
Managing User's Classroom Membership

Being a site administrator, you may have to add learners to classrooms whenever required. So now you can do this task very quickly and add a learner to multiple classrooms in one go using Manage Membership tool.

Learners can be manually added to any classroom through the Manage Membership page and this can be done by site administrators only.

This article will guide you on:

Adding a user to multiple classrooms

You can perform this action only if you have access to the "Manage Teamie" section.

1. Click Sliding menu.

2. Under Manage Teamie section, click People and then choose Manage People.

3. Select a user that you wish to add to other classrooms.

You may click the user's name link to open the user's profile page in a new tab.

4. Click manage memberships.

5. Clicking manage membership link will open the user's classroom membership page in a new tab where you will see the list of classrooms the user is part of.

You may also check the user's current status in each of the classroom that he/she is member of from the manage membership page.

6. Search for the classroom you want to add the user to, by typing its name in the Add to classrooms text box. You must enter at-least three characters to search, then press Enter or click Search to find the classroom that you are looking for.

7. Click the classroom name which appears in the search result or Add all to select multiple classrooms. Repeat step 6 to find more classrooms and add this user to those classrooms.

8. Selected classroom(s) will appear in the memberships list with the default role of the user at site level.

9. We noticed that administrators were running into some trouble while adding users to required classrooms from their Memberships page. The main reason behind this was the name of two or more classrooms being similar or exactly same. This would lead them to make some additional efforts to figure out the correct classroom to add the user.

So, now you can easily search any classroom on the memberships page by the classroom unique code. Unlike the classroom name, any two classroom cannot have the same unique code. Thus, solving the problem in hand. Enter the unique code of the required classroom in the search box. Then, press Enter or click Search icon to find the classroom that you are looking for.

10. Click the classroom name which appears in the search result.

11. Click Save Changes to save the changes you have made to the membership of this user.

Note: Until you click Save Changes, the changes you have made will not take effect.

12. A message confirms that "All changes saved successfully".

Removing a user from classrooms (canceling user's membership)

1. On the Manage People page, select a user that you wish to remove from the classrooms.

2. Click manage memberships for the selected user to access their memberships page.

As an administrator, you can also quickly access the memberships page of a user by searching their name on the search bar to access their profile and then click the 3 dots on their profile page. Then, click 'Manage Classes'.

3. On the User's memberships page, click the "X" to remove the user from the selected classroom, one at a time.

4. Click Remove All to cancel the user's membership from all the classroom in one go.

5. If needed, you can click Undo All to undo the Remove All action.

6. Click Save Changes to save the changes you have made to the membership of this user.

Note: Until you click Save Changes, the changes you have made will not take effect.

6. Once the change are saved, the user will be removed from all/selected the classrooms and will no longer have access to them. Also, a success message appears confirming that "All changes saved successfully".

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