
Copying Content from Banks

Quick overview about different type of Banks available in Teamie:

Lesson Bank:

The Lesson Bank is a place to find all the lessons that are made public in Teamie. Within a given institution / enterprise, it is an easy way for instructors to share lessons among themselves. For instance, a Physics instructor can go to the lesson bank to copy a public Physics lesson created by some other instructor in his/her institution. Teamie creates a copy of that lesson and the instructor can make modifications to it, without affecting the original lesson that was made public. The aim is to motivate content sharing and prevent users from reinventing the wheel.

Assessment Bank:

The Assessment Bank is one place to find all the assessments that are made public in Teamie. Within a given institution / enterprise, it is an easy way for instructors to share assessments among themselves. For instance, a Physics instructor can go to the assessment bank to copy a public physics assessment created by some other instructor in his/her institution. Teamie creates a copy of that assessment and the instructor can make modifications to it, without affecting the original assessment that was made public.

Rubric Bank:

Rubric bank is the place where instructors can find a list of rubrics which have been shared publicly by other instructors on Teamie. The advantage of publicly shared rubrics is that they can be reused by other instructors without having to create a new rubric of their own. Instructors can also clone a rubric and modify its content as per their requirement.

Question Bank:

A Question Bank is similar to the Assessment Bank. The only difference being it is a collection of questions instead of assessments. These questions are pulled out from online quizzes that are shared with the Assessment Bank. The idea behind a Question Bank is to empower an instructor to create a quiz by picking and choosing questions from different quizzes and thus saving time and energy.

This article will guide you on how to:

Copying lessons from lesson bank

1. Click Sliding menu.

2. Click Lesson Bank link provided under Banks section.

3. You can search the lesson(s) with the variety of filters provided on the lesson bank page.

Lesson Title: Select this filter if you already know the lesson's title you are looking for.

Author's Name: Select this filter to find out the lessons created by a specific author (instructor).

Shared Classrooms: Use this filter to find out the lessons of a particular classroom which are shared with the lesson bank. Here, we have used Shared Classrooms filter to see the lessons which are shared with lesson bank, from a specific classroom.

4. Click Shared Classrooms filter and select a classroom from the classrooms listing drop-down.

In the Shared Classrooms drop-down list, you will find two types of classrooms:

Active Classrooms: This category shows all the active classrooms that you are part of.

Archived Classrooms: This category shows all the archived (unpublished) classrooms that you were part of.

5. In case, you wish to see the lessons of an archived classroom, then select the required classrooms listed under Archived Classrooms category.

6. After you have selected the classroom, click Apply filter.

7. Clicking Apply filter will display all the lessons which are shared with the lesson bank from that specific classroom.

8. Click the lesson title to view its content. The lesson will be opened in a new tab.

9. Click Copy shown next to the lesson title under Actions column to copy a specific lesson.

10. To select all the lessons, tick the top most checkbox in the first column.

11. Click Copy lessons to create a copy of the selected lessons.

12. Select the classrooms where you want to create copies of the selected lessons.

13. You can select only up to 5 classrooms. If you select multiple classrooms, system will create multiple copies in each of the selected classrooms.

14. The lesson(s) you are copying from the lesson bank will be copied to the end of the last section in the selected classrooms.

15. After you have selected the classroom(s), click Copy.

16. Clicking Copy will initiate the lesson copying process. The lesson copying action will be completed after the progress bar reaches 100%

17. All the copied lessons can be found in their destination classroom(s). By default, the copied lessons are saved in draft mode.

Copy assessments from assignment & quiz bank

1. Click Sliding menu.

2. Click Assessment Bank link provided under Banks section.

3.  You can search the assessments with the variety of filters available on the Assessment bank page.

Quiz Title: Select this filter if you already know the assessment's title you are looking for.

Author's Name: Select this filter to find out the assessments created by a specific author (instructor).

Shared Classrooms: Use this filter to find out the assessments of a particular classroom which are shared with the assessment bank. Here, we have used Shared Classrooms filter to see the assessments which are shared with the assessment bank, from a specific classroom.

Type: Select this to filter quizzes or assignments or offline test. Default filter is set to Any which signifies all type of assessments.

Publish date (before): Use this filter to find out the list of assessments which have published before a specific date.

Publish date (after): Use this filter to find out the list of assessments which have published after a specific date.

No. of questions: Select this filter to find out the list of quizzes which has the specific number of questions in them. For example, you can enter "5" in No. of questions field and system will show you the list of quizzes which has exactly 5 questions in them.

4. Click Shared Classrooms filter and select a classroom from the classrooms listing drop-down.

In the Shared Classrooms drop-down list, you will find two types of classrooms:

Active Classrooms: This category shows all the active classrooms that you are part of.

Archived Classrooms: This category shows all the archived (unpublished) classrooms that you were part of.

5. In case, you wish to see the assessments of an archived classroom, then select the required classrooms listed under Archived Classrooms category.

6.  After you have selected the classroom, click Apply.

7. Clicking Apply will display all the assessments, which are shared with the assessment bank, from that specific classroom.

8. Click Copy next to the assessment title under Actions column to copy a specific assessment.

9. To select all the assessments, tick the top most checkbox in the first column.

10. Click Copy Assignments & Quizzes to create a copy of the selected assessments.

11. Select the classrooms where you want to create copies of the selected assessments.

12. You can select only up to 5 classrooms. If you select multiple classrooms, system will create multiple copies in each of the selected classrooms.

13. The assessment(s) you are copying from the assignment & quiz bank will be copied to the end of the last section in the selected classrooms.

14. After you have selected the classroom(s), click Copy.

15. Clicking Copy will initiate the assessments copying process. The assessments copying action will be completed after the progress bar reaches 100%

16. All the copied assessments can be found in the destination classroom(s). By default, the copied assessments are saved in draft mode.

Selecting random questions from question bank to create a new quiz

You can create a new quiz by using the questions created by other instructors that are shared in the Question Bank.

1. Click Sliding menu.

2. Click Question Bank link provided under Banks section.

3. You may find the questions of your choice using tag filter.

4. Click Add under the Select column corresponding to the question that you want to use. Similarly, you can more questions.

5. You can also see the number of chosen questions that you are going to add to the new quiz.

6. Click Remove of a corresponding question to remove the selected question(s) from the chosen questions list.

7. Click Next to go to the next page and select more questions.

8. Scroll down and select a classroom from the Classroom drop-down. A new quiz with the chosen questions will be created in this classroom.

9. Click Create Online Quiz now to create the quiz with the chosen questions.

10. Clicking Create Online Quiz now will create the new quiz and you will be taken to the quiz editing page.

11. Enter the quiz title.

12. By default, newly created quiz will be saved in draft mode. Click Published and then click Save to publish the quiz so that the quiz becomes available for learners to take.

13. Clicking Save will initiate the quiz saving process and the quiz will be saved shortly.

14. Now, the quiz will be published and available for learners to take.

Add questions to a quiz from the question bank

1. Click Sliding menu.

2. Click Question Bank link provided under Banks section.

3. Click Add under the Select column corresponding to the question that you want to add to a quiz.

4. You can also see the number of chosen questions that you are going to add to a quiz.

5. Click Remove of a corresponding question to remove the selected question from the chosen questions list.

6. Scroll down and click Next to go to the next page to pick more questions.

7. Click the Quiz listing drop-down to select a quiz in which you wish to add the selected questions.

8.  Select the quiz of your choice from the drop-down and then click Import now.

9. The selected questions will be added to the quiz and you will be redirected to the Editing quiz page.

10. Click Save to save the changes. Clicking Save will initiate the quiz saving process and the quiz will be saved shortly.

Note: you must publish the publish the quiz so that the quiz becomes available for learners to take.

You must publish the quiz so that the quiz becomes available for learners to take.

Copying rubric from rubric bank

1. Click Sliding menu.

2. Click Rubric Bank link provided under Banks section.

3. The rubric bank shows all the rubrics which have been shared with the rubric bank by other instructors.

4. You may use variety of filters available on the rubric bank page to find the rubric(s) of your choice.

Type in the Rubric name in the Rubric name text box and system will auto populate the list of rubrics matching your search string.

5. Use Created by filter to find the list of rubrics which have been created by a specific instructor and shared with the rubric bank.

6. In Teamie, there are two types of rubrics, Scoring and Non-Scoring. In case, you wish to see the list of Scoring rubrics, then select Scoring from the Type drop-down.

7. Selecting Scoring type filter will show all the Scoring rubrics shared with the rubric bank.

8. Click View Details icon to view the rubric and its criterion description in detail.

9. The rubric detailed page opens.

10. Click Copy to create a copy of the selected rubric.

11. Clicking Copy will create a copy of the rubric and the title of rubric will be prefixed with the text "Copy of ...". Change the rubric title as per your requirement.

12. The newly created rubric will be ready to use.

In case, you wish to share your newly created rubric with the rubric bank so that other instructors can create a copy and reuse it, in their classrooms, then tick Share with rubric bank checkbox and the rubric will be shared with the rubric bank.

Preview Assessments in the Assessment Banks

1. You can now preview an assessment in the Assessment Bank before making a copy of it. You do not have to be a part of the classroom, in which the assessment is shared, to know what is in the assessment before making a copy of it.

2. For quiz questions, you will see its preview page. For an assignment, you will see a read-only view of the assignment instructions, and the rubric details, if attached.

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