
Tracking Child's Activity (Parents)

As a parent, you are your child's first and most important teacher. More often than not, when parents are involved in their children's learning  activity, the children do better. There are many ways that parents can support their children's learning on Teamie. Here are some ideas to get you started!

Teamie provides you a platform to find out how your child is doing in his/her classrooms. Tracking your child’s activity can prove quite useful for his future. As a parent, you can track your child’s activity through Calendar events and To-dos on Teamie. You can see the list of upcoming items/tasks your child has to do in various classrooms and advice your child to finish his/her task on time.

This article will guide you on:

Checking Calendar events of your child

1. As soon as you login to your Teamie account, you will be able to view your child To-Dos on the homepage.

2. To view the calendar events of your children click Calendar at the top-right corner of the navigation bar.

3. Click on your child to view his / her calendar events.

4. By default, the 'All events' toggle will show up events for NEXT 7 DAYS starting from the present day.

Note - OVERDUE and NEXT 3 WEEKS categories remain collapsed by default.

You may click any event to see its description.

5. Click on a category (in this screenshot, we are clicking on NEXT 7 DAYS category) to collapse or expand it.

6. On collapsing, you will be able to see the categories (OVERDUE, NEXT 7 DAYS and NEXT 3 WEEKS) along with their respective event counts.

7. Similarly, you can view the calendar of other children by clicking on their name.

To view more about the Calendar events behaviour for learners, click here.

Checking To-Dos of your child

1. To view the To-Dos of your children, click Calendar at the top-right corner of the navigation bar.

2. Click ToDos toggle.

3. Click on your child to view his / her ToDos.

4. You will be able to view his / her ToDos.

To view more about the ToDos behaviour for learners, click here.

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