This article will guide you on:
Pinning posts
There are certain posts that you might need the users to keep seeing for a given period of time. As an instructor, you can pin a post to the top of your classroom newsfeed page. The pinned post remains at the top until it is removed, unpinned or the new post gets pinned to the top. For example, a quiz is coming up in a week time and you would like the learners to be aware of this for that week. Here is how you can pin a post to the top of your classroom newsfeed.
Note: You can only pin a post from a classroom's newsfeed and not from the collated newsfeed.
1. Click to access the required classroom from the landing page.
2. Click the ellipsis (...) of the post which you want to pin to top of the classroom landing page.
3. Select Pin Post from the drop-down list. The post will be pinned in your classroom and will appear at the top of the classroom newsfeed. Your pinned post will stay at the top until you unpin it or pin any other post to appear at the top.
Note: To unpin a pinned post click its ellipsis and select Unpin post.
4. A notification message appears. The post will be pinned at the top of the classroom for all users who visit the classroom. Pinned label will appear on the pinned post.
5. In case a post is already pinned in your classroom and you try to pin another post, then the current pinned post will get unpinned and the new post will get pinned.
Note: Even if you add a new post or update an existing one, the pinned post will still be placed at the top of the classroom's newsfeed.
Locking comments (Overview)
Locking comments in a post will restrict learners from viewing comments made on the post in the following two ways:
a) Lock comments: As a teacher when you lock comments on a post, it remains locked until you unlock it.
Note: This feature will be enabled on your site by default.
b) Hide comments: As a teacher when you hide comments of a post, students will be able to unlock it after they make a comment of their own.
Note: This feature will not be enabled by default on your site. Currently, it can only be enabled from our side. So, you can contact us at in case you want us to enable this feature on your Teamie site. Rest assured, we will be bringing this feature to the Manage Optional Features page soon for you to enable / disable at your own convenience.
This article will guide you on:
- Enabling lock comments
- Locking comments on a post
- Unlocking comments on a post
- Hiding comments on a post
- Unhiding comments on a post
Enabling lock comments
1. Click the global Add (+) and add a post (thought, question or task).
2. Enable lock comments on the post by clicking the lock icon.
3. Lock comments will be enabled for the post and now you will be able to lock / hide comments on the post.
Locking comments on a post
1. Enable lock comments on a post.
2. By default when you enable lock comments on a post, the comments of the posts will be locked for learners until you unlock them.

4. A confirmation message appears. Post with comments locked will be shared successfully. You have to unlock comments on a post for learners to see others' comments.
5. In case you wish to lock comments on an existing post, click the ellipsis of that post and select Lock comments from the drop down menu.
6. When a learner views the post, he/she will not be able to see the comments made by other users until you unlock them.
Note: Users with appropriate permission (like instructors and site administrators) can view the comments even if they're locked.
Unlocking comments on a post
You can unlock comments on a post anytime you choose to.
Note: As soon as you unlock comments in your post, all the learners in that classroom will be able to view any comments made by others on that post.
1. To unlock comments on a post, go to the required post.
2. Click Unlock comments now.
3. You can also click the ellipsis of the post and select Unlock comments from the drop down menu.
4. A confirmation message appears and the comments will be unlocked from the post.
We have also added a nifty notification for instructors, which tells them that all learners have commented on the post. We felt this notification is necessary to remind instructors to take the action of unlocking comments. And yeah, as an instructor, you could choose to keep the comments locked forever too! Its your call! You can unlock comments on the post by navigating to the post from the notification itself.
Learners will get notified once comments on a post are unlocked. So they wont miss out on that discussion!
Hiding comments on a post
Hiding comments in a post will restrict users from viewing comments made on the post until they post a comment of their own. Sometimes when you put up a question for discussion, the earlier comments may influence the first comment of another learner. To prevent this and to let the learner think independently, you can choose to use the hide comments options.
1. Enable lock comments on a post.
2. By default when you enable lock comments on a post, the comments of the posts will be locked for learners until you unlock them. Click on the hide icon to hide comments on the post.
4. A confirmation message appears. Post with comments hidden will be shared successfully. Learners cannot see them until they make a comment of their own.
5. In case you wish to hide comments on an existing post, click the ellipsis of that post and select Hide comments from the drop down menu.
6. When a learner views the post, he/she will be asked to make a comment before viewing other comments.
Note: Users with appropriate permission (like instructors and site administrators) can view the comments even if they're locked.
Unhiding comments on a post
You can unhide comments on a post anytime you choose to.
Note: As soon as you unhide comments in your post, all the learners in that classroom will be able to view any comments made by others on that post.
1. To unhide comments on a post, go to the required post.
2. Click Unhide comments now.
3. You can also click the ellipsis of the post and select Unhide comments from the drop down menu.
4. A confirmation message appears and the comments will be unhidden from the post.
Hiding posts
As an instructor, you can hide any post in your classrooms that you think should not be visible to the learners. You can choose to hide any post from the classroom or homepage newsfeed. Learners cannot hide a post.
The hidden posts will not be shown to the learners neither on the classroom newsfeed nor in their locker.
1. To hide a post, click it's ellipsis icon and then select Hide post. This can be done from the classroom or homepage newsfeed.
2. A confirmation message appears and the post (and its comments) will be hidden from the classroom / homepage newsfeed.
Unhiding posts
1. To hide a post from a classroom newsfeed (Posts tab), first view the hidden post(s).
2. Then, click the ellipsis of the required hidden post and select Unhide post.
3. You will get a confirmation message and the post will be unhidden. Everyone in the classroom will now be able to view the post (and any comments made on it).
Administrators will have the option to hide all the posts of one or more classrooms in bulk. So, if required, you can contact your site administrator for the same.