
Viewing & Grading Students Projects' Attempts

Student Projects is an assessment type targeted to allow learners to create assignments themselves and which are shared only with them. Learners can create a 'Student Project' in a classroom, from the web interface, in which this feature is enabled. Then, as an instructor, you can view and edit the Student Project, if required, before publishing it for the learner to attempt. Once the learner submit the attempt, you can then grade it. Let's see how you can do this.

This article will guide you on how to:

Viewing/ Accessing Student Projects

1. Tap CLASSROOMS at the bottom panel to access the list of classrooms that you are part of.

2. Tap MATERIALS for the required classroom.

3. On the Materials screen, tap the ALL STUDENT PROJECTS button.

4. You will be taken to the Student Projects tab which will have a section named Student Projects. This section will be collapsed by default. Tap EXPAND SECTION to expand the section.

5. All the student projects created by the learners of the classroom will be listed here. All the student projects are by default in draft mode until an instructor chooses to publish it.

Publishing a Student Project

Learner can only create a Student Project and not publish it. As an instructor in the classroom, you need to publish the Student Project for learner to start attempting it. Once you have published the Student Project, the learner will not be able to edit it anymore and will only have the option to attempt the Student Project.

2. Tap the required student project that you wish to publish.

3. Tap the ellipsis on the top right of the screen.

4. Tap Publish.

5. Once the student project is published, learner will be notified and can attempt the student project thereafter.

Grading a Learner Attempt

1. On the Student Projects tab, tap the 1 of 1 students submitted label of the required student project to directly access the View Attempts screen.

2. You can also tap the students project to access the student project full screen and then tap VIEW ATTEMPT button at the bottom of the screen.

3. The View Attempts screen opens.

4. Tap View attempts (1) under the Attempts column.

5. The attempts page opens. Go through the attachment added by the learner as submission for the student project.

Learners can only attach files and documents for their attempt and cannot enter textual content.

6. Tap the Score on the bottom panel or tap the rubric icon in case a rubric is attached.

7. The bottom score sheet opens up. Enter the required score directly in the Enter Score section. In case, you have added a scoring rubric, the score will be auto-assigned based on the scales selected. Tap Rubric.

8. The attached rubric opens up. Select the required scales and grade the attached rubric.

9. The selected scales will be auto-saved and the scores will be assigned based on the selected rubric scales (in case of a scoring rubric). Tap the back button to return to the attempts page where the score will be updated.

10. In order to add feedback to the attempt, tap the comment icon.

11. Then, add feedback in the form of textual comments, files, pictures or audio recordings.

By default, the feedback is available for the learner to see. Untick the checkbox to make the feedback / comments unavailable to the learners.

The comment icon will show the counter with the number of comments added for an attempt.

13. Tap the botton score sheet to open it and then tap the Publish Score button and make the scores available to the learner.

13. You can also publish/unpublish the score/comment(s) from the View Attempts page.

Deleting a Learner's Attempt

1. Tap the ellipsis on the attempts page and then tap Delete this attempt to delete the learner's attempt.

You can also view the student project's detail from the ellipsis icon.

2. Tap Yes to confirm the action.

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