
Enabling smart scheduler

As an instructor, you may want to quickly know what deadlines learners in your class already have while you are going to add a new task or assessment. For this, we have introduced a new feature called the smart scheduler for assisting you while setting deadlines and Available from / to dates. Smart Scheduler shows which days are busy for the learners in a classroom with the help of different colours. The colour scheme is indicative of the number of task, lesson & assessment deadlines for your learners in all their classrooms. The stronger color indicates that most learners have one or more deadlines that day.

This article will guide you on:

Enabling smart scheduler

As an instructor, currently you may not be aware of the workload that your learners may have from their other classrooms. The smart scheduler will indicate the amount of existing deadlines for a learner, from all his classrooms, on a given day. You will have the option to enable the smart scheduler when you are adding / editing any of the following dates:

  • Homework post deadline
  • Lesson available from
  • Lesson available to
  • Assignment from date
  • Assignment deadline
1. Enabling smart scheduler while adding / editing a homework / task post

2. Click on Due on field which is used to set the due date and time in which learners should complete the task.

If you are not creating a task post from inside a classroom, then make sure to select a classroom for which you wish to enable the smart scheduler. Also, smart scheduler cannot be enabled if you select more than one classroom.

3. Click Enable smart scheduler check box to enable the smart scheduler.

4. Once the smart scheduler is enabled, you will be able to see different colors or no color for each day for every learner in the classroom, for each classroom they belong to. The color scheme will indicate how busy each day is for the classroom's learners.

You can also use smart scheduler filters to set deadline for particular materials in a more efficient and vigilant manner.

2. Enabling smart scheduler while adding / editing a lesson

2. Click Available From and Available Till field to set the date and time during which the lesson will be available for learners to read.

3. Clicking the Available From and Available Till field will show the date and time picker to select the required date and time from and to which the  lesson will be available for learners to read. Click the Enable smart scheduler check box to enable the smart scheduler.

4. Once the smart scheduler is enabled, you will be able to see different colors or no color for each day for every learner in the classroom, for each classroom they belong to. The color scheme will indicate how busy each day is for the classroom's learners.

You can also use smart scheduler filters to set deadline for particular materials/resources in a more efficient and vigilant manner.

3. Enabling smart scheduler while adding / editing an assignment

2. Click Published and Pick the Available From and Due date of the assignment. Available From is the date from which the assignment will be available to the learners and Due Date is the deadline for the learners to make the submissions to the assignment.

3. Click the Enable smart scheduler check box to enable the smart scheduler.

4. Once the smart scheduler is enabled, you will be able to see different colors or no color for each day for every learner in the classroom, for each classroom they belong to. The color scheme will indicate how busy each day is for the classroom's learners.

You can also use smart scheduler filters to set deadline for particular materials in a more efficient and vigilant manner.

Color scheme

Once the smart scheduler is enabled, you will be able to see different colors or no color for each day for every learner in the classroom, for each classroom they belong to. The color scheme will appear as per the following logic:

1. If there are no deadlines for learners in any classroom they belong to, then no color or help text will be shown on hover (tool tip).

2. If there are very few deadlines, i.e, less than half the learners have a deadline, then the following color will be shown along with the help text "Slightly Busy" on hover (tool tip).

3. If more than half the learners have a deadline, then the following color will be shown along with the help text "Moderately Busy" on hover (tool tip).

4. If every learner of the classroom has at least one deadline, then the following color will be shown along with the help text "Quite Busy" on hover (tool tip).

5. If every learner of the classroom has at least two deadlines, then the following color will be shown along with the help text "Very Busy" on hover (tool tip).

6. If every learner of the classroom has three or more one deadlines, then the following color will be shown along with the help text "Extremely Busy" on hover (tool tip).

Using smart scheduler filters

Once you have enabled the smart scheduler, three new filters will appear below it. These will be the

  1. Assessments filter
  2. Homework / Tasks filter, and
  3. Lessons filter

The aforementioned filters will be enabled by default, once you enable the smart scheduler.

2. Once you enable the smart scheduler, three new filters will appear below it. These will be the Assessments, Homework / Tasks, and Lessons filters, which will be enabled by default.

3. If you un-tick one or more checkbox(es), then the calendar will stop showing coloured indications of how busy each day is, in that classroom, based on the deadlines set for the corresponding checkboxes.

For instance, if the Homework checkbox is un-ticked while setting a deadline, then the calendar will show coloured indications of how busy each day is in that classroom based on the deadlines set for only the assessments and lessons. It will not take into account the homework due dates while calculating how busy a day is.Therefore, instructors can set deadline for particular materials in a more efficient and vigilant manner.

Enabling smart scheduler for multiple classrooms

Currently, the smart scheduler works only for a single classroom and cannot be enabled when a task post is being shared with multiple classrooms. Similarly, for lessons/assessments, if multiple classrooms are selected, then only the data for the current classroom will be shown. In case, the smart scheduler is enabled for multiple classrooms, you will be the first to know :)

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Q. Can i use smart scheduler while adding / editing a quiz?

A. No, currently you will have the option to enable the smart scheduler when you are adding / editing any of the following dates:

  • Homework post deadline
  • Lesson available from
  • Lesson available to
  • Assignment from date
  • Assignment deadline

Q. Can i use the smart scheduler to view only the deadlines of all the assignments that my classroom learners have in all the classroom they are part of?

A. Yes, for this you can use the smart scheduler filters.

Q. Can i enable smart scheduler for multiple classrooms?

A. No, Currently, the smart scheduler works only for a single classroom and cannot be enabled when a task post is being shared with multiple classrooms. Similarly, for lessons/assessments, if multiple classrooms are selected, then only the data for the current classroom will be shown. In case, the smart scheduler is enabled for multiple classrooms, you will be the first to know :)

You can subscribe to our Teamie updates blog to stay up to date with our releases.

Q. Can we enable the smart scheduler for previous months?

A. No, smart scheduler applies for a period of three months, i.e, the current month and the following two months only. If an user navigates to a month not in the current or the following two months (or any previous month), then smart scheduler will not be available for those month.

Q. While using a smart scheduler, can i click on a day to see the list of the items with the deadlines on that day?

A. No, currently you cannot. But this feature might be introduced in our upcoming releases. So, stay tuned to our Teamie updates blog.

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