A unit planner is a common classroom where workspace members can create common assessments linked to standards that are then pushed to all the classrooms (of the same cohort, i.e, same grade, subject and academic session) which would provide evidence of student understanding. A unit planner can have the structure (four stages: Desired Results, Evidence, Learning Plan, and Unit Reflection) for learning through lessons with instructional activities and resources, that can be delivered with assessments.
Curriculum heads and staff can use the unit planners to enter and view the progress and results for students across the cohort in a single view, tracked by standard, assessment & lessons.
Note: 'Unit Planner' is a whitelabelled term and can vary from site to site. For example, 'Curriculum Planner', 'Workspace' etc can be configured instead of 'Unit Planner' as per your Teamie site's configuration.
2. Click + Add Unit.
3. Enter the required unit title.
4. Enter the required From Week and To Week. Based on these weeks, the units will be mapped on the Curriculum Map.
The From Week and To Week values cannot be edited once a unit is pushed to classroom(s).
5. Then, click Create Unit to create the unit.
6. The unit will be created. Each unit will encapsulate the 4 stages of Understanding By Design (UBD), filterable by a specific stage:
- Stage 1: Desired Results
- Stage 2: Evidence of learning
- Stage 3: Learning Plan
- Stage 4: Unit Reflection
The aforementioned stages are discussed below.
Workspace members and administrators will be able to create units and will be able to add in the following details for the Stage 1 that will each be available from a picker:
- Standards
- Competencies
- Concepts
They will also be able to indicate the units to the weeks in which they are to be delivered. The units will automatically get ordered by the week values in the curriculum map. The following details can also be added in their respective sections in the Stage 1 of the unit:
- Essential Questions
- Enduring Understandings
- Learning Targets
1. Click Stage 1: Desired Results to expand it.
2. Enter the required overview for the unit. You can also select and format the text using the rich text formatting options.
3. Click + Add Objectives.
4. Learning objectives that are mapped with the cohort (grade, subject and academic session) of the unit planner will be shown. Based on your site configuration, you can select the parent strands and / or their child standards to attach as the objectives.
Once you are on the child level (Standards), click the parent Strands link to quickly navigate and pick objectives from other strands as well.
5. Click Done to attach the selected objectives to the Stage 1.
6. If required you can remove the attached objectives and map other ones.
You cannot remove or add objectives if the unit has been pushed to the corresponding cohort classrooms.
In case an objective/standard has some description (including rich-text), then the description will appear as a popover on hovering in the unit. It will be available for both the standard itself and all the parents that are available.
7. Click + Add Competencies to pick and attach competencies to the Stage 1.
8. Unlike objectives, competencies will not be based on the cohort and will be same for the entire site and will be picked from the tree of DSLO -> Competency -> Skill.
9. You can pick from all the three levels - DSLO, competencies as well the skills - as per your site's configuration.
10. Click Done to attach the selected competencies to the Stage 1.
11. If required you can remove the attached competencies and map other ones.
You cannot remove or add competencies if the unit has been pushed to the corresponding cohort classrooms.
12. Select the concept from the list of pre-set values as per your site's configuration. In this case the concepts are Power, Justice, Equality. You can add more than once concept, if required.
13. Enter the required text for the Enduring Understandings section.
14. Use the rich text formatting options to format the text as per your requirement.
15. You can pick files from your system to add as an attachment. If Google/OneDrive integration is enabled on your Teamie site, you will also have the option to pick files from Google Drive / OneDrive.
16. Similarly, you can textual content and file attachment for the Essential Questions and Learning Targets section.
17. Click Save Unit to save the changes.
18. Once you have completed the section and saved the changes, the section color will change to green (in the collapsed state) to indicate that the Stage 1: Desired Results has been completed.
Stage 1 is considered to be completed if all the fields inside have been assigned some content. For text fields, this will include either text or attachments.
In the Stage 2: Evidence, workspace members can create assessments (quizzes, assignments and offline tests) that are to be common throughout the course. Creation of these assessments will be the same as the classroom workflows.
- Each assessment can be marked as formative or summative, and can be graded through a rubric. The rubric may contain or standards (objective populated as per the cohort) and/or custom criteria and scales.
- There are two categories a created assessment can go into - Performance Tasks and Other Evidence of Learning. Workspace users can reorder assessments within each of these categories.
1. Click Stage 2: Evidence of learning to expand it.
2. Enter the required text and attachments (Google Drive/OneDrive attachments will be available as per your site's integration) for the Evidence Overview section.
3. Enter the required text and attachments for the Performance Tasks category. The performance tasks can be used to ask learners to demonstrate their understanding, or evidence like assignments and quizzes.
4. Then, add the required materials (lessons and assessments) by clicking the required material and naming it.
There are two categories a created assessment can go into - Performance Tasks and Other Evidence of Learning
5. Then, click Create 'N' (where 'N' denotes the required material type. For instance Create Lesson in the following case while creating lesson).
6. Once created, the material will open in the expanded state. In the following screenshot we are adding a lesson.
In case of lessons, add the required lesson pages and the content in them. In case of quizzes add the required questions and for assignments add the instructions and upload the required files.
No material will have the publishing options (including the available from and available till options) available to them. They can only be pushed to classrooms where they can be published. Once pushed the materials' content cannot be changed along with its major settings. Click here to learn more.
7. Similarly, you can add other materials to the Performance Tasks category.
8. Enter the required text and attachments for the Other Evidence of Learning category. Other evidence can include assignments and quizzes on knowledge of the learners along with grading using rubrics to address specific target areas of an essay.
9. Add the required assessments.
10. Click Save Unit to save the changes and then collapse the section.
11. Once you have completed the section and saved the changes, the section color will change to green (in the collapsed state) to indicate that the Stage 2: Evidence has been completed.
Stage 2 is considered to be completed if all the fields inside have been assigned some content. For text fields, this will include either text or attachments. Materials are not mandatory to complete the stage.
Instructors can primarily plan for the learning through lessons which will be created with a similar workflow as in the classrooms. Each lesson will contain pages, that can contain text, media and embedded content. Instructors can also create quizzes and assignments to be delivered as part of the lesson or as standalone materials. Similar to Stage 2: Evidence, there will be categories in the learning plan - High Impact Initial Instruction, Intervention and Extension. where materials can be added to any of these and be reordered within.
1. Click Stage 3: Learning Plan to expand it.
2. Add the required content and attachments in the Learning Plan Overview section. A learning plan is an instructional plan or guide for the instructors. This primarily addresses Common Core Standards, agendas and meet the needs of diverse learning groups
3. Add the required content and attachments for the High Impact Initials Instruction along with the required planned instructions.
4. Similarly, you can add the required content, attachments and materials for the 'Intervention' and 'Extension' which can include a standard set of academic intervention strategies that identify and set expectations for struggling students.
5. Click Save Unit to save the changes and then collapse the section.
6. Once you have completed the section and saved the changes, the section color will change to green (in the collapsed state) to indicate that the Stage 3: Learning Plan has been completed.
Stage 3 is considered to be completed if all the fields inside have been assigned some content. For text fields, this will include either text or attachments. Materials are not mandatory to complete the stage.
Unit Planners enable content creators to centralise the materials that are to be taught across classrooms, and allow them to view the results of students' learning right here. The last stage (Unit Reflections) is to provide these creators a way to discuss how the learning has happened and what needs to be changed for the future.
1. Click Stage 4: Unit Reflection to expand it.
2. Add the required content and attachments in the Unit Reflection Summary section. A learning plan is an instructional plan or guide for the instructors. This primarily addresses Common Core Standards, agendas and meet the needs of diverse learning groups
3. Click Create Post.
4. Create the post by adding the textual content and the required attachments. You can also add a poll to the post. Click here to read more about creating a post.
Unlike a regular post, the following elements will not be present while creating a post in a unit:
- Announcement
- Anonymous posts
- Homework deadline
- Hide/Lock comments
- Sharing with classrooms (The classroom field will be fixed to the current unit planner, and you will not be able to share the post to any other classroom/unit planner)
- Schedule/Draft posts
5. Click Post Now.
6. A success message appears and the post will be successfully shared with the unit of the unit planner.
7. Once you have completed the section, click Save Unit to save the changes. The section color will change to green (in the collapsed state) to indicate that the Stage 4: Unit Reflection is completed.
Stage 4 is considered to be completed if the Unit Reflection Summary has been added. Discussion posts are not mandatory to complete the stage.
8. The unit will also show a discussion posts button with the number of discussion posts attached to it shown at the top, if any. Clicking on this will open the Stage 4: Unit Reflection stage and scroll to it. Hovering over the button will show the tooltip with the number of discussion posts attached to the unit.
9. All the posts created from a unit will also be shown in the global/main newsfeed. When the post is shown in the global newsfeed and in the full post view, you can click the unit name attachment object to access the unit and expand the reflection stage to show the discussions directly.
10. You can click any of the 4 stages to expand/collapse them or click View All Stages to expand all the stages at once.
11. Click the up arrow icon for a unit to collapse it.
12. Once collapsed, you can view the total count of lessons and assessment present inside an unit along with the total count of discussion posts added in the unit, if any. In case the unit planner has more than one unit, then you can also hold the handle at the left of the required unit to reorder them on the unit planner's Materials page.
You can copy the shareable URL for each unit within the unit planner by expanding the unit and copying the URL from the address bar. Take note that only one unit can be opened/expanded at a time to copy the link and share it with other members of the unit planner.
Following are the scenarios of editing / deleting materials in a unit when they are not yet pushed to any classrooms. Click here to see the details of editing a pushed unit and its materials in a unit planner.
1. Click to expand the required unit and then the stage in which you wish to edit / delete a material.
An assessment can be created in Stage 2 and Stage 3. All workspace users can reorder assessments within each of these stages.
2. As a workspace member, you can edit the lesson and its page(s) to add/update content in them. You can also delete a lesson page, if required.
In addition you can push the material to classrooms or copy it to other classrooms, that you are part of. But you will not be able to delete a lesson from a unit planner.
3. As an workspace administrator, in addition to all the tasks performed by the workspace members, you can also delete a material from a unit planner (if it is not already pushed to any classroom(s)).
The aforementioned deleting permission is applicable for all the materials - lessons and assessments that have not been pushed.
As a workspace member / administrator, you can archive any unit in a unit planner. Once archived, the unit and all its materials will no longer be available in this unit planner. So, archiving is essentially to remove items that are no longer required by the instructors. If any unit is archived by mistake, then it can be restored from Teamie's end on request.
1. Click the settings icon for the required unit and select Archive Unit.
2. A confirmation message appears. Click Yes to archive the unit.

3. The archived unit will no longer be available in the unit planner.
Once the stages of planning are complete, instructors can now push the unit to the classrooms of the corresponding cohorts (which will be non-editable in the classrooms they are pushed to). Instructors can only push to the classrooms they are teaching for the same cohort subject and grade values of an academic year. Units can be pushed one at a time and a new section with the same unit title will be created in the classroom linked to the unit which can be edited / deleted in the classroom.
1. When the unit planner is loaded initially, all the units in it will be in collapsed state (by default) and no material summary (the count of the number of lessons and assessments in side a unit) will be shown on the collapsed unit. In this state, there will be no option to push the unit to classrooms, only the archive option will be available. Click to expand the unit.
2. Once the unit is expanded and the materials inside the unit are expanded, click the settings icon.
3. Then, select Push to classrooms.
The Push to classrooms option will also be available once you collapse the section and the assessment summary is appearing which means the materials inside the unit has been loaded completely.
4. The classrooms from the current unit's cohort (grade and subject) will be shown for the academic session. Pick one or more classroom(s) to push the unit to. You can pick upto 5 classroom at once.

When pushing, you can only choose from the set of classrooms of the same cohort as that of the unit planner. For example, if the unit planner is created for Grade 8 English, you cannot push to Grade 9 English classrooms.
In case a material can be useful in another cohort, you can first copy materials and units to the required unit planner that you are a member of. This will not be restricted by cohort. This would mean in the above case you would first need to copy the Grade 8 English material to a Grade 9 English unit planner, and from there push to Grade 9 English classrooms. See this to learn more.
5. Once you have picked the required classroom(s), click Push.

6. A confirmation message appears indicating that you are pushing the unit to the mentioned classrooms. Click Yes, proceed.

7. The push operation starts and you will be able to view the progress in the bottom left hand side of the screen. Once you push a unit, it will have a label - Pushed to indicate the same.
8. Once the push process is completed, you will be shown a success toast message.
9. When a unit is pushed to a classroom, a new section is created at the end in that classroom linked to this unit. This section can be edited or deleted by the classroom's instructor, though deleting the section will not remove the lessons/assessments inside and they will just be moved to the previous section available.
The pushed unit's section will have its description pre-filled with the Unit Overview of the 'Section 1: Desired Results' of the unit and Unit Overview will always be visible to the instructors. Although, on request, we can make other fields (such as, Learning Targets etc) visible to the instructors on a pushed unit. Note that the Unit Overview field will always be visible, by default.
Similarly, on request, we can configure fields that should be visible to learners & parents (including Unit Overview field which will be disabled by default and no fields will be visible to learners and parents by default). Unlike the instructors' fields, the unit fields, that are made visible to parents/learners, will be shown in the About tab of the classroom in a new section below the classroom description. Furthermore, the week duration can also be shown along with the title of the section/unit, on request.
10. The copied section will contain a copy of all the lessons and assessments which will be in draft mode, by default. The following will apply for the materials:
- The assessments will be marked as Common and will not be editable - neither the quiz question(s), submission settings, nor evaluation criteria. Although, instructors will be able to set the published date and deadlines for the assessments.
- Lessons that are copied over will also be marked as Common and cannot be edited. Although, instructors will be able to set the published date and deadlines for the lessons and publish lesson pages individually as per their requirement.
- Instructors will be able to create their own assessments and lessons within these sections, however only the ones created as part of the unit plan (and labeled as Common) can have their progress tracked in the corresponding unit planner's Performance tab.
- Instructors can also modify the order of the materials within this section. Although, the common materials that were pushed along with the section can only be reordered within the section and cannot be reordered outside the pushed section.
The units (sections) copied to the classrooms will also have the weeks label mentioned on them as per the set curriculum map.
You can also choose to push individual materials from a unit planner to the cohort classroom(s) from the materials' collapsed or expanded state.

If required, you can also push a unit, that doesn't have any materials present in any of its stages, from a unit planner to the cohort classrooms. The pushed unit will create a section without any materials in the classroom, but will have all the available descriptions pre-filled as per the unit.
So, this will allow you to push the units (without materials) into the classrooms, add the materials later to the units and and then push updates from unit planners to add the content to these sections inside the classrooms.
In case a unit is already pushed to respective cohort classroom, you can still add new common materials to it. Furthermore, you can also edit the pushed lessons and assessment and then push changes for the updated materials to the classroom(s) that material was pushed to. For this, the Push Updates option is available to push these new / updated materials to the classroom(s) in which they have been pushed earlier.
For the lessons, the instructors will be able to add/edit the following details of a lesson that has been pushed to one or more classrooms:
- Title
- Description
- Add new lesson pages
- Edit existing lesson pages
- Reorder pages inside the lesson
- Delete lesson pages
- Add new and Import existing assessments into the lesson
1. You can add the new materials by using the Add material to your unit options all the time, regardless of if the unit is pushed or not. The materials can be added anywhere in the unit, and be worked on till they get pushed.
2. The new material(s) can be pushed, either manually or through the bulk action using the Push Updates option. In order to push a material manually, click its settings icon and select Push to classrooms.

3. In order to push all new materials and changes to lessons to the classrooms the unit is pushed to, click the settings icon of the unit and select Push Updates to push updates in bulk.
The Push Updates option is a bulk action at the unit level that is used to update all the units that have been already pushed, and will be present only if the unit has only been partially pushed, i.e:
- Unit itself has been pushed to at least one classroom
- At least one material in the unit is not pushed to all the classrooms the unit has been pushed to.
4. When pushing updates, you will only be able to choose from the set of classroom(s) for the cohort(s) this unit has been created for. If the unit is created for Grade 8 English, you cannot push to Grade 9 English classrooms.
To allow for cases where a material can be useful in another cohort, you can copy materials and units to any unit planner that you are a member of. This is not restricted by cohort. This would mean in the above case you would first need to copy the Grade 8 English material to a Grade 9 English unit planner, and from here push to Grade 9 English classrooms.

5. In case changes are made to a lesson in a section that has been pushed to some classrooms, the instructor will now be able to update the lesson in those pushed classrooms through the Push Updates action in the settings dropdown in a section. There will also be a push update action on the lesson itself, implying that a user will be able to push the updated lesson to the classrooms where the section has been pushed.

In the expanded view of the updated lesson, a banner will be shown to indicate that the lesson has been updated and it is not yet updated in the all the classrooms that the section has been pushed. Clicking on the message will open the popover for the pushing updates.

6. Once the update is pushed, you will be notified. The update will now reflect in the pushed classrooms.
In line with the pushing updates for lessons, instructors can also edit and push updates to assessments from a unit planner.
Making changes to unpublished assessments or assessments with no submission can be done without any restrictions. The following changes will not directly affect any of the existing submissions. Learners starting attempts after these changes will see the updated details on the assessment:
- Changing of any of the text in the assessment title or the instructions
- If there is an attached rubric editing the title/description for the rubric, criteria or scales
- Adding or removing attachments on an assignment or offline activity
- Changing any of the submission criteria (file/text submission, increasing the number of submissions, adding a time limit in a quiz)
1. Once updated, workspace members will be informed that the assignment has been updated since it was pushed to classrooms. They can then request the workspace administrator to push updates for this assignment to the classrooms.
2. Workspace administrators can then push updates to sync the latest changes which will update the assignment and its contents in the pushed classroom(s).

3. On the other hand, the following changes affect the graded scores on learner attempts. In these cases the staff members will be prompted to review the scores after making the changes to a pushed assessment:
- Changing the scoring criteria max score, grade scheme.
- Changing the attached rubric.
- Online Quiz questions changing the score, the option(s) marked as correct in an objective question, partial marking setting.
- Deleting questions in an online quiz
Teamie will automatically update the submission scores where feasible, such as if the score is changed from 10 to 20, then all learners scores will be updated proportionally), and learners will be regraded automatically for updated objective quiz questions. Other changes like an update to the attached rubric will require regrading of any graded submissions.
4. For the following changes, the staff members should delete any existing submissions and ask learners to make the submission(s) again and then grade those submissions:
- Adding new questions to online quiz
- Changing the objective question(s) options
In a unit planner, the units will have the copying option which allows the unit to be copied over to the classrooms that you are part of. This is a normal copying process, with no link being retained between the original unit and the copied unit. Similar to a pushed unit, this will create a section in the classroom with description coming from the unit overview and all the materials copied over. You can select upto 5 classrooms to copy to, from your current list of classrooms.
Once copied, you will not be able track the learner progress and scores from within this unit planner as it will be unlinked from this unit planner.
1. Expand the required unit planner and click the settings icon and select Copy to classrooms.
2. Choose materials you want to copy or reshare. By default all the materials in the unit will be selected. Then, click Continue.

3. Select the required classrooms to which you wish to copy the materials. The classrooms will be listed form your current cohort as well as other cohorts, if any. Then, click Copy here to copy the materials in the selected classroom(s).

Materials can be copied from classrooms into unit planners as well. While copying a material from a classroom to a unit planner, the user will also need to select the stage into which they wish to copy the material. Let's see how you can do it.
1. On the Materials page of the required classroom, click the settings icon of the required material that you wish to copy to a unit planner.
2. Click Copy to...
3. The list of classroom(s) and unit planner(s) that you are part of, opens. Click to select the required unit planner (a label 'Unit Planner' will be shown infront of the unit planners).
Once copied, you will not be able track the learner progress and scores from within this unit planner.

4. All the units of the unit planner will be shown. Select the required unit in which the material needs to be copied.

5. Once you select the unit, you will be shown all the available stage(s) of that unit in which a material can be copied. Select the required stage to copy the material into.

6. Then, click Copy here.
7. A confirmation message appears once the material is copied from the classroom to the unit planner.
8. The copied material will be listed at the end of the materials listing in the selected stage.
You can also copy individual materials from one unit planner to another unit planner. Let's see how you can do it.
1. Access the required unit planner from which you wish to copy the material.
2. Navigate to the required stage where the material is located in the unit.
3. Click the settings of the material that needs to be copied.
4. Select Copy to...
5. The list of classroom(s) and unit planner(s) that you are part of, both inside and outside of the current cohort opens. Click to select the required unit planner (a label 'Unit Planner' will be shown infront of the unit planners).
Once copied, you will not be able track the learner progress and scores from within this unit planner.

6. All the units of the unit planner will be shown. Select the required unit in which the material needs to be copied.

7. Once you select the unit, you will be shown all the available stage(s) of that unit in which a material can be copied. Select the required stage to copy the material into.

8. Then, click Copy here.

9. A confirmation message appears once the material is copied to the other unit planner.
10. The copied material will be listed at the end of the materials listing in the selected stage.
2. Click the settings for the required unit planner that you wish to copy.
3. Select Copy to other unit planner.
4. A modal open with the list of all the unit planners that you are part of and can copy the unit into. Select one or more unit planner to copy the unit into. At a time, you can select a maximum of 5 unit planners to copy the unit into.
The list will be not be restricted to only the unit planners that you are part of, i.e. that have the same cohort (grade, subject) as the current source unit planner.
To allow for cases where a material can be useful in another cohort, you can copy materials and units to any unit planner that you are a member of.
The list of unit planners will be listed along with their respective academic years on the right for easier identification on the basis of the academic years. If you are part of unit planners that are outside the current cohort, then the unit planners will be listed in two section - 'Unit Planners in the current cohort' and 'Unit Planners outside of the current cohort'.

5. By default the materials of the unit will also be copied while copying the unit to another unit planner. In case you do not wish to copy the materials with the unit, you can untick the Copy all materials in the units check box.
If you choose to copy the materials, then:
- The materials will be copied in the same stages as they were present earlier in the source unit planner.
- Assessments added to lessons will also be copied over with the same structure.
- The materials will be editable in the destination unit planner(s) till the time they are pushed to any classroom.

6. Click Copy here.

7. The progress bar shows the completion status. Once the copying process is completed, the unit will be copied to the selected unit planner(s) at the end of the Materials page.
1. As a workspace member / administrator, you can archive any unit in a unit planner. Once archived, the unit and all its materials will no longer be available in this unit planner. So, archiving is essentially to remove items that are no longer required by the instructors. If any unit is deleted by mistake, then it can be restored from Teamie's end on request.
2. Although, only as a workspace administrator, you can delete a material in a pushed unit.
When a unit is pushed to a corresponding cohort classroom(s), then a section is created in the classroom(s). The copied section will contain a copy of all the lessons and assessments which will be in draft mode, by default. The following will apply for the materials:
1. The assessments will be marked as Common and will not be editable - neither the quiz question(s), submission settings, nor evaluation criteria. Although, instructors will be able to set the published date and deadlines for the assessments.
2. Lessons that are pushed to the classroom will also be marked as Common and cannot be edited. Although, instructors will be able to set the published date and deadlines for the lesson and publish the lesson pages as per their requirement.
As an instructor in the classroom, you will be able to create your own assessments and lessons within these sections, however only the ones created as part of the unit plan (and labeled as Common) can have their progress tracked in the corresponding unit planner's Performance tab. Also, you cannot move a common material to another section.
Once a unit is pushed to a classroom, its assessment are added to the classroom as common assessments. By default, they are in draft mode. Once published, they become available to the classroom's learners. Learners can make submissions as usual for the assessments and as an instructor you can grade the submissions as you do in a normal workflow.
1. Click the Materials tab of the required classroom.
2. The assessment pushed from a unit planner will have the common label. Click the View Attempts button for the required assessment in which learners have made the submission(s).
3. Then, on the Submissions page, click the View Attempts to view the attempts of the required learner.
4. Grade the learners attempts accordingly and enter the required score.
If a rubric is attached, you can grade the submission using that too.
5. Publish the scores to make it available to the learners. You can also give feedback (textual and audio recording) to the learner on their attempt.
6. You can also publish the scores of one or more learners from the Submissions page as well.
The aforementioned process demonstrated grading and publishing scores for an assignment. You can similarly grade and publish scores for a quiz/offline test from the materials page. These common materials will have their progress tracked in the corresponding unit planner's Performance tab.
The second tab of the unit planner is called Curriculum Map, and is intended to have a timeline chart view that lists all the units and the weeks they are scheduled to be taught in. The curriculum map has the filters on the page for Standard and Competency, allowing users to highlight the units that have been mapped to a selected Standard/Competency. This page is available for all the members of a unit planner.
2. Click the Curriculum Map tab.
3. The Curriculum Map shows a timeline chart view that lists all the units and the weeks they are scheduled to be taught in. The weeks are scheduled for a unit during the unit creation process.
4. There are two highlight options available on the curriculum map page - Objectives and Competencies (if enabled). Click Objectives.
5. Select the required objective from the parent objective or click through to select a child objective. You can select multiple objectives. Then, click Done.
6. Similarly, you can select competencies (if enabled on your Teamie site).
6. When selected, units which have standards/competencies that match all of the selected ones will be highlighted. Unit is considered to match if:
- It has a standard/competency that is chosen
- It has a standard/competency that is a child of one of the chosen ones
7. Click Clear Filters to clear all the highlights on the curriculum map view at once. You can also remove the selected Objectives and Competencies one at a time to view the updated curriculum map view.
The Performance view tracks the performance of the unit's on the basis of the assessment performance, materials progress and mastery performance. The Performance tab has the following 3 sub-tabs:
- Assessment Performance
- Materials Progress
- Mastery Performance (in case mastery is enabled on the site)
Each view will be a tabular view with filters and have have two "modes" - By student or By classroom. When viewed By student, each of the students will be listed as a row and their data will be shown directly. Whereas when viewed By classroom, each classroom will have a row, and the classroom's students data will be aggregated and shown as a donut.
The Assessment Performance is the default sub-tab shown on the Performance tab. This view consists of columns for all the common assessments' rubric criteria. Each criteria will be categorised by the assessment, which in turn will be categorised by the unit.
1. Each cell for the learner will contain the learner's graded score in that criteria for that assessment. This would be the numerical score if it was a scoring rubric's criteria, and the graded scale title for non-scoring rubrics' criteria. Additionally, the cell will be colored based on the mastery scale colour assigned to that criteria, if any.
The data shown on the Assessment Performance view is the same data available in the classroom gradebook's Rubric View.
2. You can also quickly filter the data in the Assessment Performance view of a unit planner by the units present in the unit planner, the classrooms in which the units are pushed, different criteria etc.
3. You can also quickly navigate to the learners' attempts that are pending review from the assessment performance page itself to grade them.

The second sub-tab on the Performance tab is Materials Progress. This view will show the dashboard data view of all the common assessments and lessons created in the unit planner and will be categorised by their respective units.
The common assessments and lessons will be listed in the same order in which they are organised in the units. Each cell will have the learners' status in the assessment/lesson, which could be one of the following:
- Not Shared
- Not Started
- Incomplete
- In Progress
- Completed Late
- Completed
The data shown on the Materials Progress view is the same data available in the classroom Dashboard View.
You can filter the Materials Progress view by Learners or Classrooms. By default, this view is shown By Learners.
The third sub-tab on the Performance tab is Mastery Performance which shows the data from the Mastery View of the classroom, shown for the learners from the entire cohort.
Each cell will have the overall score that has been given to the learner for that criteria, across all the learner's classrooms.
Take note that while the Mastery Performance view will only list the standards linked to the current grade and subject, the overall score's calculation may include assessments from other classrooms if they have been mapped to the same standard.
You can filter the Mastery Performance view by Learners or Classrooms. By default, this view is shown By Learners. You can further use the filters on the page to quickly narrow down the data, such as viewing data by the levels etc.