
Accessing and Managing Calendar (Instructors)

By default, the Teamie calendar display events from all of your classrooms and personal calendars. However, you can filter the calendar events to view events of certain classrooms / personal calendars. You can also access your calendar events from the navigation bar.

This article will guide you on:

Accessing Calendar from the sidebar

1. Click Sliding menu.

2. Click Calendar.

You may also click View Calendar button available in the Calendar Events side bar to open calendar in full view.

3. By default, your calendar display events of all the classrooms / personal calendars you are associated with. Teamie creates a calendar for events of all the classrooms / personal calendars you are associated with. The same calendar information is shown to learners of those classrooms when they access calendar to track the information about upcoming events with due dates (except your personal calendar events; they are exclusive to you).

4. Click Switch to Google Calendar to access your Google account calendar within Teamie.

You need to be logged in to your Google account at this time.

5. Clicking Switch to Google Calendar will display your Google Calendar within Teamie.

You will see the events of current week by default.

6. Click Switch to Learning Calendar to switch back to your Teamie Learning calendar.

7. Clicking Switch to Learning Calendar will bring you back to the Teamie Learning Calendar page.

You can quickly filter the main calendar events that have meetings enabled, either through Google Meet or Zoom meetings, by clicking the 'Show only meetings'. This way, you can quickly narrow down your upcoming meetings and join them through Teamie without hassle.

8. By default, all events types are selected and shown in the calendar. Click All Events Types to filter out certain events type.

9. Untick the checkbox corresponding to an event type to override the default selection and select the required events. The moment you un-tick some events types, they start disappearing automatically from the calendar view and you will see only the selected events.

10. You will see a list of classrooms / personal calendars by clicking the All Calendars drop-down menu.

11. If you are a member in more than 10 classrooms or have created more than 10 personal calendars, then you will see a search box in which you can type in the classroom calendar / personal calendar name to look all the events from that classroom / personal calendar and make your selection process faster.

12. By default, all classrooms and personal calendars are selected. Click Unselect All to override the default selection and select the classrooms / personal calendars of your choice.

13. To filter the events of a specific classrooms / personal calendars, tick its corresponding checkbox and un-tick any classrooms / personal calendars (if any) whose events you don’t wish to view. After you have selected the classrooms / personal calendars of your choice, you will see the calendar events of the selected classrooms / personal calendars only.

14. Click the event Title to view its full description.

  • Clicking on a homework / task will open it in a pop up on the Teamie calendar page.
  • Clicking on a personal calendar's event will open it in a pop up on the Teamie calendar page.
  • Clicking a lesson title will take you the lesson landing page.
  • Clicking an assignment title will take you to assignment landing page.
  • Clicking a quiz title will take you to view attempts page of that quiz.
  • Clicking an offline test will take you to its View/Enter Records page

Offline tests with test dates appear in the calendar as an all-day event. In case the offline test dates span multiple days, it will appear as an all-day event on all those dates.

15. You can view events and due dates on month, week or day basis.

16. You can also use the arrows of the calendar to toggle between previous or next month events.

18. Click Manage Personal Calendars to create your personal calendar and event in them. Please read our help article for more information on how to create calendars and events in them.

Accessing Calendar from the navigation bar

1. Click Calendar icon provided at the top navigation bar.

Depending on the site configuration, you may always see the Calendar Events side bar open, by default.

2. The 'Calendar events' section is further divided into three categories:


  • You will see the list of all events whose deadline has already been passed.
  • The Past category will always be closed/collapsed by default.


  • By default, you will see the events for Next 7 days (including today).
  • The NEXT 7 DAYS category will be expanded by default. Click to collapse it.


This category will be open if the NEXT 7 DAYS category is empty and will display the list of upcoming events from the next 3 weeks.

3. The "Completed" materials will be highlighted with a green indicator progress bar. This will help you view learners' progress at a glance :)

4. The materials which have not been started yet by any learner will be highlighted with a red indicator progress bar.

5. The "In Progress" materials (started but not yet completed) will be highlighted with a yellow indicator progress bar.

6. Click on the required category to collapse or expand it.

The NEXT 7 DAYS category will be expanded by default. Click to collapse it.

7. Click 'View Calendar' link to open your calendar in full view.

8. Your calendar full view will open. This is the same page that will open when you access your calendar from the sidebar.

Accessing Classroom Calendar

As an instructor, you can view the calendar events of a classroom from its Calendar tab. This will be a read-only view to view all all the events that are created for this classroom, either automatically (lesson/assessment/homework/session) or manually by you.

1. Click the required classroom.

2. Hover over the ellipsis and click Calendar.

Depending on your screen resolution, you may or may not have to hover over the ellipsis to view the Calendar tab.

3. You will be taken to the Calendar tab of the classroom. This will be a read-only view to view all all the events that are created for this classroom, either automatically (lesson/assessment/homework/session) or manually by you. This will help you quickly see the classroom's calendar event(s). It will be set to the current month view, by default, which you can set to week or day view as per your requirement. You can also switch to different months and see corresponding calendar events.

Also, all the calendar events will be color coded and a legend will be shown at the top to show the event type corresponding to the colors.

4. You can click on a calendar event to view its details, such as, from and to date, Google Hangouts Meet conference details etc

You cannot create/edit/delete events in a classroom calendar as it is read-only view. Although, you click the annotated link (in the following screenshot) to create or update events from your main calendar.

If the fixed ToDos configuration is enabled on your site, then a calendar widget will also be shown on the Posts tab of all classrooms. You can access the classroom calendar from theToDos/All Events section here.

The widget will show you the ToDos / All events for the classroom for the next 7 days, in the respective sections. Unlike the homepage calendar, this widget will not show the overdue/past or next 3 weeks events. The idea being that users would be able to view the near future events quickly for a classroom.

You can also quickly filter the classroom calendar events that have meetings enabled, either through Google Meet or Zoom meetings, by clicking the 'Show only meetings'. This way, you can quickly narrow down your upcoming meetings and join them through Teamie without hassle.

Viewing any user’s Calendar

We have a set of permissions that will allow a predefined set of users to view any users calendar from their profile page. This can be helpful for users that are assigned with overseeing a multitude of users and classrooms in administrative capacity.

This set of permissions can be enabled for specific roles on request. So, kindly write to us in case you wish to enable these permissions for users of an existing role or a new role.

Once the specific role is given the permission to view any user's calendar, then users with that role can view any user's calendar from that user's profile page as shown below:

Calendar events creation in bulk

As an instructor, you can create calendar events one by one in your classroom. In case you wish to create multiple events in bulk in a single go, then you can use the bulk import sheet at a classroom level. Let's. see how you can create calendar events in bulk for a classroom. This may help you set up calendar events that are recurring in nature beforehand in bulk.

All the events created using the bulk import sheet will be created for the classroom's/module's calendar, and not for the personal calendar.

1. Click the required classroom/module in which you wish to import the calendar events in bulk.

2. Hover over the ellipsis and click Calendar.

Depending on your screen resolution, you may or may not have to hover over the ellipsis to view the Calendar  tab.

3. You will be taken to the Calendar page of the classroom. Click import events.

4. Then, download the template and open it.

Kindly note that the From Date and To Date columns will be considered to be in the your site's timezone. For example, "Europe/London" or "Asia/Kolkata" etc.

5. Fill the following details pertaining to the calendar event creation:

  • Title
  • From date and time (The date and time format recommended for the event creation is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM)
  • To date and time (The date and time format recommended for the event creation is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM)
  • Description
  • Enable video conference drop down will also be present in the bulk import excel sheet in case the video conference integration is configured for the site (Google Hangouts Meet and/or Zoom).

6. Save the excel sheet and click Choose File and select it from your system.

7. Click Import The Data Set.

8. The import process will begin.

9. Once the import process is successfully completed, the high level summary of the import process will be shown on the Import Calendar Events page. You will be informed about the number of events that were successfully created or were not created due to some invalid data.

10. An email will also be sent to your registered email ID with the High level summary and an excel sheet will be attached to it. The sheet will have the import summary along with a Status column that indicates the status of each calendar event; whether or not the event(s) were created successfully or if there was some error(s).

An additional Details column will also be present which will show the details of any error(s) (Missing title, Invalid from date etc), if any, or the information about successful addition of the calendar events.

Calendar events Import Status: 04-Jun-2021 04:09 - - Teamie Pte Ltd Mail

11. The successfully created calendar events will now be shown in the required calendars.

Site administrators can create calendar events in bulk for multiple classrooms in a single go at the site level.

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