
Configuring Safe Exam Browser (SEB) in Assessments

Safe Exam Browser (SEB) is a web browser environment to carry out assessments online, safely. It controls access to resources like system functions, other websites and applications and prevents unauthorized resources being used during an exam.

On Teamie, you can configure the SEB setting for assessments (assignments and quizzes) in order to allow the learners to attempt the assessment(s) only in a SEB. Let's see how you can do it.

This is an optional feature. You can contact your Teamie administrator or write to us in case you wish to enable this on your site.

This article will guide you on:

Configuring Safe Exam Browser in an assessment

1. Hover over the required classroom/module and click Materials.

2. Click the required assessment. In this case, we are configuring SEB setting in an assignment.

You can create a new assessment or edit the settings of an existing assessment to enable SEB setting.

3. Click to open the Submission settings.

4. The Require Safe Exam Browser sub-setting will be shown. This setting cannot be enabled in case OneDrive document is added as an attachment in the assessment or any of the following submission settings are enabled for the assessment and vice versa:

  • Audio Recording
  • OneDrive document submission
  • Google document is attached to the assignment instructions

5. Once the text / file / Google Document submission setting(s) are enabled for the assessment, then click Yes to enable the Require Safe Exam Browser setting.

Kindly note if the Safe Exam Browser setting is enabled, you will not be able to attach a Google document to the assignment instructions and vice versa.

6. The changes will be auto-saved.

7. Publish the assessment to make it available for the learners to attempt.

Learners will now be able to attempt the assessment only in a SEB.

8. The assessment in which the Require Safe Exam Browser setting is enabled will have the Safe Exam label on it to distinguish it from other materials ().

9. Similarly, for a quiz, access the online quiz settings and click to expand the Submission setting.

10. Then, save and publish the quiz to make it available for the learners.

Learners will now be able to attempt the quiz only in a SEB.

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