
Zoom Integration

Teamie offers the following two types of Zoom integrations:

1.LTI integration:- Classroom tab (

2.JWT - API Based Calendar integration:(

Note: Following are some important points for the aforementioned Zoom integrations, if configured:

In LTI integration:

  • The email address of the user in Teamie and Zoom should be the same.
  • The user who is creating the Zoom meetings should be a valid zoom licensed user.
  • The LTI based integration cannot be integrated with Teamie calendar and we cannot fetch the Zoom recordings and save it in Teamie.
  • In JWT integration:
  • The user who is creating the Zoom meetings should be a valid zoom licensed user.
  • Following are some Zoom meeting settings that are available for configuring in JWT integration (not available for LTI integration):
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