Any user that enrols in a classroom that are open for self enrolment is considered as a subordinate.
Subordinates can enrol themselves in a classroom in two ways, if one of the following two enrolment type:
1. Automatic Self-enrolment (no approval needed): This means any user can enrol to the classroom at any point in time without any need of approval. Also, any member of such classroom(s) can also un-enrol from the classroom(s) as per their wish.
Automatic self-enrolment allows quick registration in a classroom and thus saves time. Users can easily enrol in the classrooms of their liking and keep learning.
2. Approved Self-enrolment (approval needed): This means any user can enrol to the classroom at any point in time, but will become a member only after their supervisor(s) approve their enrolment request. Any member of such classroom(s) can un-enrol from the classroom(s) as per their wish.
Until the enrolment request is approved, users will only be able to access the About page of the classroom.
Enrol - The process of a user being added to a classroom / module which is open for enrolment
Approval - The action performed by a supervisor of approving their subordinates enrolment request to enrol in a classroom.
Subordinate - The person who enrols in a classroom that is open for self-enrolment.
Supervisor - A supervisor is assigned to a subordinate to approve his/her enrolment requests for Approved Self-enrolment classrooms.
Once a user is enrolled in a classroom, he/she will be assigned the "learner" role by default.
This article will guide you on:
1. On the home page, click View Classroom Catalogue.
You may also access "View Class Catalogue" page from the sliding menu.
2. This page will show a complete list of all the classrooms available for subordinate's to enrol into.
3. You may search the classroom of your choice by typing the classroom name in the search box and system will show you the matching results.
4. You may also apply other filters to refine your search.
5. For example, in case you wish to filter classrooms which are open for enrolment without the need of any approval from supervisor(s), then you can select the filters as shown in the following screenshot.
6. Once the filter is applied, you will get the list of classrooms which are open for enrolment without any approval. Click "Clear Filters" to reset your search to default.
You can use these filters with different combination to refine your search.
7. Once you have filtered the required classroom, hover over the classroom card and click the Enrol Now button.
You can also click a classroom to access its About page to get the overview of the classroom (introduction, topics covered, staff information, etc). An Enrol Now button will also be present on the About page for you to enrol.
8. If the classroom has automatic self-enrolment (no approval needed) setting enabled for it, then you will be instantly enrolled in the classroom and access its posts and materials.
1. On the home page, click View Classroom Catalogue.
You may also access "View Class Catalogue" page from the sliding menu.
2. This page will show a complete list of all the classrooms available for subordinate's to enrol into.
3. You may search the classroom of your choice by typing the classroom name in the search box and system will show you the matching results.
4. Click Filters to refine your search. For example, in case you wish to filter classrooms which are open for enrolment with approval from supervisor(s), then you can select the filters as shown in the following screenshot.
5. Once the filter is applied, you will get the list of classrooms which are open for enrolment and whose enrolment requests will be approved by your supervisors.
6. Once you have filtered the required classroom, hover over the classroom card and click the Enrol Now button.
7. As the classroom has approved self-enrolment (approval needed) setting enabled for it, your enrolment request will be sent to your supervisor for approval.
8. Once your enrolment request is approved, you will get an email notification and you will be enrolled in that classroom.
9. You will also receive bulletin board notification when your supervisor(s) approves your enrolment requests.
1. On the homepage, click the classroom you wish to unenrol from.
2. Click the ellipses (...), then select About tab.
3. On the classroom's about page, click Unenrol from group button.
4. Clicking unenrol button will cancel your enrolment from the classroom and you will no longer have access to its posts and materials. Click "Enrol Now" button again in case you wish to enrol in the classroom again.
Q1: I have unenrolled from a classroom and later it turned out to be a mistake. Can I enrol again?
A: Yes, you can. You may click on the Enrol Now button and you will be enrolled in the classroom based on these two parameters:
- Automatic Self-enrolment (no approval needed): This means any user can enrol to the classroom at any point in time without any need of approval. Also, any member of such classroom(s) can also un-enrol from the classroom(s) as per their wish.
Automatic self-enrolment allows quick registration in a classroom and thus saves time. Users can easily enrol in the classrooms of their liking and keep learning.
- Approved Self-enrolment (approval needed): This means any user can enrol to the classroom at any point in time, but will become a member only after their supervisor(s) approve their enrolment request. Any member of such classroom(s) can un-enrol from the classroom(s) as per their wish.
Until the enrolment request is approved, users will only be able to access the About page of the classroom
Q2: By mistake, I have sent an enrolment request for a classroom. Is there any way to undo my request?
A: Once the enrolment request is sent, it can’t be undone. Although, you may request your supervisors to decline your enrolment request or you can exit/unenrol from the classroom after your request is approved.
Q3: Earlier, I was able to exit/enrol from the classroom that I have enroled in, but now I don’t see this “Unenrol from group” for the same classroom. What should I do now?
A: This could be due to the fact that your site administrator would have changed the classroom’s enrolment type to “No-self enrolment”. You may inform your site administrator to cancel your classroom’s membership from those classrooms.