Every user in Teamie has a profile page which can be accessed from the sliding navigation bar at the top left corner. A profile page usually contains the basic information about the user, such as, user name, country, role, classroom participation, time zone and so on. Further, administrators can have full control on the information to be shown on the user’s profile page.
This article will guide you on how to:
1. Click sliding menu.
2. Click Edit Profile to view the profile information and update it if required.
3. You can also access Edit Profile page from your profile page. To do that, click your profile at the top in the sidebar menu. Then, click the ellipsis (…) and select “Edit Profile”.
4. User profile page enables you to:
- Change your password
- View your user name
- View the email addresses associated with your account
- Adjust your timezone
- View the Date of Birth
- Upload the Strength Report
As you user, you will be able to update your profile information like your name, Date of Birth, etc depending on the permissions granted to your your account. In case your name is mentioned incorrectly and you are not able to update it then you get in touch with your administrator or write to us at support@theteamie.com for further assistance.
If your account has the required permissions, then you will be able to change / update the following details:
- First, middle and last name
- Delete and upload the new profile picture
- Gender
- Date of Birth
- Time zone
- Account password
- Meta fields (if any)
Let's see how you can quickly do this on Teamie.
1. On the Edit Profile page, click Choose File to upload a new profile image.
In case you wish to change your profile picture, it is recommended that you do that from your profile page (which has better cropping functionality) instead of the Edit Profile page. Click here to learn more about updating profile picture from your profile page.
If required, Teamie administrator can configure site-level roles to prevent users with those roles to edit their own profile images.
2. Select an image from your system and click Open.
The recommended resolution for the Profile picture is 128 * 128 pixels.
3. Change your First Name, Last Name and Gender (if you are allowed to update these details).

4. Click Save to save the changes you have made.

5. A message appears to inform you that the changes have been saved. Click Close to go back to the previous page.
Note: You will not be able to edit your profile information if administrator has disabled edit access. In such cases you can contact your administrator and ask them to edit/update your profile information if required.

1. Access your profile page by clicking your name in the left sidebar or on the right side header menu.

2. On the profile page, hover over your profile picture and click the edit icon that shows up while hovering.
3. Click Choose file to choose file from your system.
4. Select an image from your system and click Open.
You can also drag and drop the required image from your computer on to the selection area.
5. The uploaded image will appear inside a crop tool which allows you to drag the cursor over the specified area on the image. You'll notice that as you drag, the specific portion of the image gets cropped, and once you release the mouse button, the cropped portion gets selected for your profile picture and can be seen below the original image.
The recommended resolution for the Profile picture is 128 * 128 pixels (1:1).
6. Click Submit to upload the selected profile picture.
7. The selected image will be set as your profile picture. This way you can easily upload, crop and set your profile picture and make it suit your personality! Other active users on the platform will be able to view your profile picture when they visit your profile.
You can now update your profile’s cover image to express your creativity and uniqueness. You can change your profile’s cover image from your profile page by following the given steps:
1. On your profile page, click Change Cover Image.
2. Click Choose File to select an image from your computer.
Note: You can also drag and drop the required image from your computer on to this box.
3. Select an image and click Open.
The recommended resolution for the Profile cover image is 900 * 180 pixels (5:1).
3. The uploaded image will appear inside a crop tool which allows you to drag the cursor over the specified area on the image. You’ll notice that as you drag, the specific portion of the image gets cropped, and once you release the mouse button, the cropped portion gets selected for your profile’s cover image.
4. Click Submit to upload the cover image.
5. The selected image will be set as your profile’s cover image. This way you can easily upload, crop and set your cover image and make it suit your personality! Other active users on the platform will be able to view the cover image when they visit your profile.
1. Type in the user name in the Teamie global search box and system will auto suggest a list of user(s).
2. Select the required user from the list by using the up-down arrow and press enter or simply click on the user. You will be taken to that user's profile page where you can see the basic information about that user.
3. As soon as you land on the user's profile page, you will see some quick stats as listed below:
3a) Summary Last Accessed
3b) Overall Statistics
3c) Classrooms
3a) The Last Accessed timestamp area displays the date and time at which the user last accessed the site.
3b) The Overall Statistics section is further categorized into three sub-sections:
- Posts: Displays the number of thoughts shared; number of question asked and how many questions were answered correctly by the user.
- Lessons: Displays the number of lessons completely read by the user.
- Assessments: Displays the count of assessments attempted by the user.
3c) The Classrooms section is further categorized into two sub-sections:
- Active Classrooms: Displays a list of all of the classrooms that the user has accessed or participated till date.
- Archive Classrooms: At the end of the academic term, your school administrator may choose to unpublish the existing classrooms before setting up new classrooms. These unpublished classrooms are referred to as "archived classrooms" in Teamie.
4. Click Stories tab to view the stories created by this user.
5. Clicking on the stories tab will take you the story listing page where you can see all the public stories created by this user. Click on the Story title to see the full story.
6. Read the full story content and leave your comments, if any.
We also have a site-level option to show predefined meta fields on users’ profile pages. These meta fields can be configured from our end on request. If configured, users will be able to view these meta fields for other users whose profile pages they have access to.