
Taking Assignments

Learners can take assignments from the Materials screen. All the assignments that need to be taken will have a TAKE ASSIGNMENT button. Tapping on the TAKE ASSIGNMENT button will take you to the assignment taking screen which, by the way, is very informative.

This article will guide you on:

Taking an assignment from the Teamie Android app

1. Access the section which has the required assignment that you wish to take.

You can also filter all the assessments in a classroom to easily find the required assignment that you wish to take.

2. On the assignment card view, you will be able to see basic information about the assignment, such as, the date from which it is available to the learners, its due date, the number of attempts available for learners to attempt and the maximum score. Tap the TAKE ASSIGNMENT button of the available assignment that you wish to take.

3. The assignment taking page opens. The following mode of submission appears as set by your instructors:

  • File submission - To allow you to upload files while making a submission. An additional option for audio recorder can be enabled by your instructor to allow you to upload an audio file for the submission.
  • Text - To allow learner to type out their answers. Your instructor can set a limit on the number of characters or words that will be allowed for the submission.
  • One Drive and/or Google Drive submission- To allow you to upload a Google Drive and/or One Drive file for the submission, in case these integrations are enabled on your Teamie site.

4. In this case, we are making a textual submission. To make a textual submission, type in your answer in the given text area.

5. Once you are done with textual / file submission, scroll up and choose any one of the action from the drop dow menu:

  1. Submit for evaluation: Choose this action when you are sure and want to submit your submission for final evaluation or grading.
  2. Save & Continue later: Choose this action to save your submission in draft mode. You can come back later and make edits to your draft submission and submit it for final evaluation.

In this case, we have chosen the Submit for evaluation action.

You cannot come back later to make edits to your previously given answers for a draft assignment if the due date of the assignment has passed.

6. The moment you choose Submit for evaluation action, you will be prompted that "you are submitting this attempt for evaluation and once submitted, you will not be able to edit your attempt". Tap Yes, submit to continue and No, cancel to stay on the assignment submission screen.

7. On tapping the Yes, submit button, the assignment submission making process initiates and a confirmation message appears once your attempt is submitted for evaluation. In case, multiple submissions are allowed for an assignment, then you can continue making submissions till the maximum number of attempts limit are reached.

You will not be able to retake the assignment if your previous attempt has been graded and the scores are published by your instructor. In case, you wish to retake the assignment, then please request your instructor to unpublish the score of your previous attempt or remove your previous attempt.

8. You can view the assignment score once the score has been published by your instructor on the assessments listing screen (in the following case, the scores are not yet published by the instructor). Green tick mark indicates that you have already made submission for an assignment.

You can also view your previous attempts from the assignment card view on the assessments listing screen / section screen.

Peer Review (assignment submissions)

Your instructor can enable the peer review setting for an assignment and allot other learner(s) submission(s) to you for review. These assignments are known as peer review assignments. The peer review will be available once the deadline and late submission period is over and the Review Available From date and time starts and it will be available till the Review Deadline. The deadline will be shown in your ToDos and calendar.

This article will guide you on:

In case you have not made any attempt for the peer review assignment yourself, then you will not be allowed to peer review other learners' submissions (and will not be shown any peer review submissions allotted to you).

Accessing assignment submissions open for peer review

1. When the peer review for an assignment is open for you, you will be notified about it. Tapping the notification will take you directly to the PEER REVIEW tab.

2. The PEER REVIEW tab will show you the learner attempt(s) that you need to peer review. In case you are alloted more than one learner's attempt to review, you will see those in the PEER REVIEW tab.

3. Then, you can tap on the Status to access the learner's attempt that you need to review.

In case, the instructor has set up the assignment to be peer reviewed anonymously, then you will not be able to see the name of the learner you are reviewing and the name will be shown as 'Learner'.

4. You can also access the PEER REVIEW tab directly by tapping the PEER REVIEW button from the assignment's card.

5. Furthermore, you can also access the peer review attempt(s) via the corresponding calendar event from the ToDos or full calendar view.


Reviewing assignment submissions open for peer review

In case, the instructor has set up the assignment to be peer reviewed anonymously, then you will not be able to see the name of the learner you are reviewing and the name will be shown as 'Learner'. You can access multiple learners attempts (if allotted) from the PEER REVIEW tab.

If anonymous peer review is enabled, the learner(s) whom submission(s) you are reviewing will also not be able to see your identity and will just see a generic label 'Reviewer' instead of your name.

2. On the Attempts page, you will be able to see the learner's attempt that is considered for grading.

3. Go through the learner's attempt. As per the assignment's submissions settings, the attempt may include textual submission, file attachments and GDrive/OneDrive documents (if enabled on your Teamie site).

4. Once done, grade the attempt using the available grading methods. In the following screenshot - score, grade and a scoring rubric is available for grading.

5. Click to open the rubric and select the required scales for the respective criterion.

6. As the rubric attached is a scoring rubric, therefore the total score will get updated as per the total score of each of the scale selected in the rubric picker. In case of non-scoring rubrics, the scores need to be added separately.

7. You can also add feedback to the attempt by adding textual comments along with other attachment types from the comments section.

8. If you are allotted more than one learner's attempt to peer review, navigate to the other learner's attempt from the PEER REVIEW tab.

You can be allotted a maximum of '4' learners to peer review.

9. Grade the other attempt(s) accordingly.

10. Once you have reviewed the learners' submission allotted to you, the corresponding Status on the PEER REVIEW tab will change to Reviewed.

11. The ToDos calendar event will also be marked as completed, with a corresponding green tick, once you complete the peer review.

Viewing Peer Review done on your submission

In case your submission has been peer reviewed by one or more of your peers, then you can check the grades/scores/comments added by your peers as following:

1. On the Materials page of the required classroom/module, tap the peer reviewed assignment.

2. On the ATTEMPTS tab, tap the required attempt to open it.

3. The attempt opens. Tap the Peer Review icon at the top right corner of the screen.

4. A bottom sheet opens with the list of peer reviewers who have been allotted your attempt to review.

If anonymous peer review is enabled, you will not be able to view the reviewer's identity who has been allotted your attempt to review. You will just see a generic label 'Reviewer'. For example, in the following screenshot, the attempt is allotted to be peer reviewed anonymously by two reviewers ('Reviewer 1' and 'Reviewer 2').

The bottom sheet will show the peer review scores and grades (if any) given to you by your peers.

Any feedback (comments) added by reviewers during the peer review will also be available to you in the comment section of the attempt along with the feedback of your instructor, if any.

5. If available, tap the rubric icon in the bottom sheet to open the rubric screen and view the scales selected by the reviewer for each criterion during the peer review. The rubric screen will also show the name of the reviewer, if applicable.

The name of the reviewers will not be visible to you if your instructor have enabled the anonymous peer review setting for the assignment.

6. You can also view the peer reviewed scales by opening the rubric on the attempt screen as well. An additional triangle symbol will be shown on the top-right of a scale to indicate a peer review grade. Tapping it will show who has graded this.

7. In case the instructor has graded the submission as well, then their selected rubric scales will also be shown as usual (filling the scale completely).

Take note that the publishing/unpublishing of the scores and comments by your instructor will not affect the visibility of peer reviewed scores and comments. Publishing of instructors scores and comments is independent of peer review scores and comments.

As soon as an attempt is peer reviewed, the learner will be able to see the scores, grades and comments given by the reviewer on the attempt. A notification is also sent for comments added during the peer review.

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