
Copying/Resharing materials in classrooms

This article will guide on:

What is Copying / Resharing feature?

The Copying / Resharing feature gives you the flexibility to quickly copy all materials (lessons and assessments) from one classroom to another classrooms. This will basically allow you to replicate the structure of a classroom to a new one which can be very useful in case you need to migrate materials to new classrooms without the hassle of creating the same content over and over again.

Currently, this feature allows instructors to copy / reshare materials at all the three levels on the materials page. The three levels being the classroom, sections and materials level. So, now you can make a copy of materials in the same classroom or choose to reshare / copy them in other classrooms in a go.

Difference between Resharing and Copying

Reshare: When you "reshare" a material (like a lesson or assessment) with multiple classes, it's essentially the same material shared across all classes. Any changes made to this material in any of the classes will be reflected in all the other classes where it's shared. For example, if you adjust the deadline of an assessment in one class, the deadline will change for all classes where the assessment is reshared.

Copy: When you "copy" a material to multiple classes, each class gets its own unique copy. Changes made to the material in one class will not affect the original or the copies in other classes. So, if you modify the deadline of an assessment in one class, it won't impact the deadlines in the other classes.

Copying all materials from one classroom to another classroom(s)

1. We will be copying all the materials from the source classroom to the destination classroom as illustrated in the following image:

2. On the homepage, hover over the classroom card and then click Materials of the classroom from which you wish to copy all materials to another classroom(s).

3. You will land on the All Materials tab of the classroom where all the materials (lessons and assessments) of the classrooms will be listed in their respective sections.

4. Click the Gear icon and then select Copy/Reshare to... option from the resulting drop-down.

The "Copy/Reshare" option will not be enabled for selection if any of the section is in collapsed state. Hence, please expand all sections to enable this option.

5. Clicking on the Copy/Reshare to... action will open the "Choose materials you want to copy or reshare" selection pop up. By default, all the classroom's materials are selected for copy / reshare.

You will also have the choice to make a copy of selective materials. Uncheck the materials you do not wish to copy by unticking their corresponding checkbox.

In case you are on the 'Lessons' or 'Assessments' tab, then only the filtered materials (lessons/assessments) will be available in the list to select.

6. Once, you are done with materials selection task, click Continue to proceed.

7. The classrooms selection pop up opens. Select the destination classroom(s) where you wish to copy all the materials. You can select upto 5 classrooms at a time to copy the required material(s) to.

8. Click Copy here to copy all the materials in the selected classroom(s).

9. The "Copying materials" process starts.

10. You will see a success message stating that the "item(s) has been copied successfully."

11. You may access the materials listing page of the destination classroom and you will find all the copied materials (along with their respective sections) there.

Please note, when "Copy here" action is performed, the system will create the additional copies of all the items for each classroom and any change made in the original item will not be reflected in any of the classroom(s).

We have created a quick overview video of this feature for better comprehension, have a look:

Resharing all materials from one classroom to another classroom(s)

1. We will be resharing all the materials from the source classroom to the destination classroom as illustrated in the following image:

2. On the homepage, hover over the classroom card. Click Materials of the classroom from which you wish to reshare all materials to another classroom(s).

3. You will land on the All Materials tab where all the materials (lessons and assessments) of the classrooms will be listed in their respective sections.

4. Click the Gear icon and then select Copy/Reshare to... option from the resulting drop-down.

The "Copy/Reshare" option will not be enabled for selection if any of the section is in collapsed state. Hence, please expand all sections to enable this option.

5. Clicking on the Copy/Reshare to... action will open the "Choose materials you want to copy or reshare" selection pop up. By default, all the materials are selected for copy / reshare.

You will also have the choice to reshare the selective materials. Uncheck the materials you do not wish to reshare by unticking their corresponding checkbox.

6. Once, you are done with materials selection task, click Continue to proceed.

In case you are on the 'Lessons' or 'Assessments' tab, then only the filtered materials (lessons/assessments) will be available in the list to select.

7. The classrooms selection pop up opens. Select the destination classroom(s) where you wish to reshare the selected materials. You can select upto 5 classrooms at a time to reshare the required material(s) to.

8. Click Reshare to reshare the materials with the selected classroom(s).

9. The "Resharing materials" process starts.

10. You will see a success message stating that the "item(s) has been reshared successfully."

11. You may access the materials listing page of the destination classroom and you will find all the reshared materials (along with their respective sections) in it.

Please note, when "Reshare" action is performed, the system will share the original item with the selected classroom(s) and any change made in the original item will be reflected in all the classroom(s).

We have created a quick overview video of this feature for better comprehension, have a look:

Making a Copy of materials in the same classroom

The Copying feature gives you the flexibility to quickly make a copy of a material in the same classroom. This way you can copy the required materials to the same classroom without the hassle of creating the same content over and over again.

You can make a copy of materials at all the three levels on the materials page. The three levels being the individual material, section and classroom level. Therefore, you can make a copy of a material individually or while copying materials at the section or classroom level.

1. On the Materials page of the required classroom, click the settings icon of the material that you wish to make a copy of.

2. Then select Make a copy.

3. The survey will be copied. You need to reload the page to view the copied survey.

4. Once you reload the page, you will be able to locate the copied material at the end of the section in which the original material was present. You can relocate the material afterwards by dragging at the desired location as per your requirement.

A prefix of "Copy of" will added before the title of the copied material to differentiate it from the original material. You can edit and update the title afterwards as per your requirement.

Creating a copy will duplicate the material along with all the settings, except for:

  • Dates: Both the Available From and Due on would be reset to none
  • Publish status: Would be in Draft
  • Classroom sharing: Would only be shared with the one given classroom

5. In case you use the Make a copy option at the section level, select the settings icon of the required section and then click Make a Copy. A list of all the materials in that section opens.

6. Choose the required materials that you want to make a copy of. By default, all the materials in the section will be selected, untick any material that you don't wish to copy. Click Make a copy to execute the copying process.

7. The copying process starts. The process will be completed depending on the number of materials in the section that are being copied. You will be the real time progress of the materials being copied.

8. Once the process is completed, a confirmation message will be shown.

9. The copy of the section will be placed at the end of the Materials page. Copies of all the selected materials will be inside it.

A prefix of "Copy of" will added before the title of the copied section and materials inside it to differentiate it from the original section and materials. You can edit and update the title afterwards as per your requirement.

10. Similarly, you can make a copy of all the materials in the classroom by selecting the settings icon of the classroom and then selecting Make a copy.

11. A list of all the sections and its materials opens. By default, all the sections and materials will be selected. You can untick the sections/materials that you do not wish to make a copy in the classroom.

12. Click Make a copy.

13. The copy of the sections will be placed at the end of the Materials page. Copies of all the selected sections and its materials will be created.

A prefix of "Copy of" will added before the title of the copied section and materials inside it to differentiate it from the original section and materials. You can edit and update the title afterwards as per your requirement.

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