
Gradebook (Instructors)

The Gradebook is a tool for instructors to calculate and store grade information and distribute it to learners.

Key concepts

Features: Using the Gradebook, instructors can:

  • Auto-calculate assessments grades
  • Define assessments grades based on a 100% scale
  • Choose between point or percentage-based grading
  • Enter, view, edit, and publish learners scores, grades, and comments
  • Transmit scores to the Gradebook from assessments such as Quiz, Assignments and Offline Test
  • Export scores and grades to Microsoft Excel (in .csv format)
  • Let learners view their own scores and grades once instructors have published them.

Things to consider

  • Instructors can view information in their classroom's Gradebook page in different ways, such as insights, Final score and grade, Scores distribution, published assessments details, grade scheme setup.

This article will guide you on:

Accessing Classroom Gradebook

1. Hover over a Classroom on the home page and then click Gradebook.

2. The classroom's Gradebook page opens. The Gradebook helps instructors to easily monitor and distribute grades for learners. All the scores and grades achieved by the learners across all assessments, in a classroom can be found in the classroom gradebook. Assessments are displayed as columns in the classroom gradebook and the list of assessments in the gradebook will keep growing when you create and publish assessments.

Setting up grade scheme for a classroom

Once you set up a grade scheme for a classroom, then it will be set as the default grade scheme for that classroom and will be applied to assessments when the "Enable Grading" option is enabled for them. However, as an instructor, you may map other grade schemes at an individual assessment level but the final score and grade will be calculated according to the grade scheme set a classroom level.

1. Click the required classroom on the home page.

2. Click the settings (Cog wheel) icon and select Set classroom grade scheme from the context menu.

3. Grade scheme listing page opens. 

4. Type in the grade scheme name to find the grade scheme. Once you find the grade scheme, then click View grade scheme details icon to Preview its details.

You can quickly filter the grade schemes created by you by ticking the Show only mine checkbox.

5. Grade scheme details page opens. Click Done to go back to the grade scheme listing page after you have seen the grade scheme details.

6. Click the grade scheme if it matches your requirement and then click Set grade scheme.

7. A confirmation message appears and the grade scheme will be mapped for the classroom.

8. In case you wish to remove or change the mapped grade scheme, click the Cross (x) or Change icon as denoted by annotation 1 and 2 respectively.

Filtering Gradebook data

This section will guide you on how to use filters available on the classroom gradebook page. Below are the details of filters:

Sorting gradebook data by Learners' First and Last name

1. Hover over a Classroom on the home page and then click Gradebook.

2. By default the Gradebook data is sorted by learners' first name in alphabetical order.

3. Click Last Name to sort the gradebook data in alphabetical order of last name.

4. You will notice that gradebook data have been sorted by last name in alphabetical order.

5. Clicking Last Name for the second time will sort the gradebook data in reverse alphabetical order of learners' last name.

Filtering by Summative/Formative

Summative assignments are the weighted assessments whereas Formative assignments are the assessments which are not considered for evaluation or not assigned any weightage in the classroom.

1. By default the Summative / Formative filter is set to All.

2. Select Summative to view only the weighted assessments in the classroom. Once the filter is applied, then you will see the list of only weighted (summative) assessments.

It is now possible to have a summative assessment considered for evaluation, but with a weightage of 0%.

3. Once the filter is applied, then you will see the list of only weighted (summative) assessments.

The left and right portions of the table are fixed, while the central portion has a horizontal scroll bar. This is to accommodate unlimited number of assessments that a classroom might have.

4. Select Formative to view all the assessments which are not considered for evaluation or not assigned any weightage.

5. Once the filter is applied, you will see the list of non-weighted (formative) assessments which are not considered for final grade computation.

Filtering by assessment type

You can filter the assessments by assessment type. The filter is set to All by default.

Only published assessments are displayed in the Gradebook, assessments that are in draft mode are not displayed.

1. Select All to view all type of assessments (online quizzes, assignments and offline tests) that are published in the classroom.

2. Select Online Quiz filter from the drop-down field.

3. Once the filter is applied, you will see all the online quizzes that are published in this classroom.

4. Select Assignment filter from the drop-down.

5. Selecting this filter will sort the gradebook and will display all the assignments that are published in this classroom.

6. Select Offline Test filter from the drop-down.

7. Selecting this filter will sort the gradebook and will display all the offline tests.

Offline test are published by default.

Filtering by Section

1. By default, the section filter is set to All, that means, you will see all the published assessments created across all the sections in a classroom.

2. Select a section from the drop-down to see all the assessment present in that section in a classroom.

3. Once the filter is applied, you will see all the assessments from that specific section.

4. Similarly, you can select another section from the drop-down.

Filtering by Meta fields

1. As an instructor, you can also filter the gradebook as per the user meta fields, if applicable. For example, in the following screenshot, the 'Level' and 'Course' user fields are setup on the site and therefore, the two filters will be available for you to filter the gradebook data.

2. The user meta filters will be a multiple select filter and you will be able to select multiple user meta values to filter the gradebook data. Ticking the checkbox for a meta value will instantly filter the data accordingly.

Gradebook Statuses / Legends

1. Hovering over a dotted circle indicates the learner has made submission to the quiz/assignment but it is still Pending for review.

2. Hovering over a grayed out cell will show you a message stating that "the assessment is not shared with the learner".

3. Similarly, hovering over an empty cell will show you that the learner has not made any submission to that assessment.

Accessing specific learners gradebook

As an instructor, you can view the classroom gradebook page of a learner, exactly the same way as he/she would see it. This will help to give you a clear picture of what the learner will see when he/she accesses their gradebook.

1. Accessing Classroom Gradebook.

1. Click the name of the learner, whose gradebook you wish to see.

2. You can now see the classroom gradebook for the selected learner exactly as he/she would see it.

You can scroll through the feedback comments on an attempt, if required.

Publishing / Unpublishing Score of an assessment

When marks are published, learners will be notified and will be able to see their marks from their Gradebook. If you do not wish learners to see the actual scores, you may choose not to publish the scores.

1. Click the down arrow of the corresponding assessment title and select Publish All to publish the scores of the selected assessment so that learners can see the scores.

2. The system will initiate the "Publishing scores" process and the scores will be published shortly. Once scores are published, you (as an instructor) will be brought back to the Gradebook page and learners will also be able to see the scores on their gradebook page.

3. Once the scores are published for an assessment, the entire column would be highlighted by the light blue color. And when you will hover over the assessment title, you will see an info (i) icon indicating that the "score is published for all learners".

4. You will also see the same info (i) icon after hovering over an individual learner's score cell for an assessment which indicates that the "score is published for this learner".

5. Click the down arrow of the corresponding assessment title and select Unpublish All to unpublish the scores of the selected assessment for all learners. Once the scores are unpublished, learners will not see the scores on their Gradebook page.

Gradebook Calculation Logic

Teamie offers flexible system for gradebook calculations and Final Score, offering three distinct calculation methods to cater to various grading needs. Different calculation methods can produce different final scores from the same set of assignments.

The 3 types of Gradebook calculation logics available on Teamie for calculating 'Final Score' are as following:

  1. Weighted Assessments
  2. Total Points
  3. Average

This guide walks you through the setup, usage, and differences between these methods, ensuring you make the most out of this feature.

The 'Weighted Assessments' gradebook calculation logic will only be available on your site if assessment weightage is enabled for your site.

In a classroom when the gradebook calculation method is set to 'None' the Final Score and Final Grade columns will not be shown since the Final Score and Final Grade will be not calculated. The final score and final grade columns will also not be shown in the export for the gradebook.

1. Weighted Assessments

The Weighted Assessments method uses assigned weightages for assessments to calculate the final score. Works well for classrooms where certain assessments hold more significance than others.

How It Works:

  • Each assessment is assigned a weight (e.g., 20%, 30%, etc.).
  • The students score for each assessment is multiplied by its weightage.
  • The weighted scores are then summed up to calculate the final grade.


Weightage Score Achieved
Weighted Score
Lab Reports 20% 90% (90/100) 18
Research Project  30% 80% (80/100) 24
Midterm Exam  50% 70% (70/100) 35

Final Score = 18 + 24 + 35 = 77%

Note: Final Grade will be assigned based on the set grade scheme.

2. Total Points

The Total Points method calculates grades by dividing the total points a student earns by the total points possible.

How It Works:

  • Add up all the points the student earned across assessments.
  • Divide this by the total points possible for those assessments.


a. With Grading Components:

Grading components (e.g., Projects, Assignments, Class Tests) allow assessments to be grouped.

  1. Calculate the total points for each grading component.
  2. Find the percentage for each component and multiply it by its weightage.
  3. Sum the weighted scores to get the final grade.


  • Projects (30%):
  • Lab Reports 1: Earned 93 points, Max: 100 points
  • Lab Reports 2: Earned 87 points, Max: 100 points
  • Total points = (93 + 87) / (100 + 100) = 180 / 200 = 0.9
  • Weighted Score = 0.9 * 30 = 27
  • Assignments (40%):
  • Earned: 80 points, Max: 100 points
  • Weighted Score = (80/100) * 40 = 32
  • Class Tests (30%):
  • Earned: 70 points, Max: 100 points
  • Weighted Score = (70/100) * 30 = 21

Final Score = 27 + 32 + 21 = 80%

b. Without Grading Components:

All assessments are treated equally as part of a single category.


Assessments Score Received Total Score Available
Lab Reports 50 60
Research Project
20 25
Midterm Exam
70 80

Final Score = (50 + 20 + 70) / (60 + 25 + 80) = 140 / 165 = 84.85%

3. Average

The Average method calculates calculates the average of assessment scores. This works well for classrooms that aim to balance all assessments equally.

How It Works:

a. With Grading Components: Assessments are grouped by grading components, and the average score within each component is calculated.

The weighted average of all grading components is used to determine the final score.

  1. Assessments are grouped by grading components, and the average score within each component is calculated.
  2. Multiply the average score by the component weightage to get the total weighted score of the grading components.
  3. The sum of the weighted average of all grading components is used to determine the final score.


Grading Components Assessment Scores Average Score Weightage Weighted Average
Assignments 85%, 90% 87.5% 40% 87.5 * 0.4 = 35
Class Tests 80%, 70%, 75% 75% 30% 75 * 0.3 = 22.5
Projects 95% 95% 30% 95 * 0.3 = 28.5

Final Score = 35 + 22.5 + 28.5 = 86%

b. Without Grading Components:

All assessments are considered, and the final score is calculated by averaging their percentages.


Assessment Score Achieved Max Score
Assignment 1 85% 100%
Quiz 1 80% 100%
Final Test 90% 100%

Final Score = Average(85%, 80%, 90%) = 85%

Semester-Based Gradebook

Semester-Based Grading feature enhances classroom gradebooks by supporting grading cycles based on semesters. This enhancement allows teachers to calculate and view final grades and scores for each semester. It also provides an option to view all semester grades and scores at once for a comprehensive overview of student performance. Additionally, admins can configure Gradebook Types and control the publishing of semester-based final scores and grades, offering educators better flexibility and control.

Teachers and admins can now configure semesters as part of the classroom settings. Each classroom can be divided into different terms (e.g., Semester 1, Semester 2), which can be customized based on the specific site configuration. Admins cann set one semester as the default so that new assessments are automatically tagged to that term. This ensures that when assignments, quizzes, discussions, or any other assessments are created, they are automatically assigned to the current semester, reducing manual steps and saving time.

Teachers can manually adjust the semester for any assessment if needed. This is done through the 'Semester' dropdown menu found under the Grading section of the assessment settings.

1. Navigate to the required classroom and click Gradebook.

2. A Semester filter will be shown on the Gradebook page.

3. The Semester filter dropdown will have the following options:

  • Semesters (e.g., Semester 1, Semester 2): Selecting any of the semester wil display gradebook data for that specific semester.
  • Overall Score: WIll display the overall final score and grade for all semesters.

4. By default, the current set semester data (in this case 'Semester 1') will be shown. Select the other semester to see the gradebook data for that semester (in this case 'Semester 2').

5. Click 'Overall Score' to view the overall score from Semester 1 and 2 combined. This final score is the average of the Semester 1 & 2 final score.

Publishing Final Score and Grade for the entire classroom

Assessments that have weightage will contribute to the Final Score, i.e, only summative assessments are included in the final score calculation. Also, learner won't be able to perform the following actions when the final marks of a classroom is published:

  • Learners who have not yet started making submission(s) to the assessments, they will no longer be able to make an attempt.
  • Learners who have saved their submission as draft, they won't be able to submit their submission for final evaluation.
  • Learners who have already made the submission, won't be able to make any change in their original submission(s).

1. Click the down arrow available in the Final Score column and then click Publish final score and grade.

Publishing Final Scores also publishes the Final Grade.

2. The final score and grade will be published immediately and the "Final Score and Final Grade" columns would be highlighted by the light blue background color.

When you will hover over the Final Score/Final Grade column, you will see an info (i) icon indicating that the "Score/Grade is published for all learners". And the learners can also view the final score and grade in their classroom gradebook page.

In a Semester-Based Gradebook, teachers have the ability to publish final grades and scores on a per-semester basis. For this, they need to use the Semester Filter to select the desired semester and publish the final scores and grades for that semester. Only summative assessments tagged with a semester will be included in the final score calculation.

Student Gradebook Visibility

  • Students will only see final scores that have been explicitly published. If no final scores (semester or overall) or overall score have been published, no scores will be visible.
  • Gradebook summary bar, if available, will show scores for the current or selected semester. Student gradebook will load relevant data based on selected semester and displays overall score, if published.
Unpublishing Final Score and Grade for the entire classroom

As an instructor, you might need to unpublish the Final Score if you had published it by mistake or wants to revoke access to final scores for the learners.

1. Click the down arrow available in the Final Score column and then click Unpublish final score and grade.

Unpublishing Final Score will also unpublish the Final Grade.

2.  The final score and grade will be unpublished immediately and the "Final Score and Final Grade" columns would be highlighted by the default background (white) color. When Score and Grade are unpublished, learners will no longer be able to view the final score and grade in their classroom gradebook page.

Unpublishing the final score will not send out any notification.

Also note learners may have taken screen shots or saved their final score/grade when they have had accessed gradebook page earlier. Unpublishing will only prevent learners from accessing their final score/grade from that point in time onwards.

Editing / Updating score of a rubric enabled assignment from classroom Gradebook page

1. On the classroom's Gradebook page, find the rubric enabled assessment you wish to grade using rubric.

2. Hover over a score cell which will reveal the View Attempt link. Click on it to open the learner's attempt in a new tab and grade it using rubric.

3. The learner's attempt will be opened in a new tab where you can grade the learner's attempt using rubric.

4. Select the appropriate scale from the popover for each criterion and the moment you select a scale, the total score of the assessment gets updated immediately.

5. Similarly, the updated score will start reflecting on the classroom's Gradebook page for that learner.

Percentages Toggle in Gradebook

You can use the Show percentages toggle using which you can convert all scores in the gradebook cells to percentages.

1. On the Gradebook page, click the Show percentages toggle.

2. All the scores in the gradebook cells will be converted into percentages.

Exporting Gradebook data

You can export your classrooms' gradebook to view the overview of your classroom along with the scores obtained by learners in different assessments, which are listed section wise. You can also see the classroom meta fields, learners active / inactive status and user unique identifier field in the gradebook export. You can then use these data points for further data analysis, if required. Let's see how to export a classroom's gradebook.

In a classroom when the gradebook calculation method is set to 'None' the Final Score and Final Grade columns will not be shown since the Final Score and Final Grade will be not calculated. The final score and final grade columns will also not be shown in the export for the gradebook.

1. Hover over the classroom/module card whose gradebook data you wish to export and then click Gradebook.

2. On the classroom's gradebook, click Export Data.

If required, you can first filter the gradebook data using the given filters and then export the report. The exported excel report will then only contain the data as per the applied filters.

3. The gradebook data will be exported in excel format and saved locally. Click to open the excel file.

4. By default the Overview tab is shown in the excel sheet which has the following information:

  • Classroom name
  • Exported On date and time
  • Total published assessments in the classroom
  • Number of assignment in the classroom
  • Number of online quiz in the classroom
  • Number of offline test in the classroom

Click the Gradebook tab to view the gradebook scores and data for learners.

5. On the Gradebook tab you will be able to see the learners name and the scores obtained by them in different assessments, which are listed section wise. In addition to the scores, any associated meta fields, learners active / inactive status and user unique identifier field are also present in the gradebook export. You can then use these data points for further data analysis, if required.

Based on the unique identifier (email / username) set for your site, you will be able to see them in the exported excel sheet. This can be useful for clients that require unique identifiers in their reports exported from Teamie.

Option to Configure the Landing Tab Inside a Classroom’s Gradebook

If required, the landing tab inside a classrooms gradebook can be configured. As an instructor, you can choose which among the following tab should open while clicking the Gradebook tab of a classroom:

  • Gradebook
  • Rubric View
  • Mastery View

For learners, only the following two views are available:

  • Gradebook
  • Mastery View

If Rubric View is selected, then teachers will land on that while learners will land on the Gradebook tab.

In case you wish to change the the landing tab inside a classrooms Gradebook, you need to write to us.

Parent Visibility Toggle Setting (Gradebook)

Parents can have access to all the assessments that are shared with their child when they have access to their gradebook. As an instructor, you can restrict this access by choosing to show or not show an assessment to parents in their child's gradebook. Let's see how you can do this in one of the assessment type - assignment:

1. Click to expand the required assessment (in this case an offline test).

2. Click to expand the Sharing settings.

3. Under Make visible to parents setting, tick to enable Score and comments.

4. Once you tick this checkbox, then the score, any assessed rubric criteria, and comments on the current attempt (i.e. considered for grading) will be made visible to the parent(s) when they access their child's gradebook.

  • A parent will be able to view the score / comment(s) for an assignment only when the instructor publishes them for the learner to see.
  • Even if the score/comments are not published, as long as the setting is ticked, the assessment will be visible with the title and weightage to the parents.
  • If the Score and comments setting is unticked, the assessment will not be visible to parents when they access their child's gradebook.

5. Once you have enabled the Score and comments setting, you will be able to see a subsetting - Submissions. Ticking and enabling it will allow parents to view the actual attempt made by the learner along with any attached file. This view will be similar to how learner view their own attempts/records. Although, parents would not be able to add comments to the learner attempt/record.

The Submissions subsetting will be visible only if the Score and comments setting is enabled first.

Enabling 'Make visible to parents' setting on your site

In case you wish to enable these 'Make visible to parents' settings, you need to write to us. Also, kindly let us know whether you need this setting to be enabled automatically for all the existing assignments as well on the site. If not enabled, then all the existing assessments will not be visible to the parents in their child's gradebook.

Classroom Toggle to set Gradebook and Assessment Visibility for Parents

In addition to set gradebook visibility toggle at assessment level, there is another setting at the classroom level to allow parents to view its gradebook. By default, it will be disabled. As an instructor, you can enable it from the classroom settings.

1. Hover over the classroom card and click Materials to access its materials page.

2. On the Materials page, click the settings cog wheel.

3. Click to enable Allow parents to view gradebook option.

3. Click Yes, enable.

4. A confirmation message appears and the gradebook will be enabled for the parents to view.

Click Disable gradebook view for parents option to disable it in the classroom.


Q). I’m an instructor (Teacher) but I can't edit quiz scores from a classroom's gradebook page. Is it allowed?

A): Teamie does not allow instructors to edit quiz scores and the reason behind this is, quiz is combination of subjective and objective type questions. When you try to edit quiz scores from classroom gradebook page, you will see a tool tip which states that "Cannot edit this mark". Kindly view attempts of a learner and grade the quiz on that page and the score will reflect on the gradebook page once you publish them.

Q) I can't edit assignment score of a learner. Am I doing it right way?

A) You won't be able to edit the assignment score of a learner if he/she has not made any submission. You may remind learner to make the submission before the deadline is passed.

Q). Can I edit marks of a SCORM assignment from classroom gradebook page?

Answer: Scores of a SCORM assignment can't be updated because marks of SCORM assignment will be auto evaluated based on the SCORM package used.

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