A Newsfeed is a place for all the discussions that happen around you in Teamie. So, sometimes looking for stuff in a newsfeed can be tricky and time consuming. But, don't you worry! You can use a very nifty set of filters for your classroom's newsfeed as well as the main newsfeed on your homepage that collates posts from all your classroom. You can also filter different post types in combination with other filters, such as, classrooms, hashtags etc. In this article we will be discussing about how you can effectively filter posts on the collated newsfeed.
This article will guide you:
1. Login to Teamie.
2. Click the filter icon situated on the right corner below the classrooms list.
3. As soon as you click the filter icon, the collated newsfeed filters section becomes visible.
Note: These filters get applied as soon as you select them. There is no separate "Apply" button that you need to click :)
2. Click Classrooms drop-down menu.
3. Tick the classroom(s) whose posts you wish to filter from the newsfeed.
4. As soon as you tick a classroom, the posts shared with that classroom loads on the newsfeed besides the filter section. In case you tick multiple classrooms, then all the posts shared with those classrooms will appear on the collated newsfeed. You will also be able to view the total post count along with the selected classroom.
Tip: While using the filters, you can also search for a classroom from the Search bar.
2. Click Thought from the Post type section.
3. As soon as you click Thought, you will be able to see all the thought posts from all the classrooms, you are associated with, on the collated newsfeed.
Note 1: You can filter thought posts in combination with other filters. For example, in the following screenshot you can see that the "Thought" post of the classrooms "E-learning" and "Quality Assurance" has been filtered.
Note 2: Keep in mind only one post type can be selected at a time. When you click on another post type, then the earlier selected post type immediately gets unselected.
Note 3: When a Thought / Question / Task filter is applied, posts which were thoughts / questions / homework but were made into announcements would also appear.
2. Click Question from the Post type section.
3. As soon as you click Question, you will be able to see all the question posts from all the classrooms, you are associated with, on the collated newsfeed.
2. Click Announcement from the Post type section.
3. As soon as you click Announcement, you will be able to see all the announcement posts from all the classrooms, you are associated with, on the collated newsfeed.
Note: When a Thought / Question / Task filter is applied, posts which were thoughts / questions / homework but were made into announcements would also appear.
2. Click Task from the Post type section.
3. As soon as you click Task, you will be able to see all the task posts from all the classrooms, you are associated with, on the collated newsfeed.
You can filter posts on the collated newsfeed by your connections. So, if you need to view all the posts of any of your connection just follow the given steps:
2. Click Created By input field.
3. The first time you click the Created By input field, by default it shows the "created by me" option.
4. By selecting "created by me" you can filter the posts to show only the posts that were created by you.
5. Start typing the name of any of your active connections in the "Created By" input field to filter the posts created by them. As you start typing the connection name, you will see suggestions matching your search. Select the required connection name from the suggestion to see the posts created by that user. You can select only a single user at a time to filter his/her posts.
Note: The matching is done using case-insensitive method.
You can filter posts that were created during a specific date range using the "Created from - to" filter. This filter will pop out a calendar and allow you to select 2 dates to filter your posts on the basis of the date range. Let's see how it is done.
Note: To use this filter, you must select a date range; a single date alone can't be selected.
1. Click Created from - to field.
2. The Custom Range date selector will open up by default. Navigate to the required month from the side arrows.
3. Click on a required start date.
4. Then click on a required end date.
Note: You cannot select future date as both start and end date for obvious reasons.
Tip: You can also change the start and end date from the date input field in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
5. Once a date range is selected, posts created in that date range (including the start and end date) will be displayed.
6. You can also use the following Created from - to options to filter posts in a given date range quickly:
- This week
- Last week
- This month
- Last month
7. Click This week sub-filter to set the date range filters to filter posts created during the current week (week starting from Sunday).
8. Click Last week sub-filter to set the date range filters to filter posts created during the last week.
9. Click This month sub-filter to set the date range filters to filter posts created during the current month (from 1st of the current month to the current date on which filter is applied).
10. Click Last month sub-filter to set the date range filters to filter posts created during the last month.
You can filter posts on the collated newsfeed on the basis of the hashtags that were used in all the posts in your active classrooms. Let's see how it can be done:
1. Click the required hashtag from the Filter by hashtags section
2. As soon as you click on a hashtag, the posts with that hashtag will appear in combination with any other filter combinations, if any. For instance, in the following screenshot the posts with the hashtag "SoftwareTesting" are filtered along with other filter combinations (classroom, post type, created by and date range). This way you can filter what you are looking for in a much better manner.
3. You can also select multiple hashtags to filter the posts by selecting the required hashtags on the homepage newsfeed. Selecting more than once hashtag will filter only the posts containing all the selected hashtags.
Clicking on a selected hashtag will unselect it. You can also click the reset icon to remove all selected hashtags and view all the posts.
4. Similarly, you can also select multiple hashtags to filter the posts by selecting the required hashtags on a classroom's newsfeed as well.
Once any filter(s) is applied, a header is displayed indicating how many posts match the applied filter(s). There's also a "Reset" link available clicking which the entire set of filters get unset.
1. On the collated newsfeed, click Reset.
2. As soon as you click Reset, all the filters get unset and you will be able to view the default newsfeed posts.
3. You can also reset the filters to default from the collated newsfeed filter section. To do this, click Reset in the filter section.
4. As soon as you click Reset in the collated newsfeed filter section, all the selected filters get unset to the default options. This helps when you want to quickly start the filter process from scratch.