The lesson landing page is divided into the following three tabs:
- Pages - This screen shows all the published pages that are available for you to read.
- Discussions - This screen shows all the posts in which that lesson is tagged.
- Details - This screen shows the lesson details, such as, the modules / classrooms that it is shared with, the lesson creator name and the lesson availability statistics.
Let's see how to read a lesson via Teamie iOS app.
Reading a lesson
1. Tap the Classroom directly from the Newsfeed screen to access its posts and materials.
2. You may also go to the Classrooms listing screen by tapping Classrooms on the bottom navigation bar.
3. Access the required Classroom from either Starred or Classrooms category.
Note - Starred classroom category will not show up any classrooms if you have not starred any classroom.
4. Depending on the site configuration, you may either be redirected to Posts or Materials tab of the classroom. In this case, student has been redirected to Posts tab. Tap on Materials tab to view the classroom's materials.
5. You will see all the published materials on the materials screen.
6. The completed lessons will be highlighted with a green circle on the materials listing screen. A lesson is considered as completed after reading all its pages.
7. On the materials listing screen, tap on a lesson to read it. On the lesson expanded screen, you will be able to see basic information about the lesson, such as, the date from which it is available to the learners for reading, the total number of pages along with information of how many pages that you have read, and the number of discussions (the number of posts the lesson has been tagged in).
8. Tap Discussions tab to see the posts in which that lesson is tagged.
9. Tap Details tab to see the basic information about the lesson such as:
- Classroom(s) with which the lesson is shared with
- Creator/Author of the lesson
- Lesson's availability from and availability till date.
10. Tap See More to see complete description of the lesson. Tap See Less to hide it.
11. On the pages tab, tap on a page title or tap the Read button at the bottom to start reading the lesson.
12. The lesson page will open and you will be able to view its content. A green bar at the top will indicate the lesson position that you are on and you will also see the lesson page you are on. For instance, in the following screenshot, 1st page is open of a lesson that has a total of 3 pages and therefore the green bar is filled accordingly. In case, you are on the last page of a lesson, the bar will be completely filled.
13. While you are on a lesson page, you will be able to see the table of content icon between the PREVIOUS and NEXT buttons. Tap on it.
14. Tapping on the icon will expand the table of content in the form of an overlay on the same page. You may access any page directly from the table of content. Tap "X" to dismiss the table of content overlay.
15. Tap Next to go to next page and view its content.
16. You can navigate to the next or previous lesson page by tapping the NEXT and PREVIOUS button respectively.
17. Once, you have read all the pages, the lesson will be considered as completed. And the green bar at the top will be filled in completely.
If you have already read any lesson page, then a green tick will be shown in front of it to indicate the same.
18. You may navigate back to the materials screen and notice that the completed lesson is highlighted with a green circle indicating that the lesson has been read/completed successfully.