
Creating & Managing Stories

Stories are a way for you to share your achievements, interests and learnings with your peers and the world. As a learner, you can create and manage your Stories easily on Teamie. Let's see how it can be done.

This article will guide you on:

Accessing your Stories

1. Click the sliding menu and then click My Stories.

2. You will land on the Stories page where you will be able to view all the stories that you have created.

Creating a Story

Usually, story creation is done by the "learner" role, although it is not limited to just the "learner" role and can differ from site to site. Contact your site administrator in case you have any queries regarding this.

1. Click the Global Add Button (+) at the top right corner of the screen.

2. Click Story.

3. Enter the title of the story as per your requirement.

4. Click Create for and select the required classroom with which you wish to share the story with.

5. Add a description for your story. This is not compulsory and can be done at a later time also while editing a story.

6. Click Create to create the story.

7. A confirmation message appears once the story is created successfully.

You can also refer to the following video segment to learn how to add a story:

Editing and adding content to your Story

1. Click the sliding menu and then click My Stories.

2. You will land on the Stories tab. Click the story that you wish to edit/add content to.

3. Click Edit Story.

4. Hover over the cover image and click the image icon to change the story cover image.

5. Click Choose file and select the required image from your system that you wish to set as the story cover image.

The recommended resolution for the Story cover image is 900 * 180 pixels.

6. Crop the image as per your requirement within the allowed dimensions. Then, click Submit.

7. The cover image will be set once the auto-save is completed.

8. Click Heading to add heading to your story.

9. Enter the heading text.

All the changes you make will be auto-saved.

10.  Click Theme icon to set the required theme - Dark or Light.

11. The chosen theme will be applied.

12. Click the delete icon in case you wish to delete the heading.

13. To add a text box to your story, click Textbox.

14. Enter the description of the textbox.

15. Click the expanded toolbar icon to view the additional text formatting options, such as, font, font size, indentation, equation editor, link editor etc.

16. Click and hold the side handle to resize the textbox as per your requirement.

17. You can add tags to the text boxes. Adding tags make it easier to filter and categorize content based on the added tags, that will be listed under the 'Other Tags' section. You can also choose from the global recommended tags, if any (read this link to know more about recommended tags). Enter the text for your tag(s) and press enter.

You can also monitor how many items you have added for each tag by seeing the number in the parenthesis for that tag on the right side tag section.

18. To delete the hashtag, press backspace two times or select the tag once by pressing the left arrow key/backspace and then press backspace to remove the selected tag.

19. Click Blocks to add items to your lesson page with pre-defined layouts.

20. Pick a layout from the available blocks.

21. Enter the heading text in the heading box.

22. You can simply drag and drop items into a block layout to quickly add items to it. You can also click the upload button to upload files from your system.

23.  Once you click the upload button, select the files from your system to add them to the block.

24. Click the handles and drag the item as per your requirement.

You can also replace any item in your story quickly. Just drag and drop a new file on top of it and the existing item will be replaced by the new item.

25. Click Embed to add embedded links (such as YouTube, Prezi etc) to your story.

26. Paste the link or embed code and click Done.

27. The embedded link will be added to your story.

28. Click on the added item and then click Show title.

29. Enter the title of the item as per your requirement.

30. Click Show description to add description for the item.

31. Enter the required description.

32. Add tags if required.

33. Click on an item and then click the delete icon to delete that item.

34. Click Google Drive to add items from your Google Drive to your story.

You must be a Google SSO enabled Teamie site to use the Google Drive feature.

35. Click a file and click Select to add that file to your story.

36. You can also click command/ctrl and select multiple files from your Google Drive and then click Select to add multiple files to your story.

37. The added Google Drive files can be made full screen or opened in a new tab.

38. Similarly, if you use Teamie - OneDrive integration, then you can add files from your OneDrive account.

39. Click Preview to preview your story and see how your masterpiece has panned out :)

Deleting a story

2. Hover over the story and click the Delete icon to delete that story.

3. You can also click to open that story. Then click the ellipsis and then click Delete to delete that story.

4. A confirmation message appears. Click Yes to delete the story or Cancel to abort. Once deleted, the story and all its items will be deleted permanently.

5. A confirmation message appears stating that the story has been deleted successfully.

Refer to the following video segment:

Stories sharing settings

In Teamie, you can keep your stories private or share it with other. A story can be shared at the following levels:

  • Private
  • Custom
    • Share with individual users
    • Share with classrooms (or modules)
  • Within your institution/school/enterprise
  • Public to the world (sharing stories to social media platforms, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, from within Teamie.)

This article will guide you on how to share your story at different levels. Let's see how to do this.

1. Click the sliding menu.

2. Click My Stories to view all the stories created by you.

3. Click on the story whose sharing settings you wish to change.

4. Click Edit to enter the edit mode of the story.

5. Click the Privacy dropdown. By default, the Private setting is selected which means that the story is private and only you will be able to view your story.

6. Click Custom to share the story with specific classroom(s) and user(s).

7. Once you select the Custom option, you will be able to view two new sharing settings - Share with classrooms and Share with people.

8. Click the Share with modules (classrooms) dropdown and tick the required classroom(s) checkbox(es) to share the story with one or more classrooms.

9. Similarly, click the Share with people box and start typing the required connection's name (user(s) that belong to the same classroom(s) that you are part of). Click the user from the auto populated list matching your entered text.

10. Similarly, you can add more than one connections as per your requirement to share your story with them.

11. Click the Privacy setting dropdown and select Within *Your Site Name* to share the story with all the users on your Teamie site.

12. Click the Privacy setting dropdown and select Public to the world to share your story with the world.

13. When the Privacy setting is set to Public to the world, then a Share button will appear while editing a story. Click Share.

Anyone who clicks on the public link will be able to view your story without the need to login to Teamie. Also, take note that the public story link will only give access to the public story and not anything else on Teamie.

14. Clicking the Share button will allow you to share the story publicly on any of these three social media platforms -  Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

15. You will also have the option to copy the story link in order to paste it to an external site to share the story, as required.

Posting your story to a classroom

You can quickly post a story to a classroom, that you are part of, by sharing a post with the story's link. Let's see how you can do this.

1. Click the sliding menu.

2. Click My Stories to view all the stories created by you.

3. Click on the story that you want to post to classroom.

4. Click Post to group.

'Group' is a whitelabelled term for 'Classroom' and can vary from site to site.

5. A post sharing modal opens with the story link attached and a default text pre-filled. You can add / update the content of the post and select the required classroom in which you wish to share the post with the story link.

6. Then, click Post now to share the post with the story link.

7. The post will be shared with the classroom users with the story link.

Video help section

You can refer to the following links from our YouTube channel to view the stories feature in action and learn more about it:

Refer to the following video segment:

Adding Blocks to your Story

Refer to the following video segment:

Replacing items in your Story

Refer to the following video segment:

Highlighting items in your Story

Refer to the following video segment:

Tagging Story Items

Refer to the following video segment:

Previewing your Story

Refer to the following video segment:

Liking a story & any items within a Story

Refer to the following video segment:

Commenting on a story & individual items in a Story

Refer to the following video segment:

Hiding comments in your Story

Refer to the following video segment:

Accessing public Stories

Refer to the following video segment:

Searching Stories of your connections

Refer to the following video segment:

Accessing Stories of a classroom

Refer to the following video segment:

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