
Filtering data in Teamie Gradebook for Teachers App (iOS)

You can sort the learners on the basis of their scores in an assessment. This way you can quickly narrow down the assessments that you are looking for and grade them.

This article will guide you on:

Sorting score for a material in Teamie Gradebook App

1. By default, the gradebook is sorted on the basis of learners that are listed in alphabetical order.

2. Tap the assessment name header.

3. Tap Sort Score (High to Low) to sort that assessment from highest to lowest score. The learner with the highest score in that assessment being listed at the top.

4. Tap Sort Score (Low to High) to sort that assessment from lowest to highest score. The learner with the lowest score (or the ones that are not graded) in that assessment being listed at the top.

In case two or more learners have the same scores, then they will be listed alphabetically. You can also tap the First name and Last name columns to sort the learners alphabetically with respect to learners' first and last name

Changing Layout settings of a classroom's gradebook

You can alter the layout settings for the Gradebook app, such as fix student column, header row etc, to better view the content of the gradebook app. Let's see how to do this.

1. Tap the cog layout settings icon for the required classroom's gradebook to open its layout settings.

2. Tap to enable Fix student column setting.

3. Tap Apply. Students column will be fixed and wouldn't scroll with other columns.

4. Tap to enable Fix header row setting.

5. Tap Apply. Header row will be fixed and wouldn't scroll with other rows.

6. Tap the '-' and '+' buttons to zoom in or zoom out the gradebook view of a classroom respectively.

7. Tap the '-' and '+' buttons to decrease or increase the cell width of a classroom's gradebook respectively.

8. Tap Apply. The cell width of the gradebook will be changed.

9. Tap the Header titles orientation.

10. Select the required layout of the header titles orientation. By default the Horizontal orientation is selected for the header titles. Tap Vertical to change the header title orientation to vertical.

11. Then, tap Apply to change the header title orientation to vertical.

12. Tap the '-' and '+' buttons to decrease or increase the header height of a classroom's gradebook respectively.

13. Then tap Apply.

14. The header height of the gradebook will be changed.

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