When a classroom / module is open for self-enrolment, any user on the site can go to the classroom view and view it's about page. For classrooms without self-enrolment, the about page is visible only for users who are a member of that classroom. As an administrator, you can edit a classroom and set its enrolment type and also assign supervisors to subordinates (supervisors will be responsible for approving or declining enrolment requests from their subordinates). The three types of self-enrolment that can be set for a classroom are:
- No Self-enrolment
- Automatic Self-enrolment
- Approved Self-enrolment
Enrol - The process of a user being added to a classroom / module which is open for enrolment
Approval - The action performed by a supervisor of approving their subordinates enrolment request to enrol in a classroom.
Subordinate - The person who enrols in a classroom that is open for self-enrolment.
Supervisor - A supervisor is assigned to a subordinate to approve his/her enrolment requests for Approved Self-enrolment classrooms.
Once a user is enrolled in a classroom, he/she will be assigned the "learner" role by default.
This article will guide you on:
1. Click Sliding menu.
2. Under Manage Teamie section, click Classrooms and then choose Manage Classrooms.
3. Click Edit link to enable/update a classroom's enrolment type setting.
You may see the current "Enrol Type" setting for each classroom in the tabular view.
4. On the Classroom edit page, you will see a field "Enrol Type". Under this drop-down field, you will see three enrolment types:
a) No Self-enrolment: This is the Teamie's default workflow where subordinate's will be added/enrolled in the classrooms using Manage People option provided on the Classrooms listing page.
b) Automatic Self-enrolment (no approval needed): This means any user can enrol to the classroom at any point in time without any need of approval. Also, any member of such classroom(s) can also un-enrol from the classroom(s) as per their wish.
Automatic self-enrolment allows quick registration in a classroom and thus saves time. Users can easily enrol in the classrooms of their liking and keep learning.
c) Approved Self-enrolment (approval needed): This means any user can enrol to the classroom at any point in time, but will become a member only after their supervisor(s) approve their enrolment request. Any member of such classroom(s) can un-enrol from the classroom(s) as per their wish.
Until the enrolment request is approved, users will only be able to access the About page of the classroom

5. Click the Enrol type field and select the enrol type from the drop-down list for this classroom.
Note: No-self enrolment is the default setting.
6. Once the enrol type is set for a classroom, enter the start and end date. The classroom will only be available between these dates on the View Class Catalogue page for self-enrolment.
Note: If you select the Enrol Type as automatic or approved and do not set the start date, then the classroom will be available for self-enrolment immediately after you save the changes. Similarly, if the end date is not set, the classroom will be available for self-enrolment indefinitely.

7. Click Save to save the changes.

8. Once the save process is completed, the changes you have made will be saved and you will be redirected to the classroom landing page.
9. Similarly, you can set enrolment type for other classrooms by visiting classroom's editing page.
As an administrator, you can assign a supervisor for a subordinate from the subordinate's profile edit page. The supervisor will be responsible for approving or declining enrolment requests from his/her subordinate.
A subordinate can have only one supervisor. Although, multiple subordinates can be assigned to a supervisor.
1. Click Sliding menu.
2. Under Manage Teamie section, click People and then choose Manage People.
3. Search the user for which you wish to assign a "supervisor". This user is referred to as a "subordinate". The assigned supervisor(s) will approve their subordinates' self - enrolment requests.
4. Click Edit to view user's edit profile page.
5. Scroll down the edit profile page and look for the "Supervisors" field. Type in the "Username" of the supervisor in the text box and an auto-complete list will appear, select the user from the list who will act as Supervisor for approving the classroom enrolment requests of this user. You can select only one supervisor from the list.

6. Click Save at the bottom of the page to save the changes.

7. A message appears to inform you that the changes have been saved. The supervisor(s) will be assigned to the user.
In addition to linking supervisors to subordinates from their profile view one at a time, admins can execute the linking process using the bulk import excel sheet. Let's see how.
A subordinate can have only one supervisor. Although, multiple subordinates can be assigned to a supervisor.
1. Click to open the sidebar and then click Supervisors.

2. Click Import Supervisor Subordinate Relationships.

3. Click Download Template to download the bulk import template for the supervisor subordinate relationships.
4. Open the excel template.
5. The import sheet will have the primary identifiers fields (username / email) for supervisors and subordinates to add or remove the relationship in bulk. Add the supervisor and subordinate primary identifier details and select the ADD action. Then, save the excel file in your system.
6. Click Choose File and then select the filled excel template from your system.
7. Click Create Supervisor Mappings.
8. The import process will begin.
9. Once the import process is completed, you will be redirected to the Supervisor Subordinates Relationships page. You will be informed about the mapping status details. An email will also be sent to your registered email with detailed report of the import status (if the email notification preferences is enabled).

As an admin, you will also be able to view all the supervisor-subordinate relationships set on the site.
1. Click Supervisor Subordinate Relationships after expanding the Supervisors menu.

2. On the Supervisor Subordinate Relationships page, you will be able to view all the subordinates on the site along with their supervisors.
3. Other details, such as, the site status, username, email and user meta fields will be listed for both the subordinate and the supervisor. You can filter the table on the basis of the aforementioned fields.
The supervisor details will be also be shown on a subordinate's profile page.