
Publishing Classroom Materials in Bulk (at section level)

As an instructor, you can choose to publish multiple materials (except offline tests) at once at the section level. All the eligible materials, inside a section, will be published in all the classrooms they are shared with. Let's see how you can publish classroom materials in bulk at section level.


The list of materials inside a section will be eligible for publishing as per the following points:

  • In case of an assignment, the description of an assignment cannot be empty, else it will not be eligible for publishing using the Publish All button.
  • In case of an online quiz, at least one question needs to be present inside the quiz for it to be eligible for publishing using the Publish All button.
  • Offline tests do not have any publishing functionality and hence they are excluded from the materials being bulk published at a section level

In case one or more ineligible materials are present, the system will show you their names and the reason why they cannot be published.

This article will guide you on:

Publishing Classroom Materials in Bulk

1. Hover over the required classroom/module card and click Materials to access its Materials page.

Module is a whitelabelled term for Classroom and can vary from site to site.

2. On the Materials page, click the settings icon for the required section in which you wish to publish all the eligible materials.

3. Click Publish All.

You can also access the Publish All option from the section collapse view once all its materials are loaded.

4. Once you click on Publish All, the system will show you the name of the eligible materials present in the section that will be published once you click the Publish All confirmation button.

5. Once you click the Publish All confirmation button, a publishing prompt will be show you the number of materials being published. Once the publishing process is complete, the page will reload.

6. All the eligible materials in the section will be published.

By default, the draft page(s) in a lesson will not be visible to the learners. You can publish pages from the list in the lesson expanded view or publish all pages together, once the lesson is published.


Q1. In case a material inside a section already has a future publish date, will that material also be published and made available to the learners after publishing all materials in the section?

A1. No, the learners will only be able to read/attempt the material as per the future Publish On date and time set earlier by their instructor.

Q2. What will happen if a lesson has assessments in it as lesson pages?

A2. The system will prompt and show all the assessments added inside a lesson as well when you will proceed to publish all the materials in a section. All these assessments will also get published along with other published lesson pages.

Q3. What will happen if there are no materials (or no eligible materials) in a section?

A3. The system will give a prompt that, "There are no materials in this section that can be published".


Q4. Will all the offline tests get published as well using the Publish All option?

A4. No, offline tests do not have any publishing functionality and hence they are excluded from the materials being bulk published at a section level.

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