As an instructor or a learner, you might be part of many classrooms. At Dash homepage, classrooms are sorted in an alphabetical order and therefore accessing such classrooms that you visit frequently can become a tedious job.
So to make this simpler and faster, we have introduced the concept of Starred classrooms or social groups.
The Starred feature allows you to star and pin a specific Classroom or Social group to the top of your Dash homepage so that you can quickly access such classroom or social group later. Starred classrooms/social groups will appear on top of your Dash homepage in a new category named 'Starred'.
Note: Starring classrooms is a Dash-only feature.
This article will guide you on:
1. On the homepage, you will see a "Classrooms" category which contains all your classrooms. Hover on a classroom to see the star icon.
In case you are a part of any social group, then you will also see all your social groups under the "Social Groups" category.
2. Click Star to star the selected classroom.
3. The moment you star your first classroom, a new category Starred will appear on top of your Dash homepage with your starred classroom under it. You can star your favorite or more commonly used classrooms and access them quickly from the "Starred" category. You will have your own set of starred classrooms that will only be visible to you.
- The starred classrooms will also appear under the "Classrooms" category.
- You can 'Star' any number of classrooms, at anytime.
4. Similarly, you can also star your classrooms from the sidebar by clicking the star in front of them.
You can reorder your starred classrooms at any time as per you wish. This can act as a way around to reordering classrooms on the Dash homepage. Let's see how you can reorder your starred classrooms.
1. Drag the starred classroom that you need to reorder.
2. Drop the classroom at the required position under the 'Starred' category.
3. Your classrooms will be reordered accordingly.
1. You can unstar any starred classrooms very easily. Just visit your homepage to view all your starred classrooms.
2. Hover on a starred classroom to see the star icon and click it to unstar.
3. That classroom will be unstarred and will be removed from the 'Starred' category.
- The classroom you have unstarred will retain the same position under the 'Classrooms' category on the Dash homepage (in alphabetical order).
- You can unstar any number of starred classrooms, anytime you wish.
4. Similarly, you can also unstar any starred classroom from the sidebar by clicking on the star in front of it.
By default, you will see only one category named as “Classrooms” until you star some of your favorite classrooms in Dash. The moment you star your first classroom, a new category named “Starred” will start appearing on top of your Dash homepage and classrooms category will be shifted down automatically. The 'Starred' category will contain only the classrooms (and social groups, if any) that you have starred.
When you don’t have any starred classrooms, you will not see “Starred” category on your Dash homepage.
1. Click the 'Starred' category.
2. All the starred classrooms will collapse and you will only see the category name i.e. Classrooms. This gives you a much neater look and help you access the required classroom quickly. Similarly, you can collapse all the classrooms under the 'Classrooms' category.
If you navigate to a classroom / social group and then navigate back to the homepage, the category that you had collapsed will continue to appear collapsed. This means the collapsed or expanded action choices are remembered by your browser, i.e, if you open the homepage on some other browser or device, then both the categories (Starred and Classrooms) will appear expanded by default.
3. In case you need to expand any category (Starred or Classrooms), click the required category accordingly.
4. The corresponding category will be expanded to the default state.
5. Similarly, you can expand or collapse categories in the sidebar.
The categories expanded or collapsed in the sidebar will be independent of the categories that are expanded or collapsed on the homepage. This means that if any category is expanded on the homepage and collapsed in the sidebar than it will appear in the same manner. This is shown as follows:
Checkout the following video to know more about "Starring Classrooms":
You might be present in a variety of courses as a pupil or a teacher. Since the classrooms are listed on the Dash homepage in alphabetical order, finding those that you use frequently can be a hassle. backrooms game