
Classroom and Materials Completion Certificate

Once you have met the completion criteria that has been set for a classroom, you will be able to download a certificate of completion. So, this way you will have an added incentive to complete your learning materials :) You can download a classrooms's certificate from the classroom cover image and the Summary page.

Similarly, if enabled, you will also be able to download materials' completion certificates on their successful completion.

This article will guide you on:

Notification for Classroom Completion

1. A notification  will be sent to the learners, once they complete a classroom successfully. Tapping this notification will take the user to the classrooms Materials page from where they can download the classroom completion certificate, if available.

2. The notification is enabled as a bulletin board notification, by default. If required, we can also configure the notifications to be sent to the learners registered email ID as well. The email will then have a link to directly download the certificate.

The aforementioned setting is available to the learners as a notification preference, named On completing a classroom, and will only be present if classroom completion feature is enabled on the site.

A celebratory confetti will also be shown to the learners when they complete a classroom. If Certificate is enabled in the classroom, a Download Certificate button will be shown inside the modal when the user completes the classroom.

Downloading completion certificate from classroom cover image

1. On the homepage, click the required classroom.

2. When you have met the completion criteria that has been set for a classroom, you will be able to see a Download Certificate button on the classroom cover image. Click the button.

3. The download process will start shortly.

4. Once completed, the certificate will be downloaded. Open the certificate.

5. You will be able to view the certificate with all the details.

Every certificate has a unique id.

6. In case you have not completed the classroom as per the set completion rules, then you will not be able to download its certificate.

Downloading completion certificate from Summary page

1. Open your profile page from either clicking your profile image and then clicking on your name or by clicking your name from the sidebar.

2. On your profile page, click the Summary tab.

3. Click on the Download Certificate button when you have met the completion criteria that has been set for a classroom to download its certificate.

4. In case you have not met the completion criteria for a classroom, then you will not be able to download its certificate.

We have an optional site-level configuration that allows enabling completion for individual classrooms rather than enabling/disabling for all the classrooms at once. The Completion Status and Completion Date columns to appear if any of the learners classrooms have completion setting enabled. For the other classrooms that dont have completion setting enabled, a '-' is shown in those columns.

Downloading Materials' Completion Certificates

Once you successfully complete a material (lessons and assessments) in which your instructor has enabled certificate, then you will be able to download the material completion certificate.

1. In case of lessons, the 'Download Certificate' button will be available in the lesson's list view, card view and expanded view.

2. In case of assessments (assignments, quizzes, offline tests and graded discussions), the 'Download Certificate' button will be available in the assessment's list view, card view, expanded view (assignment and offline test), quiz landing view and graded discussion full view.

You can also choose to share the materials completion certificate with yourself by sending it to your registered email id by clicking the Download Certificate dropdown and then selecting Send to mail. The received email will have the PDF of the material (lesson/assessment) completion certificate attached to it.

The aforementioned Send to mail settings is an optional setting and may or may not be enabled on your site. You can contact your site admin or us in case it needs to be enabled on your site.

Shareable Certificates for Classroom Completion

As a learner, you can download classroom/module completion certificates, if completion settings and certificate settings are enabled for the classrooms. The completion certificate is downloaded in the PDF format.  You also have the following two settings to share the classroom completion certificate:

1. Send to mail

2. Share certificate

The aforementioned two settings are optional settings and may or may not be enabled on your site. You can contact your site admin or us in case these feature(s) needs to be enabled on your site.

Send to mail

This option allows learners to get the classroom completion certificate on their registered email ids. The received email will have the PDF of the certificate attached along with the shareable link of the certificate.

1. On the homepage, click the required classroom.

2. When you have met the completion criteria that has been set for a classroom, you will be able to see a Download Certificate button on the classroom cover image. Click its down arrow button.

3. Select Send to mail from the drop down.

4. A confirmation message will appear and your certificate will be sent your registered email ID.

5. The received email will have the PDF of the certificate attached along with the shareable link of the certificate. Take note that the certificate will be accessible only to the logged in users (and admins who can view all certificates).

Share certificate

This option will allow learners to share their classroom completion certificate directly on the following social media sites:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn

1. On the homepage, click the required classroom.

2. When you have met the completion criteria that has been set for a classroom, you will be able to see a Download Certificate button on the classroom cover image. Click its down arrow button.

3. Select Share certificate from the drop down.

4. Options to share your completion certificate opens. You can choose to copy the link and paste it as per your requirement. The link will verify that you have completed the classroom/module and users will be able to see your certificate and the date on which you have completed the classroom/module.

5.  You can also click on any of the social media platform - LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter to share the link there. The link will be pre-filled and ready to share on the platform. You will be required to be logged in to the platform to share the completion certificate directly to your profile.

LinkedIn has a separate section for listing your certificates/degrees. We have an extra configuration that allows the user to add this certificate to their LinkedIn profile. For this LinkedIn Organisation ID will be required. If this is available, the user will be redirected to create a certificate on their LinkedIn profile with this organization when sharing certificate through LinkedIn. If not, it will be a post they will create with the public certificate link. This is an optional configuration and can be enabled on request.

Verify Certificates

Any certificate on your site can be easily verified by accessing the sites Verify Certificate page from the footer link present on the login page.

Note: This is an optional feature and can be enabled on request.

1. On your Teamie site's login screen, click the Verify Certificate link from the footer.

2. Then, enter the certificate identifier and verify its authenticity.

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