Users will now be able to create personal calendars and events. These personal calendar events are different from the classroom level events that are automatically created with the creation of task posts, lessons and assessments with deadlines. In a nutshell, users can now create and add events in their personal calendar which will only be visible to them.
Personal calendar events needs to be manually added by users in their calendar. This can be especially helpful for learners who wish to add mini-deadlines for themselves for a long term project or something on those lines. Users can create and manage their personal calendars while viewing their own calendar.
Your personal calendar and their events can not be shared with other users on Teamie platform. These are only for your personal use.
This article will guide you on:
1. Click Sliding menu.
2. Click Calendar to open Teamie calendar.
3. You can also click Calendar icon provided at the top navigation bar and then click View Calendar to open Teamie calendar.
The calendar prefixed with an icon indicates that this is your personal calendar and are clubbed under "Personal Calendars" category.
The events which are associated with your personal calendars, will only be visible to you and these events can not be shared with other users on Teamie platform.
4. Click Manage Personal Calendars link to create your personal calendars.
5. All your personal calendars (if any) will be displayed under Manage Personal Calendars page.
6. To create a new personal calendar, add a name for your calendar and click the Tick mark icon or press the Enter key on your keyboard.
7. A confirmation message appears stating that the calendar has been created successfully.
8. Similarly, you can create any number of calendars as per your requirement.
1. On the Manage Personal Calendars listing page, click Edit calendar name icon next to the calendar name.
2. Clicking the edit icon makes the text box editable.
3. Edit the calendar name as per your requirement and click Tick mark icon or enter key to save the changes.
4. A confirmation message appears stating that the calendar has been updated successfully.
1. On the Manage Personal Calendars listing pop up, click Delete calendar and all events in it icon next to the calendar name.
2. A confirmation message appears. Click Yes to delete the calendar, else click Cancel to abort.
Deleting a calendar will also delete all the events created with the specific calendar and this action can not be reverted / rolled back.
3. A success message appears stating that the calendar has been deleted successfully. The deleted calendar will no longer appear on your manage calendars list.
After you have created personal calendars on Teamie, it is time to add events to those personal calendars to keep track of upcoming events. As an instructor, you can also add calendar events in your classrooms and mark attendance for them accordingly.
1. Click Sliding menu.
2. Click Calendar to open Teamie calendar.
3. You can also click Calendar icon provided at the top navigation bar and then click View Calendar to open Teamie calendar.
4. Click + Add event link to create an event.
5. Enter the name of the event.
6. Enter the event From and To date-time.
If required, you can also add Recurring Calendar Events.
By default, the event's end time is one hour ahead from event's starting time.
7. Click Select Calendar drop-down to select calendar(s) to which the event will be added to.
8. Select the calendar(s) by ticking the corresponding check box. All personal calendars will appear along with classroom calendars in the filter drop down list. A small icon will appear before the personal calendars to distinguish them from the classroom calendars.
9. Similarly, you can share an event with multiple calendars.
Note 1: If an event is shared with multiple calendars, then system will create a unique event for each calendars. This means if you are editing an event which is associated with a specific calendar, then such changes will not reflect in other calendars with which the event was shared at the time of creation. Similarly, deleting an event will not delete event from all other calendars.
Note 2: In case you are an instructor, you can share an event with both your personal or classroom's calendars that you are part of. As a learner, you can share an event only to your personal calendars. Attendance can only be marked for classroom level events.
10. Add a description of the event (optional field).
11. When you are finished adding details to your event, click the Create Event button.
12. A confirmation message appears stating that the event has been added to the calendar successfully. Furthermore, a bulletin board and an email notification (if enabled in the notification preferences) will be sent to all the learners of the classroom about the created calendar event.
13. You can view the newly created event by clicking on it from the calendar.
As an instructor, while creating a calendar event, you can enable attendance via QR code (if it enabled on your Teamie site). Enabling the attendance via QR code will generate two different QR Codes for check-in and check-out. Learners will need to scan these code to mark themselves as present for this event.
1. Create an event.
2. Tick the Attendance via QR code checkbox.
3. Once you enable the 'Attendance via QR code' setting, you will also have the option to assign material to open after scanning Check-Out QR code. Ticking this checkbox will allow you to assign a published material from the classroom and the learners will be redirected to the selected material after scanning the checkout QR code.
4. Ticking the checkbox will open the list of published materials in the classroom.
In case multiple calendars are selected to add the event, materials common to those classrooms will be listed.
5. Select the required material and click Attach to attach the material to be opened after learners scan the checkout QR code.
6. Click Create Event to create the calendar event and add it the selected classrooms' calendar(s). A confirmation notification will appear once the event is created.
7. Once the calendar event is created, you can open it by accessing it from the Calendar Events or the Calendar full view.
8. Once you open the calendar event, click View QR codes.
9. Check In QR code will be shown. Click Check Out to view the check out code.
10. You can click the Download link for the respective QR codes to open in new tab and download them. Share the QR codes with the learners for them to scan the QR codes from the Teamie app and mark their attendance. As an instructor, you will be able to view the total attended duration based on the QR code scanning.
Using the Teamie - Zoom integration in calendar events, instructors can link online Zoom meetings to events created directly in their Teamie classrooms/modules.
These meetings can then be joined by the members of the classroom through Teamie. As an instructor, you can enable Zoom Meetings as an option while creating events for their classrooms. Click here to learn more about this.
In today's digital world, efficient management of online learning environments is crucial. This article will guide you on creating calendar events with Zoom attendance enabled. This will empower you to effortlessly monitor learner participation using the Teamie - zoom integration and ensure a streamlined learning experience. Click here to learn more about this.
1. On the Teamie calendar page, click the event you want to edit.
2. An event can also be edited / updated by clicking the Calendar icon provided at the top navigation bar and then clicking the event you want to edit.
3. You can edit the event title.
The calendar drop-down will remain disabled for selection, which means, you can not change / allocate another calendar for an event while editing an event.
4. Similarly, you can change the event's date and time and description, if needed.
In case a calendar event has been created with QR code enabled, then while editing the event you cannot edit the generated QR codes or any optional material that you have assigned to be opened after scanning the Check-Out QR code.
5. When you are finished editing your event, click the Save Changes button.
6. A confirmation message appears stating that the event has been updated successfully. Furthermore, a bulletin board and an email notification (if enabled in the notification preferences) will be sent to all the learners of the classroom about the updated calendar event.
1. Access the Calendar page from your profile page by clicking your name.
2. Then, click the Calendar tab to access your calendar.
3. On the Calendar page, click the event you want to delete.
4. Click the Delete icon to delete the event.
5. A confirmation message appears. Click Yes to delete the event, else click Cancel to abort.
6. A success message appears confirming that the event has been deleted successfully. The deleted event will no longer appear in the Teamie calendar. Furthermore, a bulletin board and an email notification (if enabled in the notification preferences) will be sent to all the learners of the classroom about the deleted calendar event.
Recurring events are an essential part of a busy schedule, and it becomes easier to manage them with the help of recurring calendar events. In Teamie, you can add and manage recurring calendar events in a very quick and efficient manner. You create multiple instances of an event with a single action. Furthermore, you can make changes to an entire series of events, such as time changes or cancellations, instead of updating each event individually, thereby saving time and effort. Whether you're scheduling weekly school meetings or monthly training sessions, recurring calendar events offer a simple and efficient way to manage them. Let's see how you can:
Kindly note that only the same-day events can be marked as recurring events, and the Repeats checkbox will be enabled only if the From and To dates entered for the event are falling on the same day.
1. Create an event.
2. Click Repeats checkbox to add the calendar event as a recurring calendar event.
3. Clicking on the Repeats checkbox will open another modal where users can select details about the Repeat Frequency (Daily, Weekly, or Monthly) and Repeats Until (the date until which the recurring events will be created).
For example, if you want to schedule a weekly meeting, select the weekly option, and then select an end date for the recurring event. This will be the date until which the recurring events will be created repeating at the selected (weekly) frequency.
4. Click Save to save the details.
5. Clicking Save will close the recurrence details modal and show the list of dates on which the events will be repeated.
6. If required, users can choose to remove certain dates from the list so that the recurring event will not be created on that date. There will be a count of the number of times the event will be repeated. When a repeated event is removed from the list, this count will be updated to indicate the actual amount of times the calendar event will be created.
7. Click Create Event to create the recurring calendar event. A confirmation notification appears once the event is created.

8. Once the recurring event, the required number of calendar events will be created at the set intervals as per the settings.
In case any video conference or Google Hangouts integration is configured on your Teamie site, then each recurring event will have a different conference link.

1. You cannot edit the repeat patterns of recurring events. Only the event title, time and the description will be editable.
2. If required, you can delete recurring events. Access the required recurring calendar event from the ToDos panel or the full view calendar.

3. Click the delete icon.
4. You can either delete the individual event, or that event along with the following events or all the recurring calendar events in the entire series. Deleting a single event in a recurring series will not affect any other events in the series, while deleting the entire series will remove all instances of the event. You have the following options to delete recurring event(s):
- This event: Deletes only the current event
- This and following events: Deletes the current event and all following events
- All events: Deletes all the events in this chain of recurring events (including past, present, and future occurrences)
5. Click This event and then click Okay.
6. Click Yes to confirm deleting the particular event.
7. The selected calendar event will be deleted. No other calendar event in the series will be deleted.
8. In case you wish to delete the selected calendar event and all the following recurring calendar event(s) in the series, click the Delete icon and select This and following events. Then click Okay.
9. Click Yes to confirm deleting that particular event.
10. The current event and all the following events will be deleted. Any past events in the series will not be deleted.
10. Similarly, you can select All events to delete all the recurring events in the series including any past events.