Teams basically is grouping of any number of learners in a classroom, whereas teamsets are the collection of teams in a classroom. As an instructor, you will now be able to create different teams and group them in the form of teamsets. Teams will have non-repeating sets of learners for a given teamset.
This article will guide you on:
1. On the homepage, click the classroom whose teamsets and teams you wish to access.
Teamsets and teams are classroom specific, i.e. learners of different classrooms cannot be added to a team.
2. Click Ellipsis(...) and then click the Teams tab.
3. You will be taken to the Teams page where you will be able to access teamsets and teams created for the classroom.
1. Access Teams tab.
2. Click + New Teamset.
3. Type in the name of the teamset as per your requirement.
4. Click Create.
5. The teamset will be created and now you can create teams and assign learners to those teams.
Once you have created a teamset, then you can create multiple teams in it. In as teamset, you can create teams:
1. Once you have created a teamset, then you can create multiple teams in it. For this, access the teamset and click + New Team.
2. Type in the name of the team as per your requirement.
3. Click Select a member dropdown and select the learner to add to the team.
Teams will have non-repeating sets of learners for a given teamset. This means that once you add a learner to a team in a particular teamset, you cannot add that leaner in any other team of the same teamset.
4. Learners can be added one at a time in a team.
Note that only active learners can be added to a team.
In case an instructor tries to add a learner who has made an attempt into a team that already has an attempt from another learner, an error message will be shown.
5. Once you have added the required learners to the team, click Create to create the team with the selected set of learners.
6. Your team is ready with the required learners. You can share lesson resources with this set of team easily.
7. Similarly, you can add more teams to that teamset. Keep in mind while selecting member for the new teams, the old team learners will not be available to choose from.
So, for instance, if a classroom have 4 active learners and you create a teamset with two teams. If one team has 2 learners in it, then the second team can have a maximum of the remaining 2 learners. See the following screenshot:
1. Once you have created a teamset, then you can create multiple teams and add learners to them in bulk using the import template. For this, access the teamset and click Import Teams.

2. The Import Teams page opens, click Download Template.

3. Once the template is downloaded, open it.

4. The downloaded excel sheet will have two columns. The first column will be the user identifier (username or email) which will be pre-populated as per the classroom's learner details. The second column will be the Team Name. Enter the required team name for the corresponding learners as per your requirement to create the teams and import the learners in the respective teams. Then, save the template.

5. On the Import Teams page, click Choose File and select the template from your system.

6. Then, click Import The Data Set button to start the import process.

7. Once the imported is completed, you will be shown the shown the import success status and an email will be sent to your registered email ID with the import status details.

If any error(s) occurs, the reason will be mentioned. Some of the errors could be:
- User is not found
- User is not a student in this class
- User is already added to the team (in the same template)
The rows in the template that are created without error will still create teams as given.
![[TW-13180] Error handling improvements - JIRA](
8. Click the close button to return to the Teams page.

9. The teams will be created and the required learners of the classroom will be added to the respective teams in the teamset.
This import workflow is intended for new teamsets (or teamsets with no existing teams), and will not override any existing teams. If there are already teams present in a teamset, then the Import Teams button will not be present.

2. Click the pencil icon to edit the title.
3. Edit the title of the teamset as per your requirement and click the tick mark or simply press the enter key to save the changes.
2. Click the trash icon.
3. Click Yes to delete the teamset.
Once you delete a teamset, the associated teams will also get deleted.
4. A confirmation appears stating that the "Teamset name" has been deleted successfully.
2. Click on the team that you wish to make changes to.
3. The team will expand and you will be able to see the edit options as well as the members associated with that team. Click the pencil icon to rename the team.
4. Enter the required name and click the tick or simply press enter to save the changes.
5. You can also add or remove a member from the team. To add a member, click Select a member dropdown and select the learner to add to the team. To delete an existing team member, click the trash icon infront of their name.
You can modify teams even after a team member has made submission. In cases where an individual user who has made an attempt joins a team with no attempt, then their attempt is made to become the teams attempt.
The assigned scores, if any, will be impacted in the following manner:
- When an attempt is unlinked from a learner, any scores that are assigned to that learner for that assessment will be removed, the score will be unpublished and the status will be changed to Not Started.
- If the learner was unlinked from one attempt and added to another attempt, the score will still be removed and the learners score will be unpublished, with the status changed to Submitted (Pending Review).
- However, if the learners attempt remains unchanged (even if their team changes), then the score will remain unaffected.
6. Keep in mind that you cannot add learners to a team if they are already added to another team in the same teamset.
7. You can add icon to a team by hovering over it and clicking the pencil icon.
8. Click Choose file to add an image from your system or simply drag and drop an image at the specified location.
The recommended resolution for the Team image is 80 * 80 pixels.
9. Adjust the image between the given preview space. The image that is within the specified region will be cropped and used as the final image.
10. Click Submit.
11. The image will be added to your team and hopefully give more meaning to it :)
2. Click to expand the required team.
3. Click the trash icon in-front of the required learner.
4. The learner will be removed from the team. Similarly, you can remove more learners, except the last learner as a team should have at least one learner.
Once a learner is removed from a team, he/she can be added again in the same team or another team in that teamset.
Once you remove a learner from a team, he/she is automatically removed from the teamset. Reason being that Teams will have non-repeating sets of learners for a given teamset. So to remove a learner from a teamset, simply remove the learner from the corresponding team in that teamset.
Team members of a team cannot be removed if it is being used for group submissions in assignment(s). But as teams names and images don't affect the learners submissions, therefore they can be changed even after if learners have made submissions.
A team cannot be removed if it is being used for group submissions in assignment(s). But as teams names and images don't affect the learners submissions, therefore they can be changed even after if learners have made submissions.
2. Click to expand the team that you wish to remove from the teamset.
3. Click the trash icon in-front of the team name.
4. A confirmation message appears. Click Yes to delete the team.
Once you delete a team, all its team members will be available for addition in any other team of that teamset.
An instructor can now also delete an entire team, and each learner of that team will become an individual submission. If a submission was already made, only the learner who has made the attempt will have an attempt after deleting the team, the others will have Not Started status.
5. A confirmation message appears; the team will be deleted.
1. Access teamsets in the Teams tab and click the required team from which you wish to move the learners from.
3. Now, click on the team in the teamset to which you wish to move/add the required learner(s).
4. The learners that were removed from the earlier team will now show up for selection in the other team(s) of the teamset. Assign the required learner(s) to the new team.
5. This way you can move learners from one team to another within the same teamset.
You can have a learner or same set of learners in different teams if those teams are in different teamsets. So, in case you need to have a learner in one team of a teamset and not in the other team of a different teamset, simply remove the learner from the required team in the corresponding teamset.
For example, a learner "Tim Hill" is a member of "Team Alpha" in the teamset called "Machine Learning Teamset" but the same learner is not part of "Team A" in other teamset called "Robotics Teamset".
1. Create a lesson or edit it.
2. Click the Teams sub-setting.
3. Select the required teams with which you wish to share this lesson. The teams will be clubbed under their respective teamsets.
The lesson will be shared only with the selected teams and learners and not with the whole classroom users.
The Personlization setting (ability to share a lesson with teams & learners) will be disabled if a lesson is shared with more than one classroom.
4. Similarly, you can share the lesson with multiple teams.
5. The lesson will be shared with the respective teams once the lesson is published.
1. Create a lesson or edit it.
2. Click the Learners sub-setting.
3. Select the required students with which you wish to share this lesson. The teams will be clubbed under their respective teamsets.
The lesson will be shared only with the selected teams and learners and not with the whole classroom users.
The Personlization setting (ability to share a lesson with teams & learners) will be disabled if a lesson is shared with more than one classroom.
4. Similarly, you can share the lesson with multiple students.
5. The lesson will be shared with the respective teams once the lesson is published.
Q) Can we add instructors to teams?
A) No. Currently only learners can be added to teams.
Q) Can users that have instructor role at site level and learner role in some particular classroom level be added to teams?
A) Yes, users with learner role at classroom level can be added to teams created for that particular classroom.
Q) Can we add one learner to multiple teams in a teamset?
A) No. Teams will have non-repeating sets of learners for a given teamset. This means that once you add a learner to a team in a particular teamset, you cannot add that leaner in any other team of the same teamset.
Q) Can we add one learner to multiple teams that belong to different teamset in a classroom?
A) Yes. You can add one learner to multiple teams if those teams belong to separate classrooms.
Q) Can a team be removed if it is shared with one or more lessons?
A) No. A team cannot be removed if it is shared with one or more lesson. Similarly, a teamset containing a team which is shared with a lesson cannot be deleted. Although, you can edit the team (edit team name, image, add learners to it) and the teamset (edit teamsets' name and teams to it).
Yes, a team can be edited if it is used for personalised learning. Similarly, a teamset containing a team which is shared with a lesson cannot be deleted.
Q) Can we remove a learner from a team and add it to another team of the same teamset?
A) Once a learner is removed from a team, he/she can be added again in the same team or another team in that teamset.
Q) Can we remove all the learners of a team one by one?
A) No. you can remove all learners except the last learner in a team as a team should have at least one learner.
Q) If we remove a teamset, what will happen to its teams?
A) Once you delete a teamset, the teams within it will also get deleted.
Q) Can I share a lesson with team(s) or individual learner(s), if it is already shared with multiple classrooms?
A) If a lesson is shared with multiple classroom/groups, then you won't be able to share that lesson with specific teams or learners in that classroom/group because Personalisation block will disappear from the sharing block. However, you will still be able to create teamset and teams and add learners in the teams.
Q) If a lesson is shared with team(s) or individual(s), can I share that lesson with multiple classrooms?
A) if a lesson is shared with one classroom/group and the same lesson has been shared with teams or specific students, then you won't be able to share that lesson with multiple classrooms/groups.
Q) If a team is being used for group submissions in an assignment, can I edit it?
A) You can only edit the team's name and image as they don't affect the learners submissions. But, you cannot edit the teamset that the team is part of.
Q) Can we add blocked inactive users to a team in a teamset?
A) No, only active users will appear in the dropdown while selecting users to add to a team.