
Posting To Newsfeed (General)

Using Post module, Teamie users (Instructors, Learners and Administrators) can create posts, read, comment and reply to comments, share their opinion on different topics, ask questions, share files among themselves, or work together on a specific task and lots more.

This article will guide you on:

Using the Add Button

The global Add button which is displayed as a plus sign (+) for its ability to add globally from any where in Dash. Just use it to add a bunch of important stuff anytime, anywhere.

1. Click the global Add (+) which you can always find at the top-right hand corner in Dash.

2. For Instructors, the global Add button allows to the add the following in a jiffy:

  • Thought
  • Question
  • Task
  • Lesson
  • Quiz
  • Assignment
  • Offline Test
  • Discussion

3. As a learner, you can add the following:

  • Thought
  • Question

In case "Stories" features is enabled on your Teamie site, you will see a third option to create a Story.

Adding a thought

1. Click the global Add (+). You can add a post from anywhere on any page by just clicking '+' at the top-right corner of the page.

2. Click Thought.

Note: Learners are allowed to add "Thought" and "Questions" posts only.

3. Click Share with.

Click "+ Add Poll" to convert this post into a Question post with polls.

Similarly, you may click "+ Add Deadline" to convert this post into a task/homework post with a deadline.

4. Select the classroom from the drop down list. As an instructor, you can select one or more classrooms to share the post.

Note 1: If you trying to share a post from classroom page, then that classroom will be auto selected in the "Share with" drop down field.

Note 2: Learners are not allowed to share post with multiple classrooms.

5. Type your thought in the text box.

You can format your post text using the rich text formatting tools. Rich text will support the following options: Bold, Italics, Underline, Hyperlink, Bulleted List, Numbered List, Blockquote, Strikethrough and Virtual keyboard. You can also use the following keyboard shortcuts to format the post's text:

  • Bold : Ctrl+b (windows) / Cmd+b (Mac)
  • Underline : Ctrl+u (windows) / Cmd+u (Mac)
  • Italic : Ctrl+i (windows) / Cmd+I (Mac)

6. Click Attach Materials to attach classroom's materials to the post.

7.  Type out the materials name in the Search box to find out the relevant materials you are looking for. Once you start typing in the search box, you will start seeing suggestions for the matching keyword entered in the search box. Select the material(s) of your choice from the search results and then click Attach to attach the material to the post.

You may attach the following materials to your post:

  • Lesson
  • Lesson pages
  • Assignments
  • Online Quizzes and
  • Offline Tests

8. The material(s) will be attached to the post instantly.

9. You can repeat step 8 to add more materials to the post.

10. Click attachment icon and select attachments (images, videos, audios and documents (.doc, pdf and ppt) to add to your thought.

Note 1: A progress bar will show you the upload progress of your attachment. Do not post the thought before the progress of any attachment is complete.

Note 2: You can also drag ‘n’ drop file attachments for posts. Simply drag and drop files (or folders!) onto the post share box and they will get added as attachments to your posts in a jiffy!

11. Paste a link in the post share box and it will get attached automatically to the post as a link attachment. Voilà!

If the text of the post or comment has some text along with the link, then the link will appear twice (in the post body and as a link attachment). User could have included the link in the text to provide some context specific information.

If the text of the post / comment has only the link, then the link will be attached as link attachment and will be removed from post body or comment text.

You can also select some text and then click the link icon to add hyperlink to the selected text. Furthermore, you can click cmd+K (on mac) or control+ K (on windows) after selecting the text to add the hyperlink.

Sometimes, you might have a lot of links attached to the post and do not want their link previews to appear under the post. For this, click the settings icon and select Disable link previews from the dropdown.

Clicking the Disable Link Previews setting will disable link previews for all future links in all future posts. This setting is saved as a user level preference, so that even if you log in again the setting will be remembered that you have disabled the link previews. The link previews are enabled by default. Only when you disable it, the link preview will stop appearing.

When disabled, any links that are added by you (either as a pasted link or using the hyperlink option in the rich text editor) will not have the link previews shown in the post create form and in the created post. Once disabled, the dropdown setting label will change to Enable Link Previews, clicking on which will enable link previews again.

12.  You can also add files from your Google drive to your posts. For this, click Google Drive.

13. Locate the folder where you have created the Google document in your Google Drive, select the file you wish to upload and click Select.

14. The selected files will be attached to the post shortly.

You can change document sharing settings as per your requirement. To set sharing permission, hover onto a document that will highlight an eye icon, click it to set access permission for each document uploaded from your Google drive. The sharing settings are as follows

  • Allow classroom members to view - Users can only view the attached Google document but can’t edit or comment on it.
  • Allow classroom members to comment - Users can view and add comments, but can’t perform edit action.
  • Allow classroom members to edit -   Users can view, add comments and edit the attached Google document.
  • Allow anyone within Teamie to comment - Anyone with the link to the file can comment on it.
  • Allow anyone within Teamie to edit  - Anyone with the link to the file can edit it.
  • Allow anyone within Teamie to view - Anyone with the link to the file can access and view it.

Similarly, if your site is configured with Microsoft 365 login method then you will see "Pick file from OneDrive" icon to uploaded files from your OneDrive account.

15. If you want to attach a recording (maybe a motivational speech) to your your though post, click recording.

16. Click Record to start recording.

17. Click Stop when you are done recording.

18. Your file will be attached after the progress bar reaches 100%.

19. Click lock in case you wish to lock comments in the post.

Only instructors will have the option to lock comments. When this setting is enabled, learners will only be able to view their comments till you (as teacher/trainer/instructor) you unlock it.

You may also enable Hide Comments setting for a post which restricts a learner from viewing other learner's comments until they make a comment of their own.

Only one setting (either Lock or Hide Comments) can be enabled for a post, at a time.

20. Click announcement to share this post as an announcement.

Only instructors will have the option to make a post as an announcement.

21. By default the method of announcement will be set as bulletin board notification.

Note: Notifications will be viewable only if the user logs in to Teamie. Or if the user has the Teamie mobile app installed, he/she will get a push notification.

22. Click Email if you wish to send the announcement both as an email and a bulletin board notification.

If required, announcement option can be enabled, by default, at the site-level while creating posts on Teamie for instructors. This will mean that, as an instructor, when you create any type of post (Thought / Question / Homework) on Teamie, the announcement option will be enabled by default. You can also choose which notification delivery mode(s) should be enabled by default -Bulleting board notifications, email notifications or both. In case you wish to enable this on your site, kindly write to us or contact your Teamie account administrator.

23. As teacher/instructor, you may allow parents to view the post by enabling "Make visible to parents" toggle.

24. You can also enable "Make visible to parents" after creating a post. To do this, click "ellipsis (...)" icon and then select "Make visible to parents" option from the drop down.

25. Click Post Now.

Note: You can also make your post a draft or a schedule post.

26. A confirmation message appears. The post will be posted immediately to the classroom's newsfeed. Mission accomplished!

Adding a question

To create a question post, the steps are similar to adding a thought. However, by using the Question, you can create a poll question quickly. Read "What is difference between thoughts and questions?" to learn more.

1. Click the global Add (+) at the top-right corner of the page and select Question.

2. Click Share with and select the classroom from the drop down list. As an instructor, you can select one or more classrooms to share the post.

Note 1: If you trying to share a post from classroom page, then that classroom will be auto selected in the "Share with" drop down field.

Note 2: Learners are not allowed to share post with multiple classrooms.

3. Type your question in the text box.  

Note: You can also create a question with other types of attachments such as Link, Image, Document, Audio, Video, and recently used hashtags. For this refer to "Adding a thought".

4. Click Post Now.

Note: You can also make your post a draft or a schedule post.

5. The question will be posted immediately to the classroom's newsfeed.

Creating a poll

You can change a question to become a poll by giving options for user to vote for.

1. You can not delete/remove the poll options once users have voted on the poll.

2. You cannot create a poll with single choice/option, i.e, a poll must have atleast two choices/options.

2. Type in an option.

3. Simply press enter to key in another option. Keep repeating this step to add more poll options.

4. Click dotted circle to switch from single choice to multiple choice options for a poll.

5. The radio buttons will change to check boxes and now the users can choose multiple options. Click Post Now.

6. The poll question will be posted on the classroom's/homepage newsfeed page. Poll takers can select one or more options and click on the tick mark to submit the poll.

7. Teachers having access to a poll can see the poll count (number of people who voted for an option) in the right hand column, once they submit their vote.

Note 1: If someone has already taken the poll, their selected options will be seen as highlighted.

Note 2: A poll can only be taken once.

8. Click on any options count to see the list of users who have voted for that option in the poll.

Instructors can see the list of users who have voted for an option in any poll. Whereas, a learner can only see list of users who have voted for an option in a poll created by him/her.

Editing a post

By default, only post owner has the ability to edit/modify a post. An instructor is given additional permission to edit/remove any post shared by a learner in his/ her classroom, if he/she found the post's content inappropriate.

As an instructor you may edit posts to add more stuff to the post or just correct minor mistakes, add/remove attachments, modify the post text, edit poll/ add new poll options (poll options can be edited if no user has taken the poll yet), modify the deadline of the task’s post and so on.

1. To edit a post, click the ellipsis (...) icon and select Edit.

2. Edit post has its own set of actions. Edit your post as per your requirement.

3. You may add file or audio attachments, if required.

4. Click X to remove any existing link attachments.

5. Or add new link attachment by pasting the link in the text box.

Sometimes, you might have a lot of links attached to the post and do not want their link previews to appear under the post. For this, click the settings icon and select Disable link previews from the dropdown.

Clicking the Disable Link Previews setting will disable link previews for all future links in all future posts. This setting is saved as a user level preference, so that even if you log in again the setting will be remembered that you have disabled the link previews. The link previews are enabled by default. Only when you disable it, the link preview will stop appearing.

When disabled, any links that are added by you (either as a pasted link or using the hyperlink option in the rich text editor) will not have the link previews shown in the post create form and in the created post. Once disabled, the dropdown setting label will change to Enable Link Previews, clicking on which will enable link previews again.

6. Click Save Changes to save the changes made to the post. Or click Discard, if you have changed your mind regarding editing the post and want to retain the existing post.

7. On clicking Save changes, a success message appears showing that you have successfully updated your post.

Deleting a post

You can delete a post that you have added to the newsfeed. As an instructor you can delete any post added to your classroom. Whereas, as a learner you can only delete posts created by you.

1. Click the ellipsis (...) icon for the post you wish to delete and then select Delete from the drop down list.

2. Click Yes, Delete! to delete the post permanently.

4. A confirmation message appears. The post will be deleted. All gone!

Note: Deleting posts on Teamie is permanent. The data cannot be retrieved later.

Commenting on posts

1. Click the Comment box of the post you wish to add comment for.

2. Type out your comment in the text box.

3. You have the freedom to add attachments and/or audio recording to your comments. Go ahead, make your comments exciting!

To add one or more attachments, click attachment and drag and drop file(s) to the comment box.

Note: You can add multiple attachments as well as audio recordings in your comments.

4. The file will be attached to your comment.

Note: You can delete the attachment by clicking x.

5. In order to add audio recording to your comment, click voice recorder.

6. Click Allow to grant Teamie access to use your device Microphone and then click Record button. This is a one time process.

7. Click Stop when you are done recording. You can playback your recording in order to be sure, and delete the recording to record again if you think you can do better.

8. Click Post to add your comment to the post.

9. Your comment will be added to the post immediately.

If a post has multiple comments made under it, then the last two comments will be shown by default along with an Expand all comments button to expand all the comments. Comments are sorted by the posted (or updated) timestamp, with the comment last posted (or updated) appearing at the end.

Replying to comments

1. Click Reply on a comment you wish to reply to.

2. Type out your the reply in the text box and click Post.  

Note: You can also add file attachments and audio recordings to your replies similar to how you do while commenting on posts.

3. Your reply will be posted shortly and nested below the comment.

Replying to comment replies

At one point or the other, you might have been engaged in some engrossing conversations on Teamie. One thing you might have missed would be the ability to reply on a comment, which is referred to as a comment reply, in a post. This can sometimes cause disruption in exchanging information as the user needs to click on a comments Reply button each time, even though they are actually referring to the previous reply. To solve this issue, we have now added a Reply button to each individual reply made on a comment.

Let's see how you can reply specifically to a reply on a post.

1. Click the Reply count of the required comment.

2. You will be able to see a Reply button on the comment reply. Click on it.

3. Moreover, when you click the Reply button, the owner of the reply will be automatically tagged in the new reply. Type in your reply and click Post.

4. The reply will be posted and the tagged user will be informed through a tagging notification.

Resharing Posts

Resharing posts lets you share posts created by you or others in the classrooms of your choice. It lets you avoid the hassle of creating an already existing post which you need to share with a single or multiple classrooms.

Note: Learners are allowed to reshare post only with a single classroom at a time.

1. Hover over a classroom card and click Posts to navigate to the posts page.

2. Click ellipsis (...) of the post you want to reshare and then select Reshare from the drop-down menu.

3. Click the Share with menu.

Note: If required, you can edit the post before resharing it.

4. Select the classroom you wish to share this post with.

Note: The displayed list of classrooms will be the classrooms you are part of.

5. You can select multiple classrooms to reshare your post.

Note: Learners can select only one classroom to reshare their post.

6. Click Post Now.

7. A confirmation message appears. The post will be reshared with the selected classrooms. This is what they mean when they say, "maximum gain with minimum effort!"

Note: You will be considered the owner of the reshared post.

Mentioning users in a post

You can mention users in your post. The users mentioned by you will receive notifications in their bulletin board. So whenever you think one or more users should certainly look at a post you are creating, try mentioning them!

1. Type the "@" symbol in the post share box screen followed by the user's name to directly refer to specific users profile.

2. You will see a list of matching usernames. Click the desired username or simply press Enter to select the user you wish to mention in your post.

3. Click Post Now once you have finished typing out your post.

4. The mentioned user in your post will receive a notification in his/her bulletin board.

Read this to know more about tagging resources in posts.

Creating a post with hashtags

A hashtag is used to draw users attention as it makes it easy to find relevant content by search on specific hashtag, becomes a link to search and so on. The hashtag works like a filter in Teamie to search posts on specific hashtag.

The symbol of hashtags is "#". They make it easy to find relevant content by search on specific hashtag. You can use hashtags (also know as 'tags') to categorize your posts in Dash.

You can filter your posts on Teamie based on specific hashtags. This makes it easier to find content based on their hashtags and thus capture users attention.

1. Type the "#" symbol before a relevant keyword or phrase in your post without space.

Note: You can use multiple hashtags.

Click to use Suggested tags placed at the bottom of the post share box. These are the hashtags that are already used in some other posts created in the classroom and might interest you. So enjoy reusing the hashtags!

2. Click Post Now to add your post.

3. Teamie will create a link for each hashtag that you have added in your post. Posts that have the same hashtag will be grouped together. Clicking the hashtag will show all the posts that are marked by the hashtag.

4. The moment user clicks on this hashtag, they will be able to see all the posts in the classroom tagged with this hashtag.

Filtering posts on the basis of hashtags

As you know by now clicking on any hashtag in a post shows you all the posts that has been tagged with a specific hashtag. But hashtags can make your life even more simpler. You can filter posts in a classroom on the basis of hashtags. All you need to do is access the hashtags from the classroom's Posts section. Let's see how it can be done:

Read this to know more about filtering posts on the collated newsfeed.

1. Click the required classroom on the home page.

2. You will see a list of hashtag used in different posts under the FILTER BY HASHTAGS section.

By default, the top 10 hashtags are shown in the filter section. A Click to load more hashtags link will be present in case more than 10 hashtags are there in a classroom. Clicking on this link will load the next 10 hashtags in the order of popularity and this process can be repeated to view all the hashtags in a classroom and quickly filter posts by them.

3. Click the hashtag on the basis of which you wish to filter the posts in this classroom.

4. All the posts which are tagged with this hashtag in the classroom will be displayed. Isn't it #Awesome!

You can reset the applied hashtag filter by clicking the reset icon. Also, posts can only be filtered on the basis of one hashtag at a time and multiple hashtags cannot be selected to filter posts by them.

Voting up comments

You can vote up comments and the replies on the comments made by others in a "question" post. By voting up, you can indicate the comments are useful and appropriate. This way the owner of the comment will know that his/her comment is appreciated and would encourage him/her to comment useful content in the future also.

1. Click Vote Up to vote the comment that you wish. You can vote up as many comments as you wish in the newsfeed. However, you can only vote one time for a comment in the newsfeed.

2. The number of votes received by the comment is shown in the vote box.

The author of the comment will be notified when someone has voted up his/her comment.

Accessing Locker

Keeping individuals data safe all time is a major challenge, but you do not need to worry about it. We give you the tool called Locker which organizes your important data such as draft and scheduled posts and store them safely. You can edit, delete and publish these posts anytime. You can access your Locker by following few simple steps:

1. Click sliding menu.

Note: Sliding menu on Dash is not restricted only to the homepage. You can access it from anywhere on Dash. Its omnipresent!

2. Click My Locker.

3. By default, the draft posts will be visible on the Locker landing page.

4. Click Scheduled Posts.

5. Now you will be able to view the posts you have scheduled to be posted at a later time.

Similarly, you can explore different areas of locker as explained below:

  • My Locker Posts - provides you the list of posts you have created in your classrooms.
  • My Locker Lessons - can see the list of lessons shared in your classrooms.
  • My Locker Assessments - can see the list of assessments shared in your classrooms.
  • My Locker Rubrics - shows the rubrics created across different assessments in your classrooms.
  • My Grade schemes - shows the list of grade schemes created and mapped to different assessments in your classrooms.
  • Saved Comments - You can view all the comments that you have saved from all your classrooms from your locker.
Adding a draft post

Sometimes you start creating a post and decide to leave it in between (maybe due to some urgent work or it might just be that you don't have your thoughts organised yet). For such scenarios Dash provides a wonderful way out, that is, "Draft Posts". You can create a post and save it as a draft post with single / multiple classrooms and publish it later by accessing it from the locker.

Note: Learners cannot share draft posts with multiple classrooms.

1. Enter the post text (thought, question or task) and share it with the required classroom(s).

Note: Learners are not allowed to create task posts.

2. Click Post Now down arrow and select Save as Draft from the drop-down list.

3. When you will be saving a draft post with multiple classrooms for later use, the system will create a separate post in each of the selected classrooms, which can be edited and posted independently.

Only instructors will be able to share a draft post with multiple classrooms.

4. Click Save as Draft.

5. A confirmation message appears. Your draft post is created and safely put into your locker.

If you are feeling lazy like we all do sometimes and don't even want to select and click Save as Draft after adding the post, then just click anywhere other than the post creation box. Voila! The post will be saved as draft automatically.

A separate draft post will be created in each of the selected classrooms, which can be edited and posted independently from the "Locker -> Draft Posts".

Editing draft posts

You can edit the content of your draft posts. You can also post your draft post or make it a scheduled post.

2. Click Edit of the required draft post.

3. The post share box opens. Edit the content of the text, add attachments or lock comments.

Note: Learners are not allowed to share a post as an announcement.

4. Click down-arrow which appears next to Save as Draft label.

5. Select Post Now from the drop-down menu to publish your draft post.

6. Now click Post Now to publish your draft post to the newsfeed.

7. A confirmation message appears. Once the draft posts are published, they no longer appear in the Locker.

8. The draft post will be available in the classroom's newsfeed it is shared with.

9. In case you wish to convert your Draft post into a scheduled post, select Schedule from the drop-down list.

10. Set the date and time you want the scheduled post to be shared automatically and then click Schedule.

Deleting draft posts

2. Click Delete of the post you wish to delete from your locker

3. You will be asked to confirm if you are sure about deleting the draft post. Click Yes, Delete!.

4. Pufff! Gone! A confirmation message appears. Your draft post will be permanently deleted and won't be showing up in your locker from now onwards.

Posting draft posts

2. Click Post now of the required draft post.

3. A confirmation message appears. The draft post is shared with the corresponding classroom.

Note: Once the draft posts are published, they no longer appear in the Locker.

Adding a scheduled post

Schedule post gives you the ability to schedule your posts for a future date and time. You can create any post and decide a suitable future date and time for the post to be shared to the required classrooms. The scheduled post will be shared automatically at that time. For instance, you find some free time on your weekends and decide to create a post that you need to share with your class on Monday, 8 AM. All you need to do is create a post and schedule it to be shared at 8 AM on Monday. This way you get to utilize your free weekend time and have one thing less to worry about on the usually hectic Mondays.

Note: Learners cannot share scheduled posts with multiple classrooms.

1. Enter the post text (thought, question or task) and share it with the required classroom(s).

Note: Learners are not allowed to create task posts.

2. Click Post Now down arrow and select Schedule from the drop-down list.

3. When you will be saving a scheduled post with multiple classrooms for later use, the system will create a separate post in each of the selected classrooms, which can be edited and posted interdependently.

Only instructors will be able to share a scheduled post with multiple classrooms.

3. Click the Date and Time stamp.

4. Set the date and time at which you want your scheduled post to be shared in the classroom automatically. Then, click Done.

5. Click Schedule.

Note: Alternatively, clicking anywhere outside the post share box will also schedule the post.

6. A notification message appears at the bottom left corner of the page. You can click View your scheduled posts to view your schedule posts in the locker.

A separate scheduled post will be created in each of the selected classrooms, which can be edited and posted independently from the "Locker -> Scheduled Posts".

Editing schedule posts

2. Click Scheduled Posts.

3. Click Edit of the required scheduled post.

4. The post share box opens. Edit the content of the text, add attachments, lock comments or make it as an announcement.

Note: Learners are not allowed to share a post as an announcement.

5. You can also change the date and time of the schedule post to any future date and time. To do this, click the date and time stamp and set the required time. Don't forget to click Done.

Note: You cannot schedule a post for a past date and time.

6. Click "X" to stop a link appearing in the link previews section.

7. Click Schedule to save the changes you have made.

8. A confirmation message appears. Your scheduled post will be updated and shared automatically in the assigned classroom on the given date and time.

9. In case you wish to share your scheduled post immediately, select Post Now.

10. To convert your schedule post into draft post, select Save as Draft from the drop-down list.

11. Click Save as Draft to update your post.

12. It will now be available as a draft post in the locker.

Deleting scheduled posts

2. Click Delete of the post you wish to delete from your locker.

3. You will be asked to confirm if you are sure about deleting the scheduled post. Click Yes, Delete!.

4. Pufff! Gone! A confirmation message appears. Your scheduled post will be permanently deleted and won't be showing up in your locker from now onwards.

Posting scheduled posts

In case you wish to share a scheduled post before its scheduled date and time of publishing, then use Post Now option to share the post immediately. Let's see how you can do it.

2. Click Post now of the required scheduled post.

3. A confirmation message appears. The post will now be visible in the classroom's newsfeed.

Video tutorials

How to share posts on Teamie?

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    Ali Raza

    Custom mugs The post share box opens. Edit the content of the text, add attachments, lock comments or make it as an announcement.

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