Grading components can be enabled on Teamie at site level or classroom level by your site administrator. If enabled at site level, the grading components will remain same for all the classrooms. On the other hand, if it is enabled at classroom level, then instructors can create grading component based on their requirement, group assessments by grading components and grade all types of assessments (Assignment, Online Quiz and Offline Test). In this article we will be talking about the case in which grading components are enabled at the classroom level.
This article will guide you on:
1. As an instructor, you can can create grading components for a specific classroom, at the time of assessment creation / editing page . In the assessment's expanded view, click Grading and Rubrics.
2. Click Manage link to add / update the grading components. Enter the Title of the component and its Weightage (in percentage) as per your requirement. You can also give a description for the component in case it is required for internal usage.
3. Click + Add Component to add new grading components.
4. Enter the Title of the component and its Weightage (in percentage) as per your requirement. You can also give a description for the component in case it is required for internal usage.
5. Click Add button to add the grading component and the component will be created shortly.
6. Repeat step 3, 4 and 5 to create more grading components.
Note: The sum of the weightages of all the grading components cannot be greater than 100%.
7. Hover over the text to view the complete description of any grading component.
8. Click "X" icon to remove a grading component.
9. Click Edit icon to edit the grading component details.
11. Click Close to back to the assessment's expanded view.
10. Once you are done adding the grading components for your classroom, it is now time to allocate grading components to your classroom's assessments.
1. In the assessment's expanded view, click Grading and Rubrics.
2. Click Select Grading component drop-down and select a component of your choice from the drop-down list.
Note: Assessments which are not grouped under any grading component will be categorized under "Ungraded" column on the gradebook page.
3. The selected Grading component will be mapped to the assessment and select the Summative weightage as per your requirement. The final score will be shown in the class Gradebook as per the grading components.
Currently, you cannot enable grading component and assign weightage to them at a section level in your classrooms. A workaround for that is adding components with the same name as your sections and allocating the same assessments to the grading components as the sections.
Let's take a scenario for better comprehension. If you have three sections (say English, Physics and Mathematics) in your classroom to which you wish to have a total of 100% as weightage of assessment at a section level. For this, follow the given steps:
1. Create three grading components named English, Physics and Mathematics with the required weightages.
2. Allocate grading components to your assessments in the same order as your sections, i.e, if the section English has three assessments A, B and C, then drag and drop A, B and C under the grading component English. Similarly, group the assessments of the sections Physics and Mathematics under the respective grading components named Physics and Mathematics.