An administrator can perform various tasks relating to user accounts.
This article will guide you on:
Currently, the following characters are allowed in the username field as valid characters:
- Characters {a-z}
- Numbers {0-9}
- Period {.}
- Hyphens {‐}
- Apostrophes {'}
- Underscores { _ }
- Spaces { }
And the list of character / punctuation which are not supported in the username field as valid characters are as follows:
- Exclamation point {!}
- Open and Close parenthesis {()}
- Question mark {?}
- Open and Close bracket []
- Curly brackets {}
- Forward and Backslash (/ \)
- Comma (,)
Note: User having administrator role can add people to Teamie.
1. Click Sliding menu.
2. Under Manage Teamie section, click People and then choose Add People.
3. Click the appropriate button, depending on the role of the new user.
4. Type in the new user's username and email address.
5. Type in the default password for the new user to use to login. Type in the same password again in the Confirm password text box.
6. The user site status is set to "Active" by default. If you do not want the user to access Teamie as soon as the account is created, click the "Blocked" radio button.
7. Tick the Notify user of new account checkbox if you want to send an email to the new user.
Note: The new user's username and email address must be unique.
8. Fill out all the new user's personal information and school information, e.g First Name, Last Name and Gender. Select the new user's gender.
9. Click Create new account to add the new user to the site.
10. A message appears confirming that user has been created successfully.
Teamie offers bulk user creation when there is a need to create or update users in bulk. The biggest benefit of classroom bulk import is to create multiple users in one go rather than creating them through UI one by one.
1. Under Manage Teamie section, click People and then choose Import People.
2. On the Import People page, click Download Template to download the excel template file.
3. Once downloaded, open the Template to fill in the required data.
4. The excel template contain the following columns:
- User email: Enter the user's email address.You must provide a unique e-mail address for each user account. If the email entered already exists in Teamie, then the same email address cannot be associated with a user account present in the excel template and during import process that user account will not be created.
- Username: Enter a unique username which could an alphanumeric string e.g. John2 or you can also enter the email ID as the user name.
- User Site Roles: Select a site role for the user.
- User First Name: Enter the user's first name.
- User Last Name: Enter the user's Last name.
User email and username are site identifiers and based on the site configuration, either one or both of them can be present at the site level.
You can configure the user bulk import template to add or remove data column (except the mandatory fields). For example, you may choose to add the Gender or Department column in the template so that you can also add these information to the users in bulk.
The red icon indicates the field in that column is mandatory to be added
5. Once you have entered the required information in the respective columns, Save the excel sheet.
6. On the Import People page, click Choose File to select the template.
7. Select the Template from your system and click Open or just double click the file.
8. Selected template will be uploaded shortly. Click Remove in case you wish to modify the template and then re-upload it.
9. Tick Email one-time login link to new users checkbox to send one-time login link to new users and then click Import The Data Set. You can choose not to send the one-time login link while importing users and can do it later from the Manage People page.
10. You will see the progress of importing user account(s) process on your screen.
11. Once the import process is successfully completed, you will be redirected to the Manage People page, where you can see the users who have been imported. You will also be able to see the status of the import and the number of users that were created / updated successfully or were not created due to potential errors.
You can search for any user that has been imported recently by typing his/her email id in the E-email text box, then click Apply. Once the search action is completed, you will see that user in the search result.
12. As an administrator, you will also receive a detailed excel report on your registered email ID with the excel sheet attached with the row and user process status. Furthermore, the details column will show the details on any potential errors encountered during the import process.
13. In the following scenario, all the 5 users' details were successfully processed and all of them were new users (and not registered earlier on the site) as shown in the Row Process Status and User Status column respectively in the attached excel report.
14. In the following scenario, email ID in row 4 and 5 are incorrect. So, when the excel sheet is imported, the two users will not be created due to incorrect email IDs and this will mentioned in the import summary as well as the detailed import status report. The Row Process Status and User Status column will state 'Failed to process' and 'Invalid User Data' respectively. The Details column will mention the detail of why the import process was not done for the rows (invalid email IDs).
15. In the following scenario, the users in the row 4 and 5 were the new users and other users were already registered (with their email IDs) on the platform. Therefore, on importing this excel sheet, you will be informed that two new users were created and three existing users were updated as shown in the import status summary and the detailed import status report.
16. Similarly, in the following scenario, all the users in the sheet were existing users and therefore all the users were updated and no new users were created.
You can configure the user bulk import template to add or remove data column (except the mandatory fields). For example, you may choose to add the Gender or Department column in the template so that you can also link this information to the users in bulk.
1. Under Manage Teamie section, click People and then choose Import People.
2. On the Import People page, Click Configure template to access the template configuration page.
3. Tick the field checkbox (e.g Password, Site Role, Gender, etc.) from the Allowed user properties and Allowed user fields to select it. The selected fields will be appeared in the bulk import template once you save the new configuration. For example, we have unchecked the 'Gender' field from the template. So, once you save the configuration and download the user bulk template again, then the 'Gender' column will not be shown in it.
This article explains how you can create users and add them to new classrooms by using the bulk import process.
1. Under Manage Teamie section, click Users Module Memberships. Then, select Import Users Module Memberships.
2. Click Download Template to download the excel template file.
You can also download the user module membership template from the Import People page as well.
3. Open the downloaded template.
4. The excel sheet will contain the fields pertaining to both user and module creation:
- User Email
- Username
- User pass
- User Site Role
- User Site Status
- User First Name
- User Last Name
- Module Group Unique Code
- Module Title
- Module Group Type
The fields in the template can be configured. Refer to this article for more information.
The fields with red icon are mandatory fields and need to be filled.
5. Enter the details in the respective columns. In order to add the same users in more modules, just copy the users' rows and paste them below the existing rows and change the module unique codes and titles to the new modules.
You can also import the new users to existing classrooms (including those which have been rolled over from previous academic term) by entering the existing classrooms' unique code and title in the respective columns. To do this, you must know the exact module unique code and title.
6. Click Save to save the data in the excel sheet.
7. On the Import User Module Membership page, click Choose File and select the saved template from your system.
9. Click Import The Data Set.
By default, you will not be added to any classroom(s)/modules(s) that are newly created with the bulk import sheet. In case you wish to add yourself as an administrator member to any newly created classroom, tick the Add yourself to any newly created modules checkbox. You can also choose to email one-time login link to new users, if required.
10. You will see the progress of importing module(s) process on your screen.
11. Once the import process is successfully completed, you will be redirected to the Manage Modules & Groups page, where you can see the modules that have been imported / updated. You will also be able to see the status of the import and the number of users and modules that were created / updated successfully or were not created due to potential errors.
You can search for any module that has been imported recently by using the filters on the page.
12. As an administrator, you will also receive a detailed excel report on your registered email ID with the excel sheet attached. The excel sheet report will have the Row Process Status, User status, Module Status, and User Module Membership status . Furthermore, the Details column will show the details on any potential errors encountered during the import process.
13. In the following scenario, all the 5 users and modules' details were successfully processed and all of them were new modules (and no users with these email IDs and modules with these unique codes were present earlier on the site) as shown in the Row Process Status and User Status column respectively in the attached excel report. The User Module Membership status column shows the new user module membership has been created.
14. In the following scenario, the users in the import sheet were already part of the existing modules, therefore the User Module Membership status remained unchanged (No change) and only the user and module status were updated.
15. In the following scenario 5 new users were created and were added to five existing modules.
16. In the following scenario 5 new modules were created and five existing users were added to them.
17. In the following scenario, 5 users (4 existing users and one user with incorrect email ID) were added to the 5 existing modules. Hence, 4 users and 5 modules were updated (as one user details were invalid). Furthermore, the user module membership were unchanged for the 4 entries and was 'Invalid' for the last entry as the user was not created and the 'Details' column showed the reason for the invalid user module membership status.
You can configure and manage module membership bulk import settings to add or remove certain data columns in the module membership bulk import sheet.
1. Under Manage Teamie section, click Users Module Memberships. Then, select Import Users Module Memberships.
2. On the Import Users Module Memberships page, Click Configure template to access the template configuration page.
3. These are two module membership bulk import settings:
- Auto-assign site roles to groups
- Add user, module data fields to the import sheet
This setting is checked by default. The Role and Action columns are removed and user's site-level role will get auto-assigned to the classroom/module. For example, if user is an instructor at site-level, then user becomes an instructor in groups as well, by default.
Uncheck the Auto-assign site roles to groups checkbox and click Save configuration to add the Role and Action columns in the Module Membership bulk import sheet. Now, when you download the User Module Membership template, you will find the Role and Action columns in the template. You will be able to add specific role for each classroom and perform action of Add, Block or Cancel.
Kindly note that 'User Module Membership Role' and 'User Module Membership Status' are mandatory fields.
This setting is checked by default. It populates the template sheet with user and modules data fields. This will help to add users and groups in the one go. You can configure the user and module data fields and they will be shown in the downloaded excel sheet to quickly add users and groups.
Uncheck the Add user, module data fields to the import sheet checkbox and click Save configuration. This will remove all the columns in the user module import template except the 'User Email' and 'Module Group Unique Code' and allow you to quickly add users to groups by just entering the user and module identifiers (users email and module group unique code) without worrying about all the user and module data fields.
As an administrator, you can add users to multiple classrooms from the Manage People page.
1. Tick the required users on the Manage People page, then select the Add users to classroom option from the Operations drop-down and click Execute.
2. Then, you need to set the parameters for those users, such as their classroom level role and the name / classroom unique code of the classroom(s) in which you wish to add them.
3. You can add classrooms by typing their title and selecting the required ones from the populated list. Once selected, you can see the classrooms unique code in parentheses for confirmation.
You can also add classrooms by entering their unique identifiers, separated by commas, for adding users in them quickly. This can be especially useful in cases where more than one classroom has the same title. But, as no two classrooms can have the same unique identifiers, therefore you dont have to verify the classroom name and unique code.
Note: You need to choose a single method for adding classrooms, either the classroom title or the classroom unique code.
4. Once you have set the parameters, click Next.
5. Verify the users that need to be added to the classrooms and then click Confirm.
6. Once the process is completed, you will be shown the message stating how many users were successfully added to each of the classrooms. In case any selected user was already a part of any of those classrooms, then that will also be stated in a warning message.
You can notify users about creation of their accounts. An email will be sent to them stating that their account has been created recently. Refer to the following steps.
1. Under Manage People section, click People and then choose Manage People.
2. Sart typing the classroom / social group title and select the classroom / social group of your choice from the auto populated list to filter users from the required classroom for sending a new account creation email.
3. In case, you wish to search users by roles to send a new account creation notification, then click Select some roles. list box.
4. Select the required site level role from the list box, then click Apply.
Note: You can use the filters to search for the users that you want to send the notification. You can search the users by their site level role, name, groups (classrooms), active status, first letter of the name, or email.
5. Once the search action is completed, you will see the list of users who have been assigned "Learner" role at the site level. Tick the checkbox at the top left of the table to select all the users on the current page. You can also select individual users by ticking the corresponding check boxes.
6. In order to select all the user rows on 'all' the pages (if the user list goes beyond the current page), click Select all n rows in this view. (where n = total number of rows; here '1576' users)
8. Select Notify user of account from the Operations drop-down menu.
9. Click Execute.
10. The required action will be performed after the progress bar reaches 100%. The system will send email notifications to the selected users on their new Teamie account. Simple as that!
11. A message appears confirming that the newly created user has been notified through email.
12. Your work is done here! Now Teamie will send user(s) an email notifying them that an account has been created for them by a site administrator. For instance, in the following screen shot you can see that Jessica Karl has received an email from Teamie that an account has been created for her by a site administrator.
As an admin, you can update users' site level status in the following three ways:
1. Click the sidebar and then select Manage People under the People section.
2. On the Manage People page, use the filters to search for the required user(s).
3. Tick the checkbox for the required user(s).
You can tick the top left checkbox to select all the users at once.
4. Click the Operations drop-down and select Block user(s) / Unblock user(s) to block / unblock the selected users. In the following example, we are blocking a user at the site-level.
5. Click Execute.
6. Click Confirm to confirm your action or Cancel to abort.
7. The user will be blocked at site level. When a user is blocked at site level, the user's posts, comments, assessments access etc. are NOT removed from Teamie. This data remain intact. The user blocking is to temporarily prevent users from accessing Teamie and receive any notifications from the Teamie.
8. You can also click edit under the Operations column to go to the Edit Profile page of a user, select the required status as per your requirement and click Save at the bottom of the page.
1. Search the user whose site level status you wish to update.
If the user is active on the site level, then a Masquerade link will be shown in front of the user, else no link will be visible.
2. On user's profile page, click the ellipsis (...) and then select Edit Profile to access the edit profile page.
In case a user is blocked at the site level then a Blocked label will be shown on the user's cover image, otherwise they will have an Active status on the site level.
3. On the Edit Profile page, select the required status as per your requirement and click Save at the bottom of the page.
You can update users' site level status in bulk by using the bulk import template (excel sheet). See Blocking/Unblocking users in bulk using the Bulk Import Template.
Note: Only Teamie site administrator can assign the administrator role to a user. Please contact Teamie if you want a user to be assigned with the administrator role.
1. Under Manage People section, click People and then choose Manage People.
2. Search the user whose role you wish to update/change.
Note: You can search the users by their role, name, groups (classrooms), active status, first letter of the name, or email.
3. Select the user whose role needs to be updated.
3. Click the Operations drop down and select Manage roles from the list, then click Execute.
4. Select the roles in the Add roles box that you want to add to the user. If you want to remove roles from the user, select the roles that you want to remove in the Remove role box. Click Next to proceed.
5. The user's updated role is displayed in the user table.
1. Under Manage Teamie section, click People and then choose Manage People.
2. Use the filters to find the user whose account's password you wish to change/reset, then click Apply.
3. Click the Edit link to go to user's edit profile page.
4. Enter the new password twice, first in the Password field and then in the Confirm password field.
5. Click Save to save the changes.
6. You will see a success message confirming that the changes have been saved.
You can perform this action only if you have access to the "Manage Teamie" block. Refer to article "Managing User's Classroom Membership" for more information.
When a user is blocked at site level, the user's posts, comments, assessments access etc. are NOT removed from Teamie. These data remain intact. The user blocking temporary prevents the user from accessing and receiving any notifications from the Teamie.
1. Under Manage Teamie section, click People and then choose Manage People.
2. Use the filters to find the user that you wish to block, then click Apply.
3. Select the user(s) you wish to block by ticking the appropriate checkbox. You can select multiple users from the list.
4. Select Block user(s) from the Operations drop-down menu, then click Execute.
5. Verify the list of user(s) that are selected for blocking. Click Confirm to block the selected user(s).
6. The user(s) will be marked as blocked after the progress bar reaches 100%.
7. A message appears confirming that the selected user(s) has been blocked. The user(s) will be blocked at the site level and will not be able to login to Teamie anymore.
1. Under Manage Teamie section, click People and then choose Manage People. On the Manage People listing page, Click Member Since field to find all the users created on a specific date.
2. Select the desired date from the date picker.
3. You can also go to any date quickly by selecting the desired month and year values from the date picker.
4. Once the date is selected, click the Apply button.
5. Once the search action is completed, you will see all the users created on that specified date.
6. Select the user(s) you wish to block by ticking their corresponding checkbox(es).
7. Select Block user(s) from the Operations drop-down menu, then click Execute.
8. Verify the list of user(s) that are selected for blocking. Click Confirm to block the selected user(s).
9. The user(s) will be marked as blocked after the progress bar reaches 100%.
10. A message appears confirming that the selected user(s) have been blocked. The user(s) will be blocked at the site level and will not be able to login to Teamie anymore.
You can block/unblock users one by one or in bulk from the Manage Teamie page. But this can be tedious if you have to block/unblock a lot of users and have to navigate through a long list of users to select the required users from the Manage People page list. For this, you can use the user bulk import template (excel sheet) to block/unblock users in bulk.
1. Configure the User Bulk Import Template to ensure that the "Site Status" field is checked. Ignore this step, if the "Site Status" field is already checked. Also, make sure the "Username" and "Email" field are checked.
Depending on your site's primary and secondary identifier, you might have only Username or Email on the configure page to select.
2. Click Save configuration at the bottom of the page to save the changes made to the bulk import template.
3. Go to the Import People page and click Download Template to download the excel template file.
Click Import People link at the top of the Configure Template page to navigate to the Import People page quickly.
4. Open the downloaded Template.
5. In the excel sheet, delete all the columns except the following three:
- User Email [user:mail]
- User Username [user:name]
- User Site Status [user:status]
6. Enter the email and username of the users that you want to block/unblock. In this case, we are blocking 5 users.
7. Select Blocked from the User Site Status [status] column for all the users. Save the excel sheet.
To unblock users that are already blocked, select the user site status as Active.
8. Once you have entered the required information in the respective columns and saved it, the excel sheet is ready to be imported into Teamie. Click Choose File on the Import People page to select the template.
9. Select the Template and click Open.
10. Selected template will be uploaded shortly. Click Remove in case you wish to modify the template and then re-upload it.
11. Click Import The Data Set to import the sheet.
12. The importing process will start.
13. Once the import process is successfully completed, you will be redirected to the Manage People page, where you can find the users you have blocked using the bulk import template.
You can quickly search for users by typing his/her email id in E-email text box, then click Apply. Once the search action is completed, you will see that user in the search result. For example, in this case we searched the user, "User1" with his email id "". Under the "Site Status" column, we can see the user is Blocked.
Similarly, you can unblock users in bulk.
The user will be blocked at site level. When a user is blocked at site level, the user's posts, comments, assessments access etc. are NOT removed from Teamie. This data remain intact. The user blocking is to temporarily prevent users from accessing Teamie and receive any notifications from the Teamie.
1. Under Manage Teamie section, click People and then choose Manage People.
2. Use the filters to find the user that you wish to unblock, then click Apply.
3. Select the users you wish to unblock by ticking the appropriate checkbox.
4. Select Unblock user(s) from the Operations drop-down menu, then click Execute.
5. Verify the list of user(s) that are selected for unblocking. Click Confirm to unblock the selected user(s).
6. The selected user(s) account will be marked as unblocked (Active) after the progress bar reaches 100%.
5. A message appears confirming that the selected user has been unblocked and can access Teamie.
1. Under Manage Teamie section, click People and then choose Manage People.
2. Search the user you wish to delete from the site. You can use available filters to find a user quickly by adding the required filtering information and clicking Apply. In this case we have used user's email Id.
3. Click Edit.
4. Scroll to the bottom of the user’s profile editing page and click Cancel accounts to delete the user's account permanently from the site.
5. Select the method to cancel/delete the account and then click Cancel account.
Note: If you choose Cancel account action, user will be deleted/removed from the site. This action can not be undone.
6. The Canceling or Deleting account action progress bar appears.
7. Once the Canceling account action is completed, the user will be deleted from the site permanently.
You can validate this by entering the user's email id in Email text box and click Apply. System will show a message saying that "Either there are no users on the site or there were no users matching that filter criteria".
As a site administrator, you can check the last accessed time of all users. You can use multiple combinations of filters available on the People listing page to filter your search on the basis of specific time period, role, last accessed time of an individual user and so on.
1. On the People listing page, The Last access column displays the last time the user accessed the site.
2. To view the Last access time of an individual user, enter the user's name in the Name starts with.. text box and click Apply.
3. Once the search process is completed, you will see the Last access time of the user.
4. You can also use user's email id to filter results on the basis of users email id. For this, enter the user's email id in the corresponding field and click Apply.
5. You can further refine your search and check the user's last accessed time of all the users who belong to a specific role. For eg: you may wish to see the last accessed time of all the users with learners role. To do this, Select the learner role and click Apply.
6. Once the search process is completed, you will see the list of users with learner role along with their last accessed time.
7. To download the report, scroll to the bottom and click XLS. This way you can share the report, if required.
8. The Last accessed column displays the latest date and time the user accessed a classroom, viewed/commented on a post, read a lesson, or attempted an assessment. This is known as Classroom Participation. Refer to this article to view "when a user has accessed a classroom".
1. Under Manage Teamie section, click People and then choose Manage People.
2. You will see the list of all users (Active + Blocked) registered on your site.
3. Export to excel (XLS) option is available at the bottom left corner of the "Manage People" page. Scroll down the page and click the XLS icon to export/download the users report in excel format.
4. The export process starts. Please ensure you do not close the browser window/tab at this stage, since it will abort the export process.
5. Once the process is completed (100%), the excel report containing the users list will be downloaded to your system.
6. Click to open the downloaded excel report.
7. You will see the list of all users in the downloaded user report along with their details.
As a site administrator, you can masquerade/switch as any other user on your Teamie site i.e, you can perform any action as them. Basically once you masquerade/switch as any other user, you will virtually get logged in as them. You will be able to view what they view and perform any actions that they can perform. This can help you troubleshoot or verify any issues that they might be having. This article will guide you on how to masquerade/switch as another user on Teamie.
1. On the landing page, click the search bar and enter the required user's first and/or last name.
2. System will auto populate the list of users based on the matching keyword.
3. Click Masquerade link shown to the right of the username.
You can also click the user's name to access the user's profile page. Once you are on the user's profile page, click the ellipsis at the bottom-right corner of their cover image and then select "Masquerade as this user" from the drop-down to masquerade as that user.
4. Once you click Masquerade/Masquerade as this user link as explained in the aforementioned step 3 and info section, you will be logged in as that user. You will be able to view what that user can view and perform any actions that the user can perform.
5. Click Stop masquerading to go back to being you!
6. You will be brought back to your homepage.
How to add a user on Teamie?
How to add users using the bulk import sheet?
How to create users and add them to new or existing classrooms by using the bulk import template?
How to notify users of their account?
How to block users at site level from Manage People page?
How to unblock users at site level from Manage People page?
How to block users using the bulk import template?
How to unblock users using the bulk import template?
How to masquerade as another user?