
Attempting assessment with Safe Exam Browser (SEB)

Safe Exam Browser (SEB)is a web browser environment to carry out assessments online, safely. It controls access to resources like system functions, other websites and applications and prevents unauthorized resources being used during an exam.

On Teamie, any assessment (assignment/quiz) in which the SEB setting is enabled will have to be attempted only in a SEB. Let's see how you can do it.

This article will guide you on:

Accessing an assessment with Safe Exam Browser (SEB) setting enabled

1. Hover over the required classroom/module and click Materials.

2. On the Materials page, assessments (assignments/quizzes) which have the Safe Exam Browser (SEB) setting enabled will have a Safe Exam label on them. Click to open the required assessment.

Attempting an assessment in SEB

2. Click to view instructions as added by the instructor.

3. Click Submit to start attempting the assessment.

4. The assessment taking page opens. Click Launch in Safe Exam Browser to start the attempt. Take note that you can only attempt this assignment on the Safe Exam Browser, which will provide a secure environment to attempt the assignment without access to other websites and applications.

Note:  Teamie cannot detect if the Safe Exam Browser has been installed on the system, and therefore the Launch in Safe Exam Browser button will only work after you have downloaded the Safe Exam Browser and installed it on your system.

5. In case, you don't have the SEB installed already on your system, click the Click here to download and install the Safe Exam Browser button.

6. You will be taken to the download page of the Safe Exam Browser. Download and install the SEB for the required operating system.

7. Once you have installed the SEB, navigate back to the assessment taking page and click Launch in Safe Exam Browser to start the attempt.

8. Click Open Safe Exam Browser. You can also allow the SEB assessments to be opened always in the SEB without any prompt from the existing browser.

9. The assessment will be opened in the SEB and you can proceed by attempting the assignment as usual by uploading a file or some textual content as required. Once done, you can click the Submit for Evaluation or save & continue later, as required.

The screenshots, of the attempt on SEB, are images captured from a camera device as SEB doesn't allow the screen capturing or sharing.

10. Once you submit it for evaluation, you will come to the assessment taking screen, click the Click here to refresh button to update the assessment taking details.

11. You can attempt an assessment again, by launching in SEB, in case the instructor have set more than one attempt for it. Click X to close the assessment taking page and go back to the Materials page of the classroom/module.

12. In case you close the SEB (using the close button on top left or the exit button on the bottom right), then your attempt would be saved and you can resume it later (within the deadline, if any).

FAQs and Troubleshooting for SEB

Click here to access the FAQs and Troubleshooting for SEB.

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