
Locker Posts

The locker is a place where you can see all your resources (Posts, Lessons, Assessments and Grade Schemes) you have created in Teamie. In this article, we'll cover how to view/access different posts from the locker. As an instructor, you can see all the posts that you have shared in your classrooms, access draft/scheduled posts and then post them.

This article will guide you on:

What are Locker posts

Locker posts are the posts that were either posted by you or those that you are subscribed to. On the locker post page, you can:

  • View the posts you are subscribed to
  • View the stats of the locker posts (such as number of likes and comments along with 'seen by' stats)
  • Reshare the locker posts
  • View the original posts in order to edit them do make other actions on them
What are subscribed posts

Following posts will be considered as your subscribed posts:

  • Posts on which you commented
  • Posts in which you replied
  • Posts that you liked
  • Posts that you marked "I have the same question" for
  • Posts in which you are tagged
Which posts are shown on the Locker Posts page
  • Posts that you have created, or
  • Posts that you subscribed to
Accessing Locker posts

You can access your Locker by following few simple steps:

1. Click sliding menu.

Note: Sliding menu on Dash is not restricted only to the homepage. You can access it from anywhere on Dash. Its omnipresent!

2. Click My Locker.

3. Click My Locker Posts.

4. You will be able to view all the posts that you created or subscribed along with their stats (No. of comments, no. of likes and seen by count).

5. The post stats will not be clickable. To view the post stats such as comment and replies, click View Original Post to view the full view of the original post.

Filtering Locker posts

There are two filters on the Locker Posts page which will help you filter the locker posts on the basis of the classrooms they are shared with, and their creator. Let's see how.

a. Filtering Locker posts by classrooms they were shared with

1. Click the Classroom filter.

2. The Classroom drop-down will list all the classrooms that you are part of (including the Archived Classrooms). Select the classroom whose locker posts you wish to filter.

Note: Select any of the Archived Classrooms to view the posts you have created in that classroom.

3. Click Filter to view the locker posts of the selected classroom only.

4. Now, you will be able to see all the posts of the selected classrooms.

5. Click Reset to remove the filter.

b. Filtering Locker posts by creators

1. Click the Created By filter.

2. Clicking on the Created by filter will show your name, by default.

3. In case, you wish to see the posts shared by your connections then type in a "username" and the matching suggestions will start appearing as soon as you start typing a name in the field.

Your connections are the people who belongs to the classrooms that you are part of.

4. Select the required user and click Filter.

5. Now, you will be able to see all the posts created by the selected user.

Note: You can use the two available filters in combination as well, i.e, filter the locker posts by classroom and creator together at once.

Subscribing to a post - Automatically

You can subscribe to a post if you do the following actions on it:

  • Comment on a post
  • Reply to a post
  • Like a post
  • Get tagged in a post
  • Mark "I have the same question" for a post

After one or more aforementioned actions are done on a post, you get subscribed to the post and it will show up in your "Locker Posts".

Subscribing to a post - Manually

In addition to getting subscribed to a post automatically, you can also choose to manually subscribe to a post if you wish so. Follow the steps below to know how.  

2. Click the ellipsis (...) of the required post.

3. Select Subscribe from the resulting drop-down.

4. A Subscribed notification appears. You are now subscribed to the post.

The post will appear on your locker posts page.

Resharing a locker post

2. Click Reshare of the required post.

3. The edit post form opens. Click Share with... and select the required classroom(s) you want to reshare your post with.

4. Edit the post, if required and click Post now.

5. A notification appears after the post is shared successfully. Furthermore, you can click the Click here to view it link to view the post immediately.

Viewing original post

As you know that on the locker post page, you can only view the posts you are subscribed to and not edit them or do other actions on them (except resharing them). To edit a post, you need to view the original post. You can navigate to the original posts directly from the locker posts page. Let's see how.  

2. Click View Original Post of the required post.

3. You will be taken to the original post where you can edit the post, like the post or enter comments as per your requirement.

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    Irish Arabic

    I value you letting me know about this helpful resource. Your site is fantastic. @snow rider 3d

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    Ali Raza

    Travel mugs As you know that on the locker post page, you can only view the posts you are subscribed to and not edit them or do other actions on them (except resharing them). To edit a post, you need to view the original post. You can navigate to the original posts directly from the locker posts page. Let's see how.

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