An offline test is a type of assessment that learner takes offline and whose score is recorded on Teamie.
This article will guide you on:
1. Click the global Add (+) at the top-right corner of the page. You can add an offline test from any page by just clicking "+" icon.
2. Click Offline Test.
3. Type in the Title and enter maximum mark of the offline test.
The maximum mark / maximum score field is empty by default and instructor needs to add a score in order to create an offline test. But, this is a configurable settings at the site-level, and the default score while creating an offline task can be set from Teamie's end on request. Once set, the field will still be present, but pre-filled with the set default value. Instructors can still edit and change it as per their requirement.
4. Click Classroom drop-down and select the classroom in which you wish to create the offline test.
5. Click Section drop-down and select a section of your choice. The offline test will be created and placed at the end of the selected section.
6. Click Create and the offline test will be created shortly.
You can also add an offline test from the materials listing page of a classroom. On the Materials page, you have the freedom to add a new offline test at any desired location. For example, it can be at the top, in between two resources or right below the last item, a +Add link gives you the flexibility to add an offline test at the corresponding location.
Enter the name of the offline test and click Create Offline Test. By default, an offline test is created with a Score of '1' (this default score is configurable at the site level and can vary from site to site). You can change it from the Grading settings block as shown in 'step 10' of this article.
7. Once the offline test is created, you will be redirected to the classroom's materials listing page and you will see that offline test in expanded view.
8. Add instructions to the offline test. These instructions will be shown to the learners on the offline test landing page before the learners start working on the offline test and submit their work report to the instructor offline. If required, you can also format the instruction's text using the available rich text options by selecting the text.
We also have the site-level option to set default text values for offline test instructions. This can be used to provide the creator some guideline on what should be added in an offline test or to add some default text that is used frequently throughout the offline test instructions at the site level. Kindly contact your site administrator or write to us in order to set a default text value for your Teamie site.
You can also upload documents in offline test's instructions from you system or from a file-sharing service, such as Google Drive / OneDrive, if integrated.
9. If required, select offline test's start and end date from the date picker.
10. Click Grading to expand the grading settings block. By default, an offline test is created with a Score of '1' (this default score is configurable at the site level and can vary from site to site).
The following three types of grading settings are available for an offline test out of which at least one setting needs to be enabled:
- Score
- Rubric
- Grade Scheme
- Enabled Certificate
As an instructor, you can select one, two or all the four aforementioned settings as per your requirement to make it a scoring or a non-scoring assessment.
In case your Teamie site has 'Grading Component' enabled, the Grading Component setting will also be shown under the Grading setting. Take note that the Grading Component setting along with the Summative/Formative settings are independent of the above settings.
11. You can change the maximum marks for the offline test from the Grading block's Score section.
12. In case you wish to attach rubric to the offline test, click the Rubric setting to open the Assign rubric/objective page.
13. The rubric listing page opens. You can select from the rubrics that you have used earlier from the My Rubrics tab or search rubrics from the Rubric Bank. You can also create a new rubric and attach with the offline test.
The globe icon shown next to a rubric title indicates that the rubric is shared to the rubric bank and can be used by other instructors on the Teamie platform.
14. Search for the rubric you wish to map to the offline test.
You can click the View Details icon next to the rubric title to view its description and scale along with the list of assessments where it has already been attached.
You can also create a new rubric by clicking the + Create new rubric button at the top right of the screen. The rubric name will have the assessment name prefixed.
15. Select the required rubric and click Attach to attach it to the offline test.
16. In case a scoring rubric is selected, the offline test's total score will be changed automatically based on the rubric's maximum score. If a non-scoring rubric is attached, then it will not affect the score of the offline test and the rubric scales will be used only for the feedback without affecting the offline test score. The selected rubric will be mapped instantly.
17. Click the Grade Scheme setting to open the Grade schemes page in order to set a grade scheme for the offline test. A grade scheme is a set of criteria that measures varying levels of achievement in a classroom. Grade schemes are based on percentage ranges, and each percentage range is given a name (name value could be alphanumeric). A grade scheme can include any number of achievement levels.
18. The Grade scheme listing page opens. Search for the grade scheme you wish to map to this offline test.
19. Click on the grade scheme name to select and then click Set grade scheme to attach it to the offline test.
You can quickly filter the grade schemes created by you by ticking the Show only mine checkbox.

20. The selected grade scheme will be attached to the offline test.
Click "X" to remove the mapped scheme or click Change to replace the previously attached grade scheme.
If 'Grading Component' is enabled on your Teamie site, then the Grading Component setting will also be available. Click Select Grading component and select the required grading component from the drop down (this option will only appear if this feature (Grading Component) is enabled on your site.
If enabled at site level, the grading components will remain same for all the classrooms. On the other hand, if it is enabled at classroom level, then instructors can create grading component based on their requirement, group assessments by grading components and grade all types of assessments (Assignment, Online Quiz and Offline Test). Click here to learn more about creating and managing grading components.
21. By default an offline test is set as Formative. Click the Summative radio button to make the offline test summative. Then, enter the weightage if you want the scores obtained in this offline test to be considered for evaluation. Take note that the Weightage can be '0%' as well, if required.
Summative assessments are used in order to evaluate learning at the culmination of a unit by comparing it against some predefined standards. An example being a final project or end-term examination evaluation.
Formative assessments on the other hand are used to monitor learning and provide ongoing feedback. This helps an instructor to develop a better learning plan for helping their learners. An example being a mid research proposal for early feedback.
If the 'Certificate' feature is enabled on your site and it is configured to allow certificates to be attached to materials, then you will be able to enable/attach a certificate template to the offline test which will allow learners to receive certificate for the completion of the assessment. Click here to learn more.
22. Click the Sharing block to share the offline test with your multiple classrooms. By default, it shows you the classroom the offline test is currently shared with.
23. Clicking the Classrooms drop-down will list all the classrooms you are member of. Select the classroom that you want to share the offline test with. Similarly, you can select multiple classrooms to share your offline test with. You can also type the classroom name to filter it quickly. For example, we are filtering the mathematics classroom.
24. Here, we have shared this offline test with two classrooms.
25. You can also use the 'Personalization' settings to share the offline test with specific learner(s) or team(s) of a class. Take note that you cannot share an Offline Test with teams and/or learners as it is shared with multiple classes.
If 'Parent' feature is configured on your Teamie site, then parents can have access to the assignments that are shared with their child when they have access to their gradebook as per the site configuration. As an instructor, you can restrict this access at the assignment level by choosing to show or not show an assignment to parents in their child's gradebook from the Parent Access setting. Click here to learn more about it.
26. Any change made to the offline test will be auto-saved.
In case multiple users are on the same page of an offline test and one of them makes a change, then that will become the latest version of that material. Any other user on the same page will be shown a refresh prompt to refresh the page.
This will be a mandatory action and any user(s), not on the latest version, will need to refresh the page in order to make any changes. This change will make sure that no changes are accidentally overridden when more than one user is editing content on Teamie.
1. Go to classroom's materials page and click on the Offline test you want to edit.
2. The moment, you click on the offline test, it would open in the expanded view where you can make the changes you wish to make.
3. You can change offline test title and update its description text, as per your requirement.
4. Your changes will be auto-saved.
5. Click Date of the Test block to expand and change the offline test's start and end date.
6. The Grading block allows you to configure the offline test score settings. You can define offline test grading typing (Summative or Formative) and map grade scheme and rubric as well to grade learner's submission using predefined grade schemes / rubrics.

7. Similarly, the Sharing block allows you to share the offline test with one or more classrooms. You can also unshare the offline test from any classroom(s) it is shared. Although, keep in mind the offline test needs to be shared with at least one classroom.

8. Your changes will be auto-saved.

1. On the Materials listing page, click View Records next to the offline test in list view.
You can also see View Records button in card view and offline test's expanded view.
Accessing View Records page of an offline test from card view.
Accessing View Records page of an offline test from its expanded view.
2. On the View Records page, click + Add Evidence next to the learner for which you wish to add evidence.
Following is the list of files which you can upload from your local system as an evidence to each learner's work and then grade their work on Teamie accordingly:
Types of files
- Documents - .Doc, .Docx, .XLS, .XLSX, PPT, PDF
- Images - .PNG, JPEG
- Audio - .mp3
- Video - .mp4
3. Select the document(s) and then click Open to add the documents as an evidence for the selected learner from your system.
Note: You can attach multiple documents too as evidence.
4. Adding Evidence process starts.
5. A success message appears stating that the evidence has been added for the learner successfully.
6. Repeat step 3 to add more documents as evidence for the remaining learners as per your requirement.
7. Click View link next to the learner's name to view the uploaded evidence file(s).
8. The learner's view submission page opens. You can go through the learner's submission and grade it by entering the scores or using the rubric, if applicable.
In case, you have uploaded multiple files as evidence for a specific learner, then system will display those in different tabs to show each uploaded file separately. Click the particular tab to switch and view the files' content.
9. You can go through the learner's submission and grade it as per the grading settings.
11. You can also add an evidence while viewing an individual learner's file submissions by clicking + Add Evidence provided at the top right corner. You may also add comment (textual / audio) to the learner's submission while grading. To add an audio comment, click the microphone icon and record your feedback.
12. To add textual feedback, enter text in the Enter your comment here text box and then click Submit.
By default the comments will be visible to the learners. Click Unpublish Comments to unpublish the comments and hide them from the learner. In case a non-scoring rubric is attached to the offline test, then the rubric scales selected by you will also be visible to the learner along with the comments.
On the other hand the grade, score and the rubric scales of a scoring rubric (if any) will be unpublished by default and will only be visible to the learners once you click the Publish Score & Rubric button.
13. To remove any file submission, click the Delete this file at the bottom left corner and then click Yes, Delete! to confirm and the selected file will be deleted permanently. Click Cancel to abort.
1. On the Materials listing page, click View/Enter Records of the required offline test.
2. Click +Add Feedback/Score for the learner whose score you wish to assign.
In case no rubric is attached to the offline test, then the +Add Feedback/Score button will change to the +Add Score button as only scores need to be added for the offline test.
3. The rubric popover will open showing the rubric criterion and scale for the selected offline test.
If any criteria / scale has description, then a tooltip will appear infront of it. Hover over the tooltip to view the description.
4. Select the appropriate scale from the popover and the moment you select a scale, corresponding point of that scale gets updated in the Points column.
5. Once you are done grading, click Save to save the scores, else click Cancel to abort.
6. Learner's score will be updated and shown on the View/Enter Records page for that learner. Click the pencil icon to change the scales, if required.
The comments will be published by default for all the learners and therefore any added comments will be visible to the learners. Click Unpublish to unpublish the comments for the required learners.
Whereas, the scores will be unpublished by default along with any selected rubric scales of a scoring rubric. Click Publish for the required learners to make the scores and rubric visible to those learners.
7. Repeat step 2 to 6 to grade other learners.
8. For offline test with non-scoring rubric attached, you need to assign scores and add rubric feedback separately. Click + Add Feedback/Score button.
9. Add rubric feedback and score for the learner. Then click Save.
10. The rubric feedback and score will be added for the learner.
11. In case you have only added the feedback and clicked Save without entering the score for the learner, then only a green rubric icon (color will depend on your site's color scheme) will be shown for the learner without the score, signifying that the score is not yet added for that learner.
12. In case you have only added the score and clicked Save without adding the rubric feedback for the learner, then the score will be shown with a red colored rubric icon, signifying that the rubric feedback is not yet added for that learner.
The comments and the non scoring rubric's scale will be published by default for all the learners and therefore any added comments/selected rubric scales will be visible to the learners. Click Unpublish to unpublish the comments and rubric for the required learners.
Whereas, the scores will be unpublished by default. Click Publish for the required learners to make the scores visible to those learners.
For an offline test with no rubric attached, you can simply click the Score cell, enter the score and press enter. Entering the score and clicking "tab" instead of "Enter" will move the cursor directly to the next learner cell for that offline test. This will help you quickly grade learners by just using the tab key on your keyboard.
Any comments added on the evidence page of the offline test will be published by default, i.e. visible to the learners. Click Unpublish to unpublish and hide the comments for the required learner(s). The assigned scores will be unpublished by default and will not be visible to the corresponding learners unless you click Publish and make them available to the required learners.
The scores (and rubric scales in case a scoring rubric is attached to the offline test) are not published by default and will not be visible to the learners. To make them visible, you need to publish the scores for the learners either individually or in bulk. Let's see how to do this.
1. Once you have assign scores and graded an offline test on the View/Enter Records page, click the Publish button corresponding to the learner(s), under the Publish Score column, for whom you wish to publish the score and they will be able to view their respective scores.
2. The scores will be published and the the Publish Score column will now show the Unpublish button in order to unpublish the score, if required.
3. Repeat the step 1 to publish scores of multiple learners individually.
Learner(s) will get the associated notification once the scores are published.

4. In order to unpublish the scores for the required learner(s), click the corresponding Unpublish button.
5. The scores will be unpublished and will not be visible to the learners anymore.
6. Similarly, you can unpublish other learners' score individually.
7. In order to publish multiple learners' scores in bulk, select the required learners and the click the Publish Score button.
You can also choose to select all the learners at once by clicking the select all checkbox and then clicking Publish Score. All the learners for whom you have assigned the scores will be published altogether.
8. A confirmation message appears. Click Yes, Publish.
9. The scores will be published shortly for the selected learners, once the progress is 100% and you will receive a confirmation message.
10. Similarly, you can publish/unpublish feedback for multiple or all learners at once in bulk.
11. In case a non-scoring rubric is attached, scores would be published separately and the comments/rubric scales would be published separately. Comments/rubric scales would be published by default, whereas the scores would be unpublished by default.
12. In case a scoring rubric is attached, scores and the rubric scales need to be published separately and the comments would be published separately. Comments would be published by default, whereas the scores/rubric scales would be unpublished by default.
1. Once you have assign scores and graded an offline test, click the Gradebook tab to access that classroom's gradebook.
2. Click Type and select Offline Test from the resulting drop-down to quickly filter all the offline tests in the classroom.
3. Hover over an assessment's title header to view its full name.
4. Click the down arrow for the required offline test and select Publish All from the resulting drop-down..
5. The publishing scores process starts.
6. The scores will be published for the learners and the column will be highlighted with a different color to distinguish from the assessments with unpublished scores.
7. To make the cell highlight more informative, we have added an indicator for this on the corresponding cells. This indicator is in the form of an icon that will be visible once a user hovers over a cell with published score. A tooltip will assist users in viewing the details of this highlight.
This indicator will be present at the learner level in addition to the assessment level and final score level.
Learners will notified once the scores are published for the offline test.

1. On the classroom's gradebook page, click the Rubric View tab.
2. By default, the rubric view will show the list of assessment with rubrics, from all sections of the classroom.
In order to see all the assessments which does not have rubrics associated with them, untick the "Show only assessments with rubric" checkbox. Also, you will see a dash (-) for non-rubric assessments.
3. You can hover over an assessment title to see its full title.
4. Click Criteria drop-down to see the list of all criterion mapped with the assessments and then select the criteria of your choice. Once the criteria filter is applied, you will see the assessments mapped with that criteria. You may select multiple criterions if required.
You can filter the assessments by assessment type. The filter is set to All by default.
Apply the required filter from the dropdown to see the list of only Online Quiz/Assignment/Offline Test.
5. Click on a cell next to the learner name for a rubric enabled assessment.
6. Clicking the cell will open up the rubric popover showing the rubric criterion and scales. Select the appropriate scale from the popover. The moment you select a scale, corresponding mark of that scale gets updated automatically.
7. Repeat step 5 & 6 to grade other learners.
8. Once you are done grading all the learners, click Gradebook View tab. You will notice that the graded / updated scores are appearing for all the learners that have been graded.
You can create a copy of an offline test in the same classroom or copy it to another classroom from the offline test settings. Let's see how you can do this:
1. On the Materials page, click the settings cog wheel of the required offline test.
2. Click Make a copy from the drop-down to create a copy of this offline test in this classroom.
3. The offline test will be copied and you will see the confirmation with a link to refresh the page.
4. Once you refresh the page, you will be able to locate the copied offline test at the bottom of the section from which you have copied the original offline test.
The copied offline test will be available to the learners of that classroom as soon as it is copied.
1. On the Materials page, click the settings cog wheel of the required offline test.
2. Click Copy to... from the drop-down to create a copy of this offline test in your other classrooms.
3. Select the classroom in which you wish to make a copy of this offline test.
You can copy an offline test to only one classroom at a time.
4. Select the section in the target classroom in which you wish to copy the offline test. Then, click Copy here.
5. A confirmation message appears and the offline test will be copied to the selected classroom.
6. You can locate the copied offline test in the target classroom. It will be in placed at the bottom of the selected section.
The copied offline test will be available to the learners of that classroom as soon as it is copied.
1. On the Materials listing page of a classroom, click the gear icon of the required offline test and then select Delete Offline Test option from the drop-down menu.
2. You can also delete an offline test from its expanded view by clicking the Delete icon.
3. Click Yes, Delete! to confirm the delete action. Please note, this action can not be undone and the deleted offline test cannot be recovered.
4. A confirm message appears stating that the offline test is deleted successfully.
As an instructor, you can import scores for multiple learners at once for an offline test quickly using a bulk import template.
As offline tests are primarily used by instructors to capture scores and add evidence on learners behalf for activities performed outside Teamie, uploading scores in bulk can save a lot of time.
An Upload Scores button will be present for offline tests through which you can download the bulk import template. Then, you can fill in the relevant details (username/email and score) and upload to import all the scores at once. Let see how this is done:
1. On the homepage, hover over the required classroom and click Materials.
2. Click View/Enter Records of the offline test for which you wish to import learners' scores.
3. On the View/Enter Records page, click Upload Scores.
- In case a scoring rubric is attached to the offline test, the Upload Scores button will not be available as the scores will be based on the the rubric scales and that needs to be done individually at the learner level.
- In case a non-scoring rubric is attached to the offline test, then you can upload scores in bulk using the excel sheet and then give rubric feedback individually at the learner level.
4. Click Download Template to download the excel bulk import template.
5. Once the bulk import excel sheet is downloaded, open it.
The downloaded bulk import template will have the primary identifier details (username/email)of all the classroom learners autofilled, by default.
6. Enter the required scores (out of the total maximum score) for the corresponding learners under the score column.
Please ensure you have entered score/marks as numerical values, not formulas.
7. Save the excel sheet and upload it by clicking Choose file and selecting the excel sheet from your system. Then, click Import the Data Set.
8. Once the import process is completed, you will be notified of all the learner' scores that are imported through the bulk import sheet.
9. Click Close to go back to the View Records page. You will be able to view the uploaded scores for the learners as per the excel sheet.
How to create an offline test?
How to grade an offline test?