The Gradebook in Teamie provides learners with a comprehensive view of their academic performance, including scores, grades, and feedback from all assessments within a classroom. It serves as a centralised platform for students to monitor their progress effectively. Instructors have the flexibility to control when and how students view their scores and grades or to hide them entirely if necessary. Grades are calculated based on a grading scheme set by the instructor, and summative assessments contribute significantly to determining the final scores and grades. The Gradebook ensures transparency and clarity, fostering better communication between learners and educators regarding academic progress.
1. Tap Classrooms menu option on the bottom of the screen.

2. Tap on required Classroom / Social Group from the Starred / Classrooms / Social Groups tab.

3. You will land on the classroom's default tab. Tap More tab and then tap Gradebook.

4. The Gradebook will open. At the top, you will be able to see the Assessment Summary (if applicable), showing the scores from your latest graded assessments. Click here to learn more about Assessment Summary.

5. The assessments will be listed in there respective section which you can collapse/expand as per your requirement. For all the assessments in which scores have been published to the learner, a heatmap will be shown to indicate the learners performance. When learners have scored greater than 50% of the assessments score, a green color indicator will be shown on the left edge of the assessment darker the green the better the score.
Similarly, shades of red will be shown when the score achieved is less than 50, and grey if exactly 50% . This will serve as a visual indicator to quickly view learners performance across classrooms assessments.

6. Published Scores/Grades received in each assessment will be shown along with other details such as 'submitted on' and rubric details.

In case the scores are not published by your instructor, then you will see a Pending Review label for that assignment / quiz.

7. You can view your attempt and scoring details along with your instructors feedback / comments (if any added).

8. If required, you can add your comment(s) as well which will be visible to the teacher.

9. If enabled, you can view your Final Score & Final Grade for the classroom once the instructor publishes the Final Score & Grade.

10. By default, all the assessments (normal assessment and personalised assessment) will be shown on the gradebook. You can filter the gradebook to see only the personalised assessment(s) by ticking the Personalised Only checkbox and tapping Apply. This will sort the assessments that have been shared either with you individually or in team(s) that you are part of. Tap the Filter icon at the top right of the Gradebook screen to access the gradebook filters.

11. You may also apply the following filter (standalone or in combination):
- Assessment Type - apply assessments type (Assignment, Offline Test, Online Quiz & Discussion) to view the list of specific assessments at a time. By default, all assessments are shown on the Gradebook.
- Summative / Formative - apply Summative filter to see the list of weighted assessments and Formative filter to see the list of non-weighted assessments.

Mastery View in Teamie is a powerful tool designed to provide educators with a clear and comprehensive overview of student progress and proficiency with regards to the curriculum standards. This feature enables teachers to assess how well students are mastering specific learning objectives over time. By breaking down performance data at the level of individual standards, strands, or topics, the Mastery View helps teachers identify learning gaps, personalize instruction, and ensure that every student stays on track. As a learner you can view your mastery progression for objective mapped to a classroom / module as per SBGR system (Standards Based Grading and Reporting). Let's see how you can access and view the mastery view of a classroom. This view is only enabled for classrooms/sites where Standards Based Grading is enabled.
1. Access the required classroom's Gradebook from the More screen.
2. On the Gradebook page, click MASTERY VIEW to access the mastery view of a classroom.

3. The Mastery View screen will open and you would be able to see the SBGR (standards based grading and reporting) objectives mapped for that classroom along with the information on an objective's card view about the assigned mastery level and assessment submission status for the classroom / module.

4. On an objective/standard card view, you will be able to see if mastery level is assigned for that objective. Tap the standard to see the submitted assessments for that standard.

5. The expanded view will show you the submitted assessments for that objective. The mastery will be listed as per the graded assessments.

6. Tap the MASTERY PROGRESSION tab to see the mastery progression for the standard.

7. Tap the Calculator icon to see the respective automated mastery calculation.

8. Tap the fiter icon on the top right of the Mastery View screen to access the filters.

9. The SBGR objectives mapped to a classroom can have different number of level. Each level can have as many children as configured. The assessments can be aligned with different level of objectives with the help of a rubric. You can filter the objective based on the different level of objective(s) they are aligned with. For this, tap the Objectives drop down and select the required objective level.

10. Then tap the required objective from the filtered list to view its linked assessments and mastery progression.

11. For any level, by default, all the objectives will appear on the mastery view irrespective of the assessments aligned to them. In order to quickly view objectives which are aligned to a published assessment tap the Alignment filter drop-down.

12. Select Aligned from the drop down list.

13. All the standards based on the selected objective level, that are aligned to the published assessment(s), will be filtered.

14. You can also filter the mastery view based on the parent objectives by selecting the Parent drop-down filter.

15. In case semester-based grading feature is enabled on your Teamie site, you will also be able to filter the mastery view data based on the configured semesters.
