As an instructor, now you can track all the activity done by your classroom members from the Activity Stream page. Basically, the Activity Stream is a place from where you can know which resources (Posts, Lessons and Assessments) have been accessed, completed, when and by whom. So when you get to Activity Stream page, you can sort through the list to see any user's activity report. Additionally, you may choose to see cumulative stats of all activity done by the classroom members on a particular resources. For e.g. as an instructor, you can find out how many users have finished reading a lessons or how many users have made submissions to an assessment and lots more.
In this article, we will focus on some important activities that we think, as an instructor, you must know.
This article will guide you on:
1. Click Dashboard of the required classroom.
2. You can also access Dashboard of a classroom from its landing page.
3. Click Activity Stream.
4. The Activity Stream report shows which activities are done by enrolled users at the classroom level. Use the Activity filtering options at the top right corner of the activity stream page to look at particular user activities or apply activity type filters along with date ranges.
5. As soon as an instructor lands on the Activity Stream page, the first activity you will notice is that they have been granted the instructor role by the site administrator.
6. After an instructor is added to a classroom, they can start adding users (if allowed to manage people in classrooms) and resources (Posts, Lessons and Assessments) in their classroom. For instance, in the following screenshot, instructor had shared an assignment.
7. Instructors can add users to their classrooms and assign them a role so that they can perform certain activities in the classroom. Additionally, instructors can perform the following activities on user’s accounts whenever needed and all these activities will be logged in activity stream for future reference:
- Adding a user to a classroom
- Changing / Updating user role
- Blocking classroom access for a user in a given classroom
- Allowing / Unblocking classroom access for a user
- Revoking a role for a user
- Removing a user from a classroom
8. Whenever a user makes a comment or replies on your comment, such activities will be tracked in the activity stream of the corresponding classroom.
9. As an instructor, when you publish a lesson in a classroom, an entry is made in the activity stream.
10. Similarly an entry is made whenever you publish an assessment (Online quiz, Assignment and Offline Tests are referred as assessments in Teamie).
11. As soon as a learner accesses a lesson, an entry is made. As an instructor you may see multiple entries for the same task. This indicates that a learner has accessed that lesson multiple times.
12. Any Post/Assessment/Lessons which gets deleted from the classroom will have an entry in the activity stream with a timestamp when it was deleted.
13. As an instructor, whenever you modify the score of your assessment's questions (applicable for quiz and assignments only), a log for this activity will be created in the activity stream and scores for all the learners, who have made the submissions, will be recalculated automatically.
14. Your Classroom members can share posts in your classroom anytime. Whenever a new post is shared by them, an entry is made in the activity stream and you can track the particular user activities by applying available filters on the activity stream page as shown in the next step.
15. To check the activity log of a particular user in your classroom, type in the user name in the Activities done by text box and select the highlighted user name from the auto suggestion list and click Filter.
16. You will see a list of activities done by that particular user in your classroom so far, along with the time of the activities.
17. To see the log of activities for a user account, select Users from the Activity Type drop-down list and click Filter. By default filter is set to -- Any -- .The following activities are logged for a user account:
- User added to a classroom
- Any change made to a user’s role
- Blocked/Unblocked a user
- Revoked a user’s role
- Removed a user from the classroom
18. After the filter is applied, you will see a log of activities for the users account.
19. Select Lessons from the Activity type drop-down list to see the list of events that are related to the classroom lessons and click Filter.
20. As an instructor, you will see the following activities related to lessons:
- Lesson added by a user
- Lesson published by a user
- Lesson/Lesson's page deleted by a user
- Lesson completely read by a learner
21. Select Assessments from the Activity type drop-down list to see the list of events that are related to the classroom assessments and click Filter.
22. After the filter is applied, you will see a list of activities / events that are related to assessments.
23. Select Posts from the Activity type drop-down list to see the activities related to posts and click Filter.
24. You will see a list of activities / events which have been done by the classroom members on posts.
25. In case the Sessions feature is enabled on your site, then you will be able to filter the activity stream of the classroom to view the activities related to Sessions. To do this, select Sessions from the Activity type drop-down list and click Filter.
26. You will see a list of activities / events which have been done by the classroom members related to Sessions.
27. You can also apply Activity type filter with date range combinations. For eg: you may wish to know what are the activities that have been performed on assessments by the classroom members in the current week. To do this, select Assessments filter from the Activity type drop-down list and then select This week from the Activities from - to date picker field.
Similarly, you can choose another date filter quickly like Last week, This month, Last month and Custom Range. Click Custom Range in order to select a specific period date range from the date picker.
28. Click Filter.
29. You will see a list of activities which have been performed on various assessments in that current week. Similarly, you can view activities for other Activity type.
30. As an instructor, you can also see all the changes made to calendar event(s) that are added to the classroom calendar from the classrooms Activity Stream. In case a calendar event is created for multiple classroom calendars, there will be a separate log created for each of them.
31. The events with Google Meet conference enabled will also be included in the corresponding classroom's activity stream.
32. Select Calendar from the Activity type drop-down list to see the list of calendar events created for that classroom and click Filter.
As an instructor, you can track all the activity done by your classroom members from the Activity Stream page on a classroom's Dashboard. You can also export the corresponding activity stream in an excel format (XLSX).
1. On the homepage, hover over the required classroom card and click Dashboard.
2. On the Dashboard page, click the Activity Stream tab.
3. Click Export to export the complete activity stream logs.
4. A confirmation message appears and an email, with the export link, will be sent to your registered email id once the export is ready.
5. Click Download Export link that is received on your registered email id to download the activity stream excel export.
The download link in the email will work for only the duration of 7 days from receiving the email.

6. Open the excel sheet. The exported excel report will have two sheets Details and Activities.
The Details sheet will have the following information:
- Classroom name and time of export
- Filters applied details
- Site's timezone details
7. The Activities sheet has the following columns, which will be shown in the chronological order:
- Date & Time
- Log text
- User (the user who performed the action)
- Type (the overall category, such as Lessons, Assessments, etc.)
- Action (the specific action, such as user accessing a lesson page)
8. You can also apply the available filters (one or more in conjunction) and then export the filtered report.
