
Creating and Managing Global Recommended Tags

As the name suggests, global recommended tags are the tags that can be used throughout the platform. As an administrator, you can create global recommended tags which will be available across all the classrooms by default. The instructors can easily click and pick the desired recommended tags for their classrooms. The aim is to ensure that different instructors don’t end up using different tags that are meant to be on the same lines.

This article will guide you on:

Adding hashtags in categories for global recommended tags

Once you have added categories in global recommended tags section, then you can add desired global recommended hashtags in them which will be shown to instructors when they are creating recommended tags for their classrooms. To do this, follow the given steps:

2. Click the input field of the category in which you wish to add the global recommended tags.

3. Type out the tag and press enter or click anywhere in the Manage Global Recommended Tags pop-up.

4. Similarly you can add multiple tags in various categories.

5. Click Save Changes to save the changes.

Note: Every change that you make inside the popup (creation, editing / deletion) gets saved only if you click the "Save Changes" button.

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