Quizzes can be created by users with "Instructors" role.
Note: "Instructors" is a white-labelled term, i.e, it may change for different Teamie sites. For instance, you may be using "Teachers" instead of the term "Instructors".
This article will guide you on:
1. Click the global Add (+). You can add an online quiz from anywhere on any page by just clicking '+' at the top-right corner of the page.
2. Click Quiz.
3. Enter the quiz title, select the classroom and the section in which the quiz needs to be created as denoted by point "1, 2 and 3" respectively in the following screenshot.
Sections will appear based on the classroom you select.
4. Click the Create button to create the quiz.
5. You will be taken to the quiz editing page after the quiz is created and the created quiz is saved in Draft mode by default. The quiz questions are added from this page.
You can also create a quiz by accessing the Materials page of a classroom and then hover the cursor over a materials to see the + Add link. Click the +Add link and then select Create Online Quiz from the context menu
Once you have added a quiz, you can then start adding the different type of quiz questions (FiB, Match the following, MCQ, OneWord, Open-ended, True/False) to it as per your requirement by following the steps below:
The fill in the blank (FiB) question type consists of a phrase, sentence or paragraph with a blank space indicating where the learner needs to type in the missing word(s). You can add options to create a question with multiple answers. The answers given by a learner are scored based on whether the learner's answer matches the correct answers. You can choose on whether or not the answer is case sensitive.
1. Click + Add a Question / Add Question.
2. Click FiB.
3. A pop-up window opens. Enter Question text. This is the question text that will appear on the Quiz.
4. Optionally, you can insert an image or embed a video by clicking Insert.
5. Highlight the word or phrase that needs to be made a blank and click FiB.
6. The answer will be converted into a blank and will be added as a right answer under Blank details.
7. To add new options, click Add Option.
FIB question can have multiple blanks. It's not necessary to have only one blank.
8. Tick multiple options to allow more than one correct answer. These options are displayed to the learner to choose from for the given blank.
By default, a character limit to 50 characters is implemented for the fill in the blanks quiz questions. Therefore, the maximum number of characters that can be added by a learner in response for a fill in the blanks quiz question is restricted to 50 characters.
This limit is implemented to restrict learners from mistakenly typing long phrases/sentences as responses for fill in the blanks questions. This is a site-level configuration and can be changed on requested. Kindly contact your site administrator or our support team in case you wish to change this character limit.
9. Enter the score as required.
10. If you want to set the correct answer to be case-sensitive, tick Case-sensitive comparison.
When enabled, the learners will need to type in the answers in the case sensitive format. For example, "everest" and "Everest" are two different words because the "E" is uppercase. Hence, if the learners type in the answer as "everest/mount everest" instead of "Everest/Mount Everest" then the system will consider the submitted answer as wrong.
11. Enter the Right / Wrong Answer feedback which will be shown to the learner when they get the question right / wrong.
12. Click the Add Question button to add the question to the quiz.
13. The FiB question will be added to the quiz. The quiz will get auto-saved after each question is added.
The match the following question allows the learners to match items in one column to items in another column. You can add sets of questions and matching answers in this question type. Example, you can set your question to have a list of countries and the list of capital cities. Learners would match the each country with its capital city. If a learner answered part of the question correctly, he/she will be granted no scores because the partial marking is not yet supported on Teamie.
1. Click Match the Following.
2. A pop-up window opens. Type in your question.
3. Click Insert to insert an image or embed a code/video to the question.
4. Enter two or more choices with their respective matching choices in the same row (they will be shuffled when displayed to the learner). And minimum of three rows are required to create a Match the Following question.
5. Click Add another row to add more choices to match.
6. Enter the choices in the newly added row.
7. You can delete the additional rows that you have added by clicking Remove link and the row will be deleted immediately.
8. Enter the Right / Wrong Answer feedback which will be shown to the learner when they get the question right / wrong.
As an instructor, you can now use the rich text editor while adding the right / wrong feedback for quiz questions. Once you select any text, the editor is shown and you can use the following rich text options:
- Bold
- Italic
- Underline
- Link
- Superscript
- Subscript
- Equation
Note: If required, you can update any existing feedback for quiz questions as well.
Learners can view the questions' feedback added by instructor while attempting the quiz (if the View Correct Answers setting is set for 'After attempting each question') and also after submitting their attempt for evaluation by clicking 'View My Attempts'.
9. Click the Add Question button to add the question to the quiz.
10. The match the following question will be added to the quiz. The quiz will get auto-saved after each question is added.
The multiple-choice question (MCQ) allows a learner to choose the correct answers from a set of alternatives or possible answers that is the best answer(s) to the question. As partial marking is not yet supported for MCQ question as well, learners will need to choose/select all correction answers from the given set of possible answers.
1. Click MCQ.
2. A pop-up window opens. Enter Question text. This is the question text that will appear on the Quiz.
3. Click Insert to insert an image or embed a code/video to the question.
4. Type in the options for the MCQ and tick before the correct option. You can also add more options by clicking Add Option. Minimum two options are required.
5. MCQ options can be in rich text. Select the required and select the rich text option that you wish to add.
6. You can also add media to each option. Click Insert Image button and select a suitable image from your system.
7. In case, you wish to delete any added option, then click Remove link shown next to each option and the selected option will be deleted.
Multiple choice questions, with more than one correct answer selected, will have the option to Allow partial marking.
The partial marking logic for MCQ is different from the match the following questions as selecting one of the incorrect answers will result in score deduction.
Each correct choice will be awarded n marks, and each incorrect choice will have n marks subtracted. n will be equal to the total score of the question divided by the number of correct choices. So, for instance, if the total score of the question is 4 and it has 2 correct choices, then n will be equal to 4/2 = 2. So, if a learner chooses one correct and one incorrect answer, then the score awarded for that question will be 0 (+2 2 = 0).
Tip: Take note that the score cannot go below 0. If the score is computed less than 0, then the score will be considered as 0.
8. Click Done to add the question to the quiz.
9. The MCQ will be added to the quiz. The quiz will get auto-saved after each question is added.
The one word question allows a learner to type in the correct answer in one word. The common example of this type of question is in mathematics where a learner needs to type in the correct answer.
1. Click OW.
2. A pop-up window opens. Type in your question.
3. Optionally, you can insert an image or embed a video by clicking Insert.
4. Type in the correct one word answer in the text box.
By default, a character limit to 50 characters is implemented for the one word quiz questions. Therefore, the maximum number of characters that can be added by a learner in response for a one word quiz question is restricted to 50 characters.
This limit is implemented to restrict learners from mistakenly typing long phrases/sentences as responses for one word questions. This is a site-level configuration and can be changed on requested. Kindly contact your site administrator or our support team in case you wish to change this character limit.
5. Click the Add Option button to add more options.
Note: Learner will get the question right, if he/she enters any one of the options that you have provided.
6. If you want to set the correct answer to be case-sensitive, tick Case-sensitive comparison.
7. Click the Done button to add the question to the quiz.
8. The OW question will be added to the quiz. The quiz will get auto-saved after each question is added.
The open-ended question allows the learner to upload a document for submission. Alternatively, the learner can type answer in a text box. You (instructor) can set the number of characters that a learner can type for answering the question. The built-in annotation tools allow you to view and annotate document submitted by a learner. You need to grade the learner's answer submitted manually.
1. Click Open-ended icon.
2. A pop-up window opens. Type in your question.
3. Click Insert to insert an image or embed a code/video to the question.
4. By default the File submission option will be enabled to allow learners to upload a document for this question.
5. Enable Textual submission to allow learners to type their answers in the text box.
6. Tick Limit the number of characters. if required, you can set the maximum limit of characters that can be used to answer the question by limiting the number of characters that a learner can add for the submission.
7. You can also allow learners to record audio for open-ended quiz questions. Once enabled, learners will see the option to record audio during their attempt.
8. Click Add Question to add the open-ended question to the quiz.
9. The open-ended question will be added to the quiz. The quiz will get auto-saved after each question is added.
The True/False question allows a learner to select either true or false in response to a question. The answer options in this question type are limited to True and False.
1. Click T/F.
2. A pop-up window opens. Type in your question.
3. Click Insert to insert an image or embed a code/video to the question.
4. Enable the correct answer (true or false).
5. Click the Add Question button to add the question to the quiz.
6. The T/F question will be added to the quiz. The quiz will get auto-saved after each question is added.
AI-Generated Quizzes are designed to streamline the process of creating formative assessments and empowering educators to focus on what truly matters enhancing student learning experiences.
The AI-Generated Quiz feature allows teachers to quickly and easily create quiz questions using Generative AI. It utilizes advanced large language models (LLMs) to help teachers create engaging and customized quizzes effortlessly. This innovative tool leverages the power of AI to generate a variety of questions based on specific criteria, making quiz creation faster and more efficient than ever before. This tool can prove to be particularly useful for generating additional practice questions, whether for the entire class or for individual students who may need extra support.
Let's see how you can create an AI quiz on Teamie.
Please verify the answers for the AI generated questions as they may contain inaccuracies.
1. Click the global Add (+) button. You can add an AI quiz from anywhere on any page by just clicking '+' at the top-right corner of the page.
2. Click AI Quiz.
3. Enter the AI Quiz Title, select the classroom and the section/unit in which the quiz needs to be created as denoted by point "1, 2 and 3" respectively in the following screenshot.
4. Click the Generate AI Quiz button to create the AI quiz.
5. You will be taken to the quiz editing page after the quiz is created and the created quiz is saved in Draft mode by default. The quiz questions are added from this page. For the AI quiz, the Generate Questions modal is directly opened, once the quiz is created.
6. You have a variety of options to customize the content to meet the unique needs of your students and curriculum. This flexibility ensures that the questions generated are not only relevant but also aligned with the learning objectives of your classroom. Heres how you can tailor the quiz content:
- Curriculum Selection: You can choose from a predefined list of curricula or enter your own if its missing. This ensures that the questions generated are aligned with the educational standards and frameworks you follow.
- Grade Level: Select the appropriate grade level for your students. This allows the AI to generate questions that are suitable for the age group and academic level of your learners.
- Subject Specification: The subject field is automatically populated based on the curriculum and grade level you choose. However, if your specific subject isnt listed, you have the option to manually enter it. This ensures that the questions are tailored to the exact subject matter youre teaching.
- Topics: After selecting the subject, you can refine the focus by selecting or entering specific topics. The system provides a list based on your previous selections, but you also have the flexibility to add your own topics. This allows for a more targeted approach, ensuring that the generated questions cover exactly what you need.
7. Click Next.
8. To further customised the content of the quiz, you can set the following:
- Sub-Topic: After selecting the subject, you can refine the focus by selecting or entering specific sub-topics. The system provides a list based on your previous selections, but you also have the flexibility to add your own sub-topics. This allows for a more targeted approach, ensuring that the generated questions cover exactly what you need.
- Difficulty Level: You can set the difficulty level of the questions to match the capabilities of your students. Whether you want to challenge advanced learners or provide additional practice for those who need it, you can choose from Easy, Medium, or Hard questions.
- Additional Instructions: To further refine the question generation, you can provide additional context or instructions. This helps the AI understand the nuances of what your'e looking for, leading to more accurate and relevant questions.
9. Click Next to decide the type of quiz questions that you want to generated.
10. Question Type and Count: You can decide the types of questions (e.g., Multiple Choice, One Word, True / False & Fill in the blanks) and how many of each type you would like to generate (with a maximum of 10 at a time). This ensures that your quiz is balanced and covers the material comprehensively.
11. Click Generate to generate the quiz questions.
12. The AI will generate the questions, verify the answers, and automatically add them to your quiz. Teachers can then review and make any necessary adjustments before publishing the quiz for students to attempt.
Our AI system uses a combination of Large Language Models (LLMs) to ensure the highest quality of quiz questions. The questions are generated by one LLM and then validated by another to ensure accuracy. At present, we are using the Google Gemini LLM to generate the questions and OpenAIs GPT-4 to validate them.
If both LLMs agree on the correct answer, the question is included in the quiz. This dual-layer validation minimizes the risk of errors and hallucinations, providing high-quality questions that meet educational standards.
The AI-generated questions are stored in our database and marked with a wand symbol for easy identification.
13. You can also generate quiz questions using AI and add them to an existing normal Teamie quiz by opening the quiz editing page and clicking the Generate Questions button. Then, follow the aforementioned procedure for adding AI quiz questions to the quiz.
Teachers can manage their generation quotas effectively, with clear visibility of their remaining credits and access to a site-wide quota pool for additional support. On a trial basis, we intend to make this feature available to all teachers on your Teamie site at no additional cost for a limited time and quota. Kindly write to us to know more details on this.
We may set up the feature on a Teamie site such that each teacher has a personal quota of n quiz questions (say 30 questions), but teachers can exceed this limit by drawing from the site-wide quota of a larger number of questions (say 500 questions). This setup enables teachers to thoroughly explore the feature and share their valuable feedback with us.

The MCQ and match the following questions have multiple options as their answer. There might be cases where learners might select any one correct answer but do not select all the correct answers for an MCQ (with more than one correct answer) or match the following question. You can allow partial marking in MCQ and match the following questions. Let's see how.
1. For the match the following questions, you will see an Allow partial marking checkbox. Ticking that checkbox will enable partial marking for that question.
The partial marking logic is built to assign an equal score for all the correctly selected questions. This means that each match will be considered equally contributing to the total, and the learner will be awarded a percentage of the score equivalent to the percentage of matches they got correct. So, if a match the following question is of 6 marks and have 3 match the following options, then each match will be assigned 2 marks (6/3 = 2) and if a learner got, say, 2 matches right, then he will be assigned 4 out of the total 6 marks for that question. A help text will also show this information regarding the score of each correct match.
We have a site-level configuration that allows this configuration to be enabled by default. This will have two separate settings which can be enabled or disabled by default on request:
- Enable partial marking by default for match the following questions
- Enable partial marking by default for multiple choice questions (MCQ)
2. Similar to the match the following questions, MCQ questions, with more than one correct answer, will have the option to Allow partial marking.
3. The partial marking logic for MCQ is different from the match the following questions as selecting one of the incorrect answers will result in score deduction.
Each correct choice will be awarded n marks, and each incorrect choice will have n marks subtracted. n will be equal to the total score of the question divided by the number of correct choices. So, if the total score of the question is 4 and it has 2 correct choices, then n will be equal to 4/2 = 2. So, if a learner chooses one correct and one incorrect answer, then the score awarded for that question will be 0 (+2 2 = 0).
Furthermore, the negative is done to ensure that the learner doesn't select all the options of a MCQ and get full score for each question
Take note that the score cannot go below 0. If the score is computed less than 0, then the score will be considered as 0.
4. To show this more clearly, the MCQ interface will show the Correct Answer column and the column with the status of the option selected by the user. This view will be available to learners only when they have the access to view the correct answers.
A question will be considered as answered correctly only when full marks are awarded to it, else it will not be counted in the Answered correct stat.
5. In case you change the score for a question, then for those learners who have already made an attempt, the scores will be proportionally updated. This will include the question whose scores have been manually overridden. Learners will get notifications informing them about the updated quiz scores.

For some use cases, adding questions in an online quiz calls for the options and question to be duplicated / cloned. For this, instructors have a Clone option, which will be available while editing an existing quiz question.
Cloning quiz questions help instructors to add similar questions without the need of retyping the same content. This will also help in adding the same media to different questions that require minor changes from the original one. Therefore, instructors can quickly make copies of quiz question(s) and add them to the quiz after making the required changes. This includes cases in which only the question changes and the options remain the same. The cloned question will also retain the settings, feedback, and the tag of the original question. Let's see how you can clone a quiz question.
1. Click the quiz title to edit it in which you wish to clone question(s).
2. Click to open the question that you wish to clone.
3. Once opened, the quiz question will have the provision to clone the question. Click Clone to create a copy of the existing question.
4. The cloned question will open. You can make changes, if required to the cloned question. By default, the cloned question will retain the score, settings, feedback, media and the tag of the original question.
5. Click Add Question to add the cloned question to the quiz or click 'X' to remove the question.
You will not see the Clone option in a newly cloned question until you add it to the quiz and open it again. This is because you can only clone an existing question of a quiz.
6. Once the cloned question is added to the quiz it will positioned at end of the quiz and the changes will be auto-saved. You can drag and drop it to set the order of quiz questions, if required.
You will be able to view the updated Max Score after the addition of the cloned question.
Online quiz settings include a wide variety of options such as the time limit, number of attempts, random sub-set of questions, grading methods, review options, late submission, feedback, and the option to sharing a quiz with multiple classrooms. The settings specify the rules for learner to interact with the quiz. The quiz settings block is located at the right side of the quiz page. This article demonstrates how to set different quiz settings for a quiz.
The online quiz setting block consists of:
Let's look in each of the quiz settings in detail.
1. Click the Info block and add instructions to the quiz. These instructions will be shown to the learners on the quiz taking page before the learners start taking the quiz.
We also have the site-level option to set default text values for quiz instructions. This can be used to provide the creator some guideline on what should be added in a quiz or to add some default text that is used frequently throughout the quiz instructions at the site level. Kindly contact your site administrator or write to us in order to set a default text value for your Teamie site.
If required, you can also format the instruction's text using the available rich text options.
The Publishing Options block allows you to configure the following settings:
- Publishing On - sets the quiz publishing date and time at which the quiz will be available to the learners.
- Deadline - sets the quiz deadline till which the quiz will be available to learners for taking.
- Late Submission - allows the learners to make submission after the deadline is passed.
2. Click Publishing Options block to configure the above settings.
3. Set the quiz Publish on and Deadline date.
Publish on: the date and time when the quiz will become available for learners to take.
Deadline: the date and time that the Quiz end/is due for.
As an instructor, you can also quickly make a quiz available, at once, if the quiz is set to be auto published in future by clicking the "make it available now" option.
4. Tick Late Submission checkbox to allow learners to make submission(s) after the deadline has passed.
5. Enter late submission time period. The late submission time period can be set in minutes, hours or days.
6. If any quiz has a deadline attached to it, then there will be no draft submissions pending after that. If learners start to make the submissions, then the system will automatically submit the attempts on their behalf when the deadline ends, if they have not already submitted on their own. In order to keep the learners aware of this deadline auto submission, they would be shown the appropriate message at the required locations.
7. While making the submissions, the deadline changes to red when 1 minute is left, and starts flashing at an interval of 2 seconds when 30 seconds is left.
If the quiz is a timed quiz, the deadline will not flash, but will turn red based on the timed quiz setting (which is by default the 1/4 th of the full time set for the timed quiz).
If required the time period at which a quiz with deadline / timed quiz turns red and flashes can be configured at the site level on request.
8. Once the deadline passes, the system will show an auto-submission message to the user before saving and submitting the attempt for evaluation. Any questions left unanswered will remain that way and the submission will be graded accordingly.
9. In case, learners click the Save & Continue later button to submit at a later stage (not available for timed quiz), they will be prompted regarding the auto-submission of their attempt on passing of the deadline.
10. In case the deadline passes when the learner is not on the quiz taking screen, then the system will submit the attempt in the background. This attempt will be distinguished as auto submission in the classrooms Activity Stream and users Recent activities log as following:
11. The aforementioned will apply to the timed quizzes as well with the addition of a reverse time which will start as soon as the learner starts the attempt.
12. As soon as the time ends as per the timer, the quiz attempt will be automatically submitted, if not already done by the learner.
In case the timed quiz has a deadline, then the time limit of the quiz will respect its deadline. For instance, if the deadline is 03:00 PM for a 30 minute time quiz and the learner starts the quiz at 02:45 PM, then the time limit will be decreased to 15 minutes in order to accommodate the 03:00 PM deadline.
Similarly, if late submission is allowed for a quiz, then the late submission time will be added to the deadline. The system will only auto-submit the attempt once the late submission duration is passed.
The Sharing block allows you to configure the following settings:
a. Share the quiz with multiple classrooms.
b. Share the quiz to assessment bank.
6. Click Sharing block to configure the above settings.
7. Click the Classrooms drop-down field which will list all the classrooms you are member of. Select the classroom(s) that you want to share the quiz with.
8. Here, we have shared this quiz with two classrooms.
9. By default, the quiz is not shared with the assessment.
10. Click the Yes radio button to share a quiz with the Assessment Bank. When a quiz is shared with the assessment bank, other instructors on Teamie site can make a copy of it and and reuse it in their classrooms.
11. Depending on the site configuration, parents may not be able to see the quiz on their child's classroom gradebook page. If you want parents to see the score and comments added onto the child's submission, tick the Score and comments checkbox.
When enabled, the score, assessed rubric criteria and comments on the attempt considered for grading will be visible to parents.
12. Tick the Submission checkbox associated (disabled by default) with the Score and Comments setting. When enabled, parents will be able to see the the actual attempts with any attached files.
Note - The files picked from google drive will not be made visible for to parents.
The Submission block allows you to configure the quiz submissions settings as listed below:
- set the time limit within which learner should finish the quiz, once started
- allow learners to view the quiz scores immediately
- allow learners to view the quiz answers
- set the number of attempt a learner can make for the quiz.
13. Click Submissions block to expand the sharing block and configure the submissions settings.
14. Click No. of submissions drop-down field to set the number of times a learner is permitted to take the quiz. The multiple attempts limit can range from one attempt to an unlimited amount of attempts. This means, once the learner has already taken the quiz, he or she can go back to the materials listing page and take the quiz again until he or she has reached the maximum number of attempts.
In case you select the 'Maximum no.of attempts' as more than '1', you will see the setting to 'Consider attempt with the highest score for grading'. If ticked, the learner attempt with the highest score will be auto considered for grading, unless the score has been published for one of the attempts. Take note that by default the latest attempt is considered for grading.
Note: In case there are multiple attempts with the highest score, then the latest attempt will be considered for grading.
15. Tick Allow Group Submissions checkbox to allow users to make submissions in groups.
16. When enabled, learners are allowed to make submissions in groups. You can create groups and add members in each group after enabling this setting.
Note: Every group will have unique learners; one learner cannot be assigned to more than one group
17. Tick Time limit checkbox to make the quiz a timed quiz.
18. If enabled, when learners start taking this quiz, they must complete it within the given time. The time limit can be defined in minutes and hours.
When the learners are attempting a timed quiz and 1/4th of the set time is left, the timer will shakes and then become red. Then, when 30 seconds is left, then the timer starts flashing at an interval of 30 seconds. This is the default behavior. If required the time period at which a quiz turns red and flashes can be configured at the site level on request.
19. By default, learners are not allowed to view question scores and grades immediately as soon as they answer quiz questions.
20. Click View scores and grades immediately checkbox to change this setting.
21. When enabled, system will ask your confirmation if you wish to show the individual questions score as well immediately after learner answers a quiz question. If yes, then tick mark the view question scores immediately checkbox.
When grade scheme is not enabled, then the setting View scores and grades immediately will change to View scores immediately.
22. Set the view correct answer settings as per your requirement:
- After attempting each question: Selecting this option will allow learners to see the correct answers after attempting each question along with the right/wrong answer feedback (if any). This can be useful if the instructor has created the quiz with the sole motive of helping learners practice and strengthen their understanding of a concept.
- After max. attempts: Selecting this option will allow learners to see the correct answers only after making last attempt to the quiz or when the maximum number of attempts limit are reached.
- Once scores are published: Selecting this option will allow learners to see the correct answers only when the instructor has published the quiz score.
- Never: If enabled, learner will never know the correct answers for the quiz questions.
The Scores & Rubric block allows you to configure the quiz score setting. You can define quiz grading typing (Summative or Formative) and map grade scheme and rubric as well to grade learner's submission using rubric.
23. Click Score & Rubric to attach rubric/grade scheme to the quiz. To attach a rubric, click Pick or Create Rubric button.
24. Search for the rubric you wish to attach to the quiz. Once you find the rubric of your choice, then click on the rubric title to select it and then click Attach to attach the rubric to the quiz.
You can also create a new rubric by clicking the + Create new rubric button at the top right of the screen. The rubric name will have the assessment name prefixed.
25. The selected rubric will be attached instantly. Click X to remove the attached rubric from the quiz / Change to replace and select another rubric.
Click X icon to remove the attached rubric or click Change link to replace the attached rubric as denoted by point "1 and 2" respectively in the following screenshot.
Only non-scoring rubric can be attached to an Online quiz.
26. Click Select Grading Component and select the required grading component, if any, from the drop down.
27. Tick the Summative radio button and enter weightage.
Summative quizzes are used in order to evaluate learning at the culmination of a unit by comparing it against some predefined standards. An example being a final project or end-term examination evaluation.
Note: It is possible to have a summative assessment considered for evaluation, but with a weightage of 0%.
28. In case, you wish to set up a quiz with formative grading, then tick mark Formative radio button.
Formative quizzes on the other hand are used to monitor learning and provide ongoing feedback. This helps an instructor to develop a better learning plan for helping their learners. An example being a mid research proposal for early feedback.
29. Tick Enable Grading checkbox to map a grade scheme and grade the learners submission with the help of predefined grade scheme.
30. Click Set grade scheme button to select a grade scheme of your choice.
If a grade scheme is enabled at a classroom level, then it will automatically get selected on enabling grading.
31. On the Grade schemes listing page, type in the grade scheme title you are looking for and system will automatically show the matching results.
You can quickly filter the grade schemes created by you by ticking the Show only mine checkbox.

32. Select the grade scheme and click the Set grade scheme button.
33. The selected grade scheme will be added/mapped to the quiz.
Click X icon to remove the mapped grade scheme or click Change link to map a new grade scheme as denoted by point "1 and 2" respectively in the following screenshot.
The Powers-ups settings allows you to configure the following settings:
- To pick and form a random-subset of questions for each learner.
- To create a sub-set of questions based on tags assigned to each questions.
- Define the question order.
- Shuffle MCQ options
- Make answering each question mandatory before moving to the next one.
34. Click Power-ups block to expand the block and configure the above settings.
35. Under From All toggle, enter the number of questions to be picked automatically by the system to form a sub-set of questions and show them to each learner or group.
As an instructor, you might want to randomize a series of questions in a quiz which will mean that each learner will get a random set of questions picked from the total questions. This is often done to reduce the response bias due to question order and it also helps to figure out how each respondent is answering the different set of questions within a quiz.
To be fair to all takers, it'd be best that all questions have the same maximum/minimum marks if this setting is enabled.
36. As an instructor, you can also assign a tag for each question and then enter the number of questions to be picked from each tag so that system can create a random sub-set of those many questions and display them to the learners.
The random sub-set of questions will be created based on the last selected toggle (From All or By tags).
37. If the setting is set to Given Order, then learners will see the question in the order as the questions were set up by the instructor during quiz creation. If the setting is set to Shuffled, the quiz's questions will be shown in random order for each learner.
38. Tick Shuffle MCQ options to shuffle the MCQ options and show them in random order to each learner.
This option is available only for multiple choice answers and the possible answers will be shuffled each time the question is taken.
39. Selecting Mandatory Answer option will make sure that learners must attempt all the questions before submitting the quiz for evaluation.
40. Click Published and then Save button to save your work.
You should not publish your quiz until it is ready to publish. If you are ready to publish your quiz and make it available to learners, click Publish and then Save to save and publish the quiz. Learners will get a bulletin board and an email notification once the quiz is published.
By default, the newly created quiz will be saved as draft. This means that the quiz is unpublished (or in draft mode) and can only be viewed by the instructor.
40. Clicking Save will initiate quiz saving process and the quiz will be saved shortly.
41. Click the Back to Materials link to navigate to the materials listing page where the quiz will be listed.
1. Click Materials of the required classroom.
2. On the Materials page, click the quiz title to go to its edit page and then reorder the questions.
3. You will be taken to the quiz edit page. You can use the drag and drop option to reorder quiz questions.
4. On the edit page, click on the required question. Drag and drop it in the required position.
5. Once you click the Save button, the new order of questions will be saved.
There are multiple ways to create assessments in Teamie (creating an assessment by copying existing assessment, creating an assessment through UI, importing assessments from other classrooms you are member of). In such cases all created assessments will be saved as draft by default. Drafted assessments are not accessible by learners. To make the assessments available for learners you need to publish them. Let's see how you can publish an assessment (an online quiz in this case):
1. On the Materials page, click the required online quiz which is in draft mode. A draft label appears besides the assessment name which differentiate between drafted and published assessments.
2. The quiz edit page opens.
3. Click Published on the quiz edit page.
4. The Published label will turn green in color. Click Save.
Note: Once a quiz is published and saved, notifications will be sent to learners to notify them of the quiz being published and available for making submission.
5. Clicking Save will initiate quiz saving process and the quiz will be saved shortly.
As an instructor, you can also quickly make a quiz available, at once, if the quiz is set to be auto published in future by clicking the "make it available now" option.
6. Click Back to Materials link to go back to the materials listing page.
7. You will be brought back to the materials listing page where you will be able to view the updated quiz which is available for learners to take now. You will notice no Draft label for the quiz name indicating that the quiz is published.
You can also draft a quiz that is already published. Once unpublished/drafter, learners will not have access to the quiz. Follow some simple steps to unpublish a quiz:
1. On the Materials page, click the required online quiz which you wish to unpublish (put in draft mode).
2. The quiz edit page opens.
3. Click Draft on the quiz edit page.
4. The Draft label will turn yellow in color. Click Save to save the changes.
5. Once changes are saved auto-saved successfully, click Back to Materials link to go back to the materials listing page.
6. The quiz will be unpublished and unavailable for learners to take. You will notice a Draft label indicating that the quiz is in draft mode.
You can create a copy of an online quiz in the same classroom or copy it to another classroom from the online quiz settings. Let's see how you can do this:
1. On the Materials page, click the settings cog wheel of the required online quiz.
2. Click Make a copy from the drop-down to create a copy of the online quiz in this classroom.
3. The online quiz will be copied and you will see the confirmation with a link to refresh the page.
4. Once you refresh the page, you will be able to locate the copied online quiz at the bottom of the section from which you have copied the original online quiz.
The online quiz will be in draft state. Publish it as per your requirement.
1. On the Materials page, click the settings cog wheel of the required online quiz.
2. Click Copy to... from the drop-down to create a copy of this online quiz in your other classrooms.
3. Select the classroom in which you wish to make a copy of this online quiz.
You can copy an online quiz to only one classroom at a time.
4. Select the section in the target classroom in which you wish to copy the online quiz. Then, click Copy here.
5. A confirmation message appears and the online quiz will be copied to the selected classroom.
6. You can locate the copied online quiz in the target classroom. It will be placed at the bottom of the selected section.
The online quiz will be in draft state. Publish it as per your requirement.
You can delete an online quiz both in draft state and published state.
Note: If a published quiz is deleted, no one will have access to it and the quiz cannot be recovered.
1. Click Materials of the required classroom.
2. On the Materials page, click the settings cog wheel icon shown next to the quiz title and then click Delete Online Quiz option.
3. Click Yes, Delete if you are sure about deleting the quiz, else click Cancel.
In case a quiz is shared with multiple classrooms, then you will be see the list of classrooms in the Delete confirmation popup. Click Yes, Delete from all 2 Classrooms! if you are sure about deleting the quiz, else click Cancel.
4. A confirmation message appears stating that the quiz has been deleted successfully and the deleted quiz will not appear on the Materials page anymore.
In case, at-least one learner has made submission to the quiz then you won't be able to delete the quiz. In such scenario, you will first need to delete the attempts submitted by the learners before deleting the quiz.
The excel format lets you import questions (Multiple-choice, True-false, One word and Open ended) using an excel file and import into Teamie to create an online quiz quickly.
1. Click Materials of the required classroom.
2. Hover over cursor on top/in between or at the bottom of the material to invoke +Add link. Click the +Add link at the required location in a section.
3. Click Upload Online Quiz.
4. Click Download Questions Template to download the excel template file.
5. Open the Template to enter questions in it.
You may rename the template if required.
6. The EXCEL template contain the following columns:
- Question Type
- Question Text
- Options
- Correct Answer
- Score
- Right Answer
This template currently supports only MCQ, One Word, True/False & Open-ended Questions.
7. Click on the QuestionType and then click on the down-arrow.
8. Select the question type you wish to create from the resulting drop-down list.
9. Enter the question(s). In case if it's a multiple choice question (MCQ), add its options in the corresponding columns.
10. Enter the correct answer for the question and its score in the CorrectAnswer[answer] and Score[score] column respectively.
11. Enter the correct answer feedback and incorrect answer feedback in the RightAnswerFeedback and WrongAnswerFeedback column respectively.
12. Click the Save icon at the top-left corner of the excel sheet or hit ctrl + s on your keyboard to save the file.
13. Once you have entered the required questions in the respective columns, the excel sheet is ready to be imported into Teamie. Click Choose File to select the template.
14. Select the Template and click Open.
15. Selected template will be be uploaded in a short while.
You may remove the uploaded template by clicking Remove button in case you wish to add/update the questions added in the template and re-upload it.
16. Enter the quiz title.
17. Click Import & Create Online Quiz.
18. You will be taken to the materials listing page once the quiz import process is completed. You can change the quiz settings and publish it as per your requirement.
19. The quiz will be created at the chosen position on the Materials page and will be saved in draft mode.
As an instructor, you can export online quizzes as PDF in your classrooms/modules. This functionality can be specially useful in case learners are having inconsistent connection to take their quizzes online. The exported PDF(s) can be printed and then attempted comfortably by learners on a paper in an offline setting. Let's see how you can export online quizzes as PDFs.
1. On the Materials page of the required classroom, click to edit the required quiz.
2. On the quiz edit page, click Export.
The Export option will not be available if the quiz save is under progress or any unsaved changes are present in the quiz, such as, change in any quiz setting. Click Save to save the changes if the Export option is unavailable.
3. Once you click Export, the quiz will exported with all the quiz questions in the form of a PDF. Click to open the PDF.
4. The first page of the quiz wil have the following information:
Name of the classroom/module from which the quiz is being exported
- Title of the quiz
- Due date of the quiz, if any
- Space to the enter the name of the learner
- Space to the enter the ID of the learner (this can be any school ID that the learners are meant to add and not their Teamie ID)
- Total number of questions in the quiz
- The maximum score of the quiz
5. The next page of the quiz will show the instructions that are added in the Info section of the quiz settings.
If the Info section is left empty by the instructor, then the exported quiz PDF will not have the Instructions page.
6. Then the quiz questions will be shown. For every question, a header row will show the question number on the top left (for ex. QUESTION 1), and the maximum score of the question on the top right of the page (for ex. SCORE: 1).
Each question will be shown on a separate page in the PDF and will also have any rich-text used in the quiz (bold, italics etc. In case there are any media attachments like images/files/embedded content, they will not be shown in the PDF. Although, images will be shown, whether they are part of the question or the MCQ options.
Click here to learn about how to grade quiz submissions.
Q. As an instructor, you have created a quiz and some learners have already taken the quiz. Later, you realised that one of the answers needs to be changed. What will happen to the results of the learners who have already taken the quiz if the answer is changed?
A. changing questions answer will affect the results of learners who have already attempted the quiz. However, changing the option's text won't affect student's result. Let us understand this with an example.
Scenario 1: Learners' answer will be considered as incorrect if the option of a question get changed altogether.
For example, you have created a question and set the correct answer as option 2 and the learners have also selected this option at the time of quiz submission. In case, you change the correct answer of this question from option 2 to option 1 then learner(s) who have already made an attempt, their answer will be marked as incorrect.
Scenario 2: Learners' answer will still be considered as correct if you are going to update only option's text.
Q. What would be the impact to those who have attempted the quiz, if the number of options to the questions is changed? For instance, there were originally 5 options (a,b,c,d,e) but now we want to remove option e, where option e is an incorrect option.
A. As we already know that "option E" is an incorrect option, hence removing an incorrect option from a particular question will not have any impact on the score obtained by the learners for that particular question, i.e. the learners' who have already answered that particular question with the "option E", their submitted option has already been considered as wrong and the system won't allot any score.
However, you may increase the number of maximum attempts limit (after removing an incorrect option) so that learners who have already answered that question with the "option E", can make one more attempt and select different option to get that question right.
We strongly recommend not to change them once one or more students have made submissions.
How to create a quiz and add questions to it?
Personalised lanyards A. changing questions answer will affect the results of learners who have already attempted the quiz. However, changing the option's text won't affect student's result. Let us understand this with an example.