We realised the growing needs of instructors to impart learning on a granular level to individuals and teams at a pace based on their abilities and interests. Teamie will now facilitate pedagogy, curriculum, and learning environments to meet the individual learners needs. For this, Teamie has created the feature to add teams and teamsets framework along with the ability to share lessons with individuals or teams. As an administrator, you need to first enable the personalised learning feature on your Teamie site.
This article will guide you on:
1. On your Dash homepage, click the sidebar, scroll to the Manage Teamie section and click Manage Optional Features.

2. Scroll to find the Personalised Learning card. Then, click Enable.

3. Click I understand, Enable.

4. The enabling process will begin. In the mean time, you may continue using Teamie. You will receive a notification once it's done.

4. Personalised learning feature will now get enabled on your Teamie site. A Teams tab will start appearing in classrooms where all the teamsets and teams of that classroom will be present.

1. On your Dash homepage, click the sidebar, scroll to the Manage Teamie section and click Manage Optional Features.

2. Scroll to find the Personalised Learning card. Then, click Disable.

3. Click I understand, Disable.

4. The disabling process will begin. In the mean time, you may continue using Teamie. You will receive a notification once it's done.
