lesson pages tab. This tab will list all the lesson which has the matching lesson pages in them. Click the required lesson(s) and then select the lesson page you wish to tag in the post. Then, click Attach.

7. Similarly you can tag assignments, quizzes and offline tests from the matching results in the Assignments, Online Quizzes and Offline Tests tab respectively.

The total number of materials selected from the Attach Materials panel will be shown in the parenthesis of the Attach button. For instance, in the previous screenshot '5' material are selected to be attached/tagged to the post.

8. Once you are done selecting the materials required to be tagged in the post, click Attach.

Once you have tagged a classroom's material(s) to a post, then you will not be able to tag a material which is not shared with the classroom of the previously selected material. Remove the previous material to tag the new material.

9. The selected materials will be tagged in the post.

10. Click Post Now.

11. The post will be shared with the tagged materials :)

Viewing posts with lesson resource in expanded lesson view

1. Being an instructor, you may tag lessons in posts and you may not remember which are those posts with which the lesson has been tagged with. To make this convenient and easy for you, we’re showing a post counter indicating how many posts have that lesson as a tagged resource in the ‘expanded lesson view’ wherever needed. Let’s see how easy it is!

1. In the lesson expanded view, you will see a counter icon next to the lesson title which indicates the number of posts to which that lesson is tagged. Click the counter icon to see the post(s).

2.  Clicking on this counter will take you to the Posts tab of that classroom and show you a filtered view of posts tagged with that lesson.

Viewing posts with lesson page as a tagged resource

1. On top of a lesson page, next to its title, you will see a counter icon indicating how many posts have tagged that lesson page.                                

Clicking on the counter icon auto scrolls the page to the Posts section below the lesson page. Posts section displays the posts in which that lesson page is tagged.

Viewing posts with an assignment as a tagged resource in expanded assignment view

As an instructor, you may see all the posts that have an assignment tagged as a resource from the expanded assessment view. Let’s see how quickly you can do it!

1. In the assignment expanded view, you will see a counter icon next to the assignment title indicating the number of posts in which that assessment is tagged. Click the counter icon to see the tagged post(s).

2. Clicking on this counter will take you to the Posts tab of that classroom and show you a filtered view of the posts in which that assessment is tagged.

Viewing posts with an online quiz as a tagged resource (Learners only)

As a learner, you may see all the posts that have an online quiz tagged as a resource. Lets see how quickly you can do it!

Currently, you can only see the tagged count on the quizzes that are available for you to take, i.e., quizzes having the "Take Now"button.

1. Locate the required quiz on the classroom's Materials page and click its Take Now button.

2. You will land on the quiz taking page. The tagged posts count for the online quiz will be shown on the top right corner of the page. Click the post count to view the post(s) tagged with that online quiz.

3. The post(s) tagged with that online quiz will be filtered for you on the classroom's newsfeed.

Initiating a discussion from the lesson expanded view

You can create a thought in the form of a thought, question or a homework/task right from the lesson itself. The idea behind this is to initiate a discussion around a lesson.

1. On the lesson expanded page, click the gear icon and select Create thought/question/homework as per your requirement. We are creating a thought to illustrate this workflow.

2. In the post sharing form, you will notice that the classroom to which the lesson belongs to, has been selected by default and the lesson is automatically tagged in the post.

3. Type in the post content and click Post Now to share the post.

4. A confirmation message appears confirming that the post has been shared successfully and at the same time, counter gets updated to reflect the exact number of posts that have the lesson as a tagged resource.

Initiating a discussion from a lesson page

1. Navigate to a lesson and then access any of the lesson page. On the bottom of the lesson page, you’ll see a Posts section. This section will display all posts that have tagged that particular lesson page. You can initiate a post about that particular lesson page from the posts section. To create a post, click Create thought down-arrow and select the required post type. We are creating a thought to illustrate this workflow.

2. In the post sharing form, you will notice that the classroom to which the lesson page belongs to, has been selected by default and the lesson page is automatically tagged in the post.

3. Type in the post content and click Post Now to share the post.

4. A confirmation message appears confirming that the post has been shared successfully and at the same time, counter gets updated to reflect the exact number of posts that have the lesson page as the tagged resource. Click on the counter to see the posts.

5. Clicking on this counter will auto scroll the page and take you to the Posts section below the lesson page and show you a list of posts in which the lesson page is tagged.


Q1. What happens if I delete the resources (lessons/lesson pages/assessments) which were tagged in a post? Will it also delete the post along with the deleted resources?

A) It's a simple No. Deleting a resource (lessons/lesson pages/assessment) from a classroom will not delete the tagged post and you can continue seeing such post(s) in the Posts tab of that classroom.

Q2. Will it have any impact on a resource if the post, that has been tagged with the resource, gets deleted?

A) No. The resource will just get unlinked from the post and the post will be deleted permanently.

Q3. What happens if you delete a post that was created as a part of discussion in a lesson/lesson page/assessment and the resource it is tagged with was shared with multiple classrooms?

A) When you initiate a discussion from a lesson / lesson page / assignment, then the classroom to which the resource belongs to is selected by default and the resource is tagged to that post. The post will be created only in that classroom with that tagged resource. Therefore, deleting the post will just unlink the resource from the post and the post will get deleted permanently.

Q4. What happens if you delete a post which is shared with multiple classrooms and is tagged with a resource?

A) As soon you share a post with multiple classrooms, multiple copies of the post are created (each one for a classroom it is shared with). So deleting a post from one classroom will just unlink the resource from the post and the post will get deleted permanently from that classroom only, and not from any other classrooms it is shared with.

Note 1: You can create a post with a tagged resource only in those classrooms to which the tagged resource belongs.

Note 2: Learners can not share a post with multiple classrooms whereas instructors can.

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    And people weren't recognizing that I did other songs, that I had other great songs.
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