
Viewing & Grading Assignment Submissions

Instructors can grade the assignments natively from the Teamie Android app from the native View Attempts screen. Furthermore, instructors can natively view the assignment attempts submitted by the learners and grade them.

This article will guide you on:

Viewing & Grading Assignment Submissions

1. On the Materials screen, tap the submission status of the required assignment from the assignment card to access the native View Attempts screen.

You can also access the View Attempts screen from the assignment's detailed full view.

2. The View Attempts screen shows the following information and actions in their respective columns:

  • Learner name
  • Submission status
  • Attempts
  • Score (if applicable)
  • Grade (if applicable)
  • Publish score option (and rubric in case a scoring rubric is attached)
  • Publish comments option (and rubric in case a non-scoring rubric is attached)

3. You can also quickly filter the View Attempts screen for relevant data using the available filters. Click the Filters icon to open the filters screen.

4. Tap to expand the required filter dropdown and then select the required option. Then, tap APPLY.

5. As an instructor, you can tap the View Attempts link, under the Attempts column, for the required learner to view the attempt submitted by the learner.

6. On the attempts page, you will be able to see any attachment added by the learner along with any textual content added as per the assignments instructions and settings. Each attachment will be shown in a separate tab.

7. Tapping the attempt count on the bottom panel will show the number of attempts made by the learner and then you can tap to navigate to any of the required attempts, if more than one attempt is made. The green dot signifies that the attempt was made on time as per the due date, if any. If submitted late, a red dot will be shown. The center part of the bottom panel will show the total score and the score given to the learner, if graded. In addition, a rubric icon will be shown alongside if a rubric is attached to the assignment. The right side of the bottom panel will show the comment icon to view or add comments on the attempt.

8. Tap the score/rubric/grade scheme icon to grade the learners attempt accordingly.

9. Once you grade the attempt, the scores and grade (if any) will be autosaved and you can then choose to publish the score for the learner to see.

10. Furthermore, you can view and add feedback in the form of comments or audio recording from the comments screen. If comments are added, the comment icon will show the count to indicate the number of new comments associated with the record.

In the aforementioned assignment's attempt view, you can quickly navigate to other learners’ attempts from the drop-down icon at the top of the views.

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