
Creating and Managing Surveys

A survey is a list of questions aimed to collect targeted data for the analysis of some specific aspect of a group or area. You can now conduct survey's on Teamie using the Survey feature which provides for the creation of feedback forms at a classroom/module/course level. You can add multiple question formats in a survey, such as, multiple-choice questions, single choice questions, scale questions and short answer questions. You can easily track whether a user has completed the feedback form and also export learners' responses for a survey in an Excel or CSV format. Let's see how you can create and manage surveys on Teamie.

This is an optional feature. You can contact your Teamie administrator or write to us in case you wish to enable this on your site.

This article will guide you on:

Creating a Survey

1. Hover over the required classroom/module and click Materials to access the materials page of the classroom.

2. On the Materials page, hover over the required location where you wish to position the survey and click +Add.

3. Click Create Survey.

4. Enter the required Survey Title.

5. Click Create Survey or press the enter key.

6. The survey will be created. Now, you can add the required survey questions to it.

Adding Questions to a Survey

You can add questions to a survey by hovering over Add Question and selecting from the following three types of survey questions:

  1. Single/Multiple choice
  2. Scale Type
  3. Short Answer
Adding a Single/Multiple Choice question in a Survey

1. Hover over Add Question and click Single/Multiple Choice.

2. Enter the text of the question. You can also use the rich text options to format the question text.

3. Then, enter the options for the question. Click Add a new option in case you need to add more than two options for the question.

At least two options are required for a single/multiple choice question.

4. You can delete the options, if required by clicking the corresponding trash icon. Take note that at least two options should be present for a single/multiple choice question.

5. Click the Multiple Choice Answer radio button to allow learners to choose more than one option from the given options.

6. If required, you can enable the Optional Question setting.

If enabled, then this question will not be mandatory for learners to attempt while taking the survey.

7. Click Add Question to add the single/multiple choice question to the survey.

8. The single/multiple choice question will be added to the survey.

Adding a Scale type question in a Survey

The Slider scale questions let respondents rate an answer option on a scale (either as a numerical count or as a star count).

1. Hover over Add Question and click Scale Type.

2. Enter the question text. You can use the rich text options to format the text, if required.

3. By default, the Count scale type is selected.

4. Click Stars to change to a star scale type.

5. By default, the count value of the scale type (Stars/Count) is set as 5. You can change this from 2-10.

5. You can change the count value for both the scale type - Stars / Count.

6. You can also enter a label to define the smallest and the highest value of the count values.

The label text is limited to less than or equal to 32 characters.

7. If required, you can enable the Optional Question setting.

If enabled, then this question will not be mandatory for learners to attempt while taking the survey.

8. Click Add Question to add the scale type question to the survey.

9. The scale type question will be added to the survey.

Adding a Short Answer question in a Survey

1. Hover over Add Question and click Short Answer.

2. Enter the question text. You can use the rich text options to format the text, if required.

3. If required, you can set a words/character limit.

Text limit value should be between 2-1000.

4. If required, you can enable the Optional Question setting.

If enabled, then this question will not be mandatory for learners to attempt while taking the survey.

5. Click Add Question to add the short answer question to the survey.

6. The short answer question will be added to the survey.

All the changes/question additions done in a survey are auto saved.

Cloning Survey Questions

For some use cases, adding questions in a survey requires for the options and question to be duplicated / cloned. For this, instructors have a Clone Question option, which will be available while editing an existing survey question.

Cloning survey questions will help instructors to add similar questions without the need of retyping the same content. Therefore, instructors can quickly make copies of survey question(s) and add them to the survey after making the required changes. This includes cases in which only the question changes and the options remain the same. The cloned question will also retain the settings of the original question. Let's see how you can clone a survey question.

1. On the Materials page, click to edit the survey in which you wish to clone question(s).

2. Click to open the question that you wish to clone.

3. Once opened, the survey question will have the provision to clone the question. Click Clone Question to create a copy of the existing question.

4. The cloned question will open. You can make changes, if required to the cloned question. By default, the cloned question will retain the settings of the original question.

5. Click Add Question to add the cloned question to the survey or click 'X' to remove the cloned question.

You will not see the Clone Question option in a newly cloned question until you add it to the survey and open it again. This is because you can only clone an existing question of a survey.

6. Once the cloned question is added to the survey it will positioned at end of the survey and the changes will be auto-saved. You can drag and drop it to set the required order of survey questions, if required.

Adding Multiple Pages to a Survey

By default, the survey questions are added on the first page (single page) of a survey. Although, you can add multiple pages to a survey and add questions to them respectively.

1. Click Add Page at the required location on the Survey page.

If required, you can also add a page in between the existing survey questions and the questions will then be shown on the respective pages.

2. Enter the page title and click Create Page.

Once you add a page to a survey, then the first page is also shown with the title 'Page one'. You can rename it as per your requirement. You can add description for the survey pages as well.

3. Now, you can add the required survey questions to the survey.

You can also drag and drop existing survey questions from one page to another.

4. Click the trash icon to delete any survey page. The questions in the deleted survey page will be moved to the previous survey page.

Previewing a Survey

You can preview a survey to see how the survey will be shown to the learners. Then, if any changes are required, you can edit the survey.

1. On the Materials page, click Preview for the required survey.

2. You can also click to open the survey and then click Preview on the survey page.

3. You can now preview the survey as a learner and a label will be shown to inform you about the same. Navigate the different survey pages, if available to preview the survey.

4. Click Close preview to close the preview mode and go back to the previous page from where you navigated to the preview mode (Materials page/Survey page).

Survey Settings

You can control the survey settings to publish or unpublish the survey, add Info, set publish and due date as well to share it with multiple classrooms/modules that you are part of.

Publishing / Unpublishing a Survey

1. The survey is by default created in a draft mode (learners will not have access to it). On the survey page, click Published to publish the survey immediately for the learners to take.

Survey needs to have at least 1 question for it to be published.

2. The changes will be auto saved.

Once published, learners will be notified of the survey and they can take the survey to add their responses accordingly.

3. Click Draft to unpublish the survey. Once unpublished, learners will not have access to the survey.

Adding Info

You can add any instructions or information that would be shown to the learners while they are taking the survey.

1. On the survey page, click Info setting.

2. Enter the required instructions/information for the survey.

3. You can also use the rich text options to format the instructions. The changes will be auto-saved.

Publishing Options

If required, you can add an available on and/or due on date for a survey to set its publishing date respectively.

1. On the survey page, click the Publishing Options setting.

2. If you publish a survey, then that date and time will be shown in the Available From setting.

Survey needs to have at least 1 question for it to be published.

3. In case the survey is in draft state, then no Available From and Due on date is set, by default.

4. Click Available From and Due on settings and set the required from and due date from which and till which the survey will be available. If the Available From and Due on dates are not set, then the survey will be available when published and will be available till unpublished.

Sharing Settings

1. On the survey page, click the Sharing setting.

2. You will see the classroom/module in which you have created the survey. Click the down arrow to see the list of classrooms that you part of and select the required classroom to share the survey with.

3. You can click "X" to un-share the survey from a classroom it is shared with.

Deleting Survey Questions

You can only delete a survey's question(s) in case no learner has either started or submitted a response to the survey.

1. On the survey page, click the required question.

2. Click Delete Question to delete the question. Once deleted, it cannot be recovered.

In case, some learner(s) have started attempting the survey or have already submitted their response, you will not be able to delete any question from the survey and will be shown an error to convey this information.

Editing a Survey

In case learner(s) have either started or submitted a response to the survey, you will not be allowed to edit certain parts of the survey.

1. On the Materials page, click to open the required survey.

2. If the survey is in draft mode or in case no learner has started attempting or completed the published survey, you will be able to edit all parts of the survey.

3. In case learner(s) have either started or submitted a response to the survey, you will not be allowed to edit certain parts of the survey. You will not be able to add any new question to the survey or delete any question from it.

4. In case you wish to edit a question after any attempt has been made/in progress, the editing settings/choices of a question will not be editable, but you will be able to change the text of the question.

5. You can edit the survey page title and description. You can also delete the survey pages, if there are more than one page. If required, you can also rearrange the questions by dragging and dropping them to the required position.

Copying a Survey

The Copying feature gives you the flexibility to quickly make a copy of the survey in the same classroom or copy a survey from one classroom to another classroom(s). This way you can copy surveys to the same classroom or new classrooms without the hassle of creating the same content over and over again.

You can copy survey at all the three levels on the materials page. The three levels being the individual survey, section and classroom level. Therefore, you can copy a survey individually or while copying materials at the section or classroom level.

You can:

Make a copy of a Survey in the same classroom

1. In order to make a copy of a survey in the same classroom, click its settings icon and select Make a copy.

2. The survey will be copied. You need to reload the page to view the copied survey.

3. Once you reload the page, you will be able to locate the survey at the end of the section. You can relocate the survey afterwards by dragging at the desired location as per your requirement.

A prefix of "Copy of" will added before the title of the copied survey to differentiate it from the original survey. You can edit and update the title afterwards as per your requirement.

Creating a copy will duplicate the survey and all the questions inside it fully. All the settings on each question, and all the settings on the survey will be duplicated except for:

  • Dates: Both the Available From and Due on would be reset to none
  • Publish status: Would be in Draft
  • Classroom sharing: Would only be shared with the one given classroom

In case you use the Make a copy option at the section level and classroom level, then the survey present in the section and classroom will also be copied respectively.

Copy a Survey to another classroom(s)

1. In order to copy a survey to another classroom, click its settings icon and select Copy to....

2. The classrooms selection pop up opens. Select the destination classroom where you wish to copy the survey.

3. Select the section of the destination classroom to copy the survey into. Then click Copy here.

4. You will see a success message once the survey is successfully copied to the destination classroom. The title of the copied survey, in the destination classroom, will be same as the source survey. You may access the materials listing page of the destination classroom and you will find the copied survey at the end of the selected section.

In case you use the Copy/Reshare to... option at the section level and classroom level, then you can copy or reshare the survey (along with other materials) to the required classroom(s). Click here to learn more.

Deleting a Survey

In case learner(s) have either started or submitted a response to the survey, you will not be allowed to delete the survey. Although, you can unpublish the survey to make it unavailable for the learners.

1. On the Materials page, click the gear icon of the required survey and select Delete Survey.

2. A confirmation message appears. Click Yes, Delete to delete the survey.

Once deleted, the survey cannot be retrieved.

3. In case learner(s) have either started or submitted a response to the survey, you will not be allowed to delete the survey.

Although, you can unpublish the survey to make it unavailable for the learners.

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Viewing Responses of a Survey

Once learners submit their responses, you will be able to view all their responses for each survey question as well export them.

1. Hover over the required classroom/module and click Materials to access the materials page of the classroom.

You will be notified when all the learners of the classroom/module have responded to a survey.

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2. On the Materials page, click View responses for the required survey. The parenthesis after the View responses will show the number of users who have submitted the survey responses out of the total number of learners in the classroom/module.

3. The Response page opens. You will be able to see the completion status (Not Started, Draft, Completed) of all the learners along with the details of the last time the survey was updated by the learner.

4. All the questions in the survey will be shown in their respective columns. You can hover over any question to view the question details.

5. You can see the responses submitted by the classroom learners under the questions' columns. Hovering over the responses will show the details of the responses shared by the learners.

6. You can click the Fullscreen toggle to view the responses in full screen.

7. You can use the filters on the Responses page to filter the data as per your requirement. The following filters are available:

  • Name
  • Active/Inactive
  • Completion Status
  • Meta fields associated with users
Exporting Survey Responses

You can export the responses of all the learners in XLSX for a survey.

2. Click Export Report.

3. The report will be downloaded. Open the report to view the responses in an XLSX format.

Activity Stream

The activities done pertaining to the survey will be logged in the activity stream of the classroom as well your recents activities.

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