
Tracking Time Spent on Teamie Resources

Following are some frequently asked questions that will clear your doubts on how Teamie tracks the time spent by learners on lessons and assessments.

This article will guide you on:

FAQs - time tracking on Teamie

Q) What happens when a learner navigates to a quiz page that he / she is allowed to attempt, but does not clicks on the Start button immediately? What will the stats in the Classroom Dashboard excel export show for the time spent on quizzes in such a scenario?

A) When a learner navigates to a quiz page and stays there for a while before starting the quiz, that time is included in the Classroom Dashboard excel export as a part of total time spent by him/ her on quizzes. The time spent on quizzes stat in the Classroom Dashboard excel export is the sum of time spent on the quiz landing page, attempting a quiz and viewing the submission of a quiz.

Q) When the instructor views the submission of a learner for a quiz, will it show the time spent by the learner on the quiz page?

A) No, in the above scenario the instructor will see only the time spent by the learner to make that submission.

Q) What happens when the SCORM content is launched and then the user leaves his computer inactive? Will the inactive time period be tracked?

A) As soon as you launch the SCORM content, the system starts tracking the time spent by the learner on the content. And if the learner leaves the SCORM content open for few hours, then the system will take that duration into account as well and add it to the total time spent by him / her on the content.

Q) Is there any case where the system stops recording the time if there is no activity on the SCORM content for some time?

A) No. Although, if a learner does not clicks on the Launch button for 1 hour, then the content will throw the timeout error and the learner will not be able to launch the SCORM content. This timeout is implemented for security reasons and prevents outdated launches by unauthorized users.

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