
Taking Quiz

Learners can take quizzes from the ‘Materials’ screen. All quizzes that need to be taken will have a “TAKE QUIZ” button in front of them. Tapping on this Take Quiz button will take you to the quiz taking screen which, by the way, is very informative.

This article will guide you on:

Viewing Quiz Instructions

1. Tap Classrooms on the newsfeed screen.

2. Go to Starred, Classrooms or Social groups to navigate to the required classroom.

3. Tap on Materials screen if you have been redirected to Posts screen by default. On the Materials screen, you will see all the published materials (lesson and assessments).

Tap All Assessments to filter only assessments (Quizzes, Assignments and Offline tests are referred to Assessments).

You can also see the basic information about the quiz, such as, the number of questions, maximum marks, maximum number of attempts allowed, weightage (if the quiz is summative), and the From and Due on date (if any) for the quiz in the card listing view.

4. Tap the Quiz Title to view the instructions in detail.

5. You will see the following information about the quiz on the instructions screen:

  • Maximum number of attempts
  • Maximum score
  • Weightage (if the quiz is summative)
  • Available Date
  • Due Date
  • Number of questions
  • Rubric (if attached any)

6. Go to Discussions tab to see if the quiz is attached to the post(s).

7. Go to Grading tab where you will see the following information:

  • Max score of the quiz
  • Rubric details (if attached any)

8. Tap See Details to see the scales for the corresponding criteria and their description in detail.

9. Tap Done to exit and go back to the previous screen.

10. Go to Details tab to view the following information:

  • Classrooms - if quiz is shared with one or multiple classrooms
  • Created by - the name of the instructor who created the quiz.

11. Tap the back navigation icon to exit the quiz detailed screen.

12. You will be brought back to the materials listing screen.

Taking Quiz

1. Tap Classrooms on the newsfeed screen.

2. Go to Starred, Classrooms or Social groups to navigate to the required classroom.

3. Tap on Materials screen if you have been redirected to Posts screen by default. On the Materials screen, you will see all the published materials (lesson and assessments).

Tap All Assessments to filter only assessments (Quizzes, Assignments and Offline tests are referred to Assessments).

4. Find an available quiz that you would like to take and tap TAKE ONLINE QUIZ button.

5. Tapping on TAKE QUIZ button will take you to the quiz landing page where you can see the basic information about the quiz, such as, the number of questions, maximum marks, maximum number of attempts allowed, weightage (if the quiz is summative), and the From and Due on date (if any) for the quiz.

There are several different question types (Subjective, Fill in the blank, True-False, One word, match the following and multiple choice questions) in Teamie that your instructor may choose to include in a quiz. You will be able to see the marks for each question next to the question.

To begin the quiz, tap the Start Now button.

6. By default, you will see one question per screen.

In the following scenario, select an answer from the given choices for a multiple choice question.

7. Attempt a question and tap "Next question" to navigate to the next question. You can also tap on specific questions to jump directly onto that question.

You will also see a quiz progress indicator while taking the quiz.

8. Answer the True/False question by selecting the right option and then proceed to answer next available question.

9. Enter your answer for one word question and proceed to next question.

10. Enter your answer for the fill in the blank question.

11. Tap Submit/Save and then tap Save and Continue button to save your quiz in draft mode and continue later.

12. Tapping on Save and Continue button will save your attempt in draft mode and you will also see a prompt message stating that "Please note that your attempt for [Quiz Title] will be auto-submitted at the quiz deadline: [Quid due date]".

So, in case, you forget to resume the quiz then the system will automatically submit your attempt for final evaluation once the deadline is over.

13. Tap Resume Attempt button to resume the quiz taking activity.

14. Answer the open ended question. For open ended or subjective question, instructor may allow learners to make textual, file and/or audio submissions. In this scenario, learners are allowed to add attchment in any of the following four ways:

  1. File Attachment - you can upload files from you local system.
  2. Audio recording - you record audio using your device or any connected microphone.
  3. Paste a link attachment - you can directly paste the URL of the resource which would be considered as a submission.
  4. OneDrive - In case, your Teamie site is integrated with OneDrive, then you would be able to embed document from the OneDrive account.
  5. Google Drive - In case, your Teamie site is configured with Google SSO, then you would be able to embed document from the Google drive account.

In this case, we have entered textual response to answer the opened question.

15. A blinking arrow indicates that there is some more text. You may tap the arrow  to see the full textual response before submitting the quiz for final evaluation.

16. Tap Submit/Save and choose any of the action as mentioned in next step.

17. The moment you tap Submit/Save, you will see the following actions to perform:

a). Save and Continue: Choose this action to save your quiz submission as draft. You can come back later to make edits to your previously given answers if need be and submit the quiz for final evaluation.

b). Submit for evaluation: Choose this action to submit the quiz for final evaluation.

c). No, cancel: Choose this action if you want to stay on quiz taking screen.

In this case, we have chosen the Submit for evaluation action.

18. A message appears confirming that the quiz has been submitted successfully.

19. Tapping on View your previous attempt(s) button will take you to the view submission page where you can see your attempt in detail.

Key points to remember when taking a quiz:

You will not be able to retake the quiz if

  1. Your previous attempt has been graded by your instructor. Hence, you may request your instructor to unpublish the score of your previous attempt or remove your previous attempt.
  2. The maximum number of attempts limit has already been reached.

The system will submit the attempt automatically when

  1. The quiz deadline is over
  2. When the timer expires, in case of timed quiz.
Accessing attempt(s) to view feedback posted by the instructor

1. Tap Classrooms on the newsfeed screen.

2. Go to Starred, Classrooms or Social groups to navigate to the required classroom.

3. Tap on Materials screen if you have been redirected to Posts screen by default. On the Materials screen, you will see all the published materials (lesson and assessments).

4. Tap View My Attempts button of the required quiz.

5. Tapping View My Attempts button will take you to the Attempts tab of the quiz where you will see the following information:

  • Number of attempts made to the quiz
  • Feedback Count (highlighted by red color, if added any)
  • Score and Grade (if published)

6. Tap the Attempts bar to open full attempt view.

7. The full attempt view opens where you can see your attempt in more details. In case the quiz is graded using rubric, then the rubric will open by default when you access the attempts screen. Tap X (cross) icon to close the rubric popup.

8. The following details are shown on the attempts screen:

  • Rubric details (will open by default if quiz is graded using rubric)
  • Score and Grade (if published)
  • Score obtained in each question along with right/wrong answer
  • Feedback (if added any, by your instructor)

9. On the view submission page, you can also add textual/audio feedback/comment, enter text / record audio in the Enter your comment here text box. Tap Submit to add the comment (textual or audio or both) to your attempt.

10. Your comment would be added and visible to the instructor. Tap the Delete icon to delete the added comment.

11. Tap Done to exit and go to the previous screen.

12. Tap Back icon to go to the materials listing screen.

13. You will be brought back to the materials listing screen.

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