Session calendar helps bring offline workshops and classroom based training/sessions on Teamie. As an instructor, you can view the list of users who have registered to the sessions created for your classroom / module. You can export the list of registered members. Let's see how you can do this.
'Session' is a whitelabelled term which can vary site to site. For example, 'training session' might be used instead of 'session'. For the documentation purposes, these terms might be used interchangeably.
This article will guide you on:
1. On the homepage, click the required classroom card.
2. Click the Sessions tab.
3. You will be able to see the list of all the upcoming sessions (sessions which are open for registration) by default in the Upcoming tab.
4. Click the Completed tab to view the the sessions which are now closed for registration.
As an instructor, you can quickly create a training session inside a classroom from the Trainings tab. Let's see how you can do this.
2. On the Session page, click + Add New Session.
3. The Add New Session form will open. Add the required data for the session in the following fields:
- Title*
- From Date & Time*
- To Date & Time*
- Registration Close Date & Time*
- Venue
- Max Attendees Allowed
- Instructors
- Description
- Enable Zoom Meeting (if this feature is enabled on your site)
- Attendance via QR code (if this feature is configured on your site)
The aforementioned fields with an * are mandatory fields for creating a training session.
4. Then, click Create Session.
You can add multiple teachers for a session from the classroom selected for that session.
5. The session will be created and you will get a confirmation notification.
6. You can click the session to view its details.
As an instructor, while creating a training session, you can enable attendance via QR code (if it enabled on your Teamie site). Enabling the attendance via QR code will generate two different QR Codes for check-in and check-out. Learners will need to scan these code to mark themselves as present for the training session.
2. Tick the Attendance via QR code checkbox. Enabling the attendance via QR code will generate two different QR Codes for check-in and check-out. Learners will need to scan these code to mark themselves as present for this event.
3. Once you enable the 'Attendance via QR code' setting, you will also have the option to assign material to open after scanning Check-Out QR code. Ticking this checkbox will allow you to assign a published material from the classroom and the learners will be redirected to the selected material after scanning the checkout QR code.
4. Ticking the checkbox will open the list of published materials in the classroom.
5. Select the required material and click Attach to attach the material to be opened after a learner scans the checkout QR code.
6. Click Create Session to create the training session and add it the selected classrooms' calendar(s). A confirmation notification will appear once the training session is created.
7. Once the training session is created, you can open it by accessing it from the Sessions tab in the classroom or the Calendar Events.
8. Once you open the session, click View QR codes.
9. Check In QR code will be shown. Click Check Out to view the check out code.
10. You can click the Download link for the respective QR codes to open in new tab and download them. Share the QR codes with the learners for them to scan the QR codes from the Teamie app and mark their attendance. As an instructor, you will be able to view the total attended duration based on the QR code scanning.
Using the Teamie - Zoom integration in calendar events, instructors can link online Zoom meetings to training sessions directly in their Teamie classrooms/modules.
These meetings can then be joined by the members of the classroom through Teamie. As an instructor, you can enable Zoom Meetings as an option while creating training sessions for your classrooms.
2. Tick the Enable Zoom Meeting checkbox. This will generate an online video conference that can be joined by all members of the classroom.
3. Click Create Training Session.
4. A confirmation message will appear once the training session is successfully created.
Using the Teamie - Zoom integration in calendar events, instructors can link online Zoom meetings to events created directly in their Teamie classrooms/modules. These meetings can then be joined by the members of the classroom through Teamie. In case the Zoom attendance feature is enabled on your Teamie site, you can enabled Zoom Attendance while creating a calendar event where you have enabled Zoom.
This article will guide you on creating calendar events with Zoom attendance enabled. This will empower you to effortlessly monitor learner participation using the Teamie - zoom integration and ensure a streamlined learning experience.
2. Once you enable the checkbox, an online video conference (Zoom) will ge generated that can be joined by all members of the classroom. Furthermore, a new checkbox 'Attendance via Zoom' will be shown. Tick this checkbox to allow capturing attendance for learner for this session via Zoom.
3. Fill other relevant details for the training session as per your requirement and click Create Session.
4. A confirmation notification appear once the event is successfully completed.
5. An event will be created at the Zoom end as well and the class learners will be registered to it.
6. Class members can access and join the Zoom meeting from the link in the calendar event on Teamie.
Instructors can add learners to training sessions and learners will then be notified that they are added to a training session. This is in addition to the functionality where learners can register themselves to a training session.
Take note that the session registration can only be done before the session close date.
Attendance can only be marked for learners who are registered for a session. Learners who are part of the classroom, but not registered to a session will not be shown while marking attendance for that session.
2. Click the Register Members button for the training session in which you wish to register learner(s).
Take note that the session registration can only be done before the session close date and after that Register Members button will not be shown.
3. The list of all the learners in that classroom will be shown. Click to select the required learner. You can click and select multiple learners from the list to register them to the training session at once.
4. Click Register Members.
5. A confirmation notification will be shown and the learner(s) will be registered to the training session.
In case one or more learners are already registered to the training session, a tick will be shown infront of them in the list to indicate the same and they will not be selectable.
6. Learner(s) and instructors are notified about the session registration.
1. Access Sessions tab of a Classroom. Sessions will be listed as per their due dates in the Upcoming and Completed tabs.
2. You can quickly view from the session's card the number of users that have registered out of the total number of participants allowed for registration.
3. Click the View Registered Members link.
You can view the registered members list for both upcoming and completed sessions.
4. List of learners who have registered for the session will be shown.
If no one has registered to a session, then the View Registred Members link will be disabled.
Attendance can only be marked for learners who are registered for a session. Learners who are part of the classroom, but not registered to a session will not be shown while marking attendance for that session.
2. Click Export.
You can export the registered members list for both upcoming and completed sessions.
3. The list of registered members will be downloaded in an excel format. Click to open the exported sheet.
4. The export sheet will include the following information for the session and the members who had registered to it:
- Session start time
- Session end time
- Classroom
- Exported on date and time
- Timezone
- Name and primary identifiers (username and email) of the registered members
As an instructor, you can mark or edit attendance for registered learners for your classrooms' training sessions. Let's see how you can mark and edit learners' attendance.
2. Click the required training session in which you wish to mark the attendance.
You can only mark the attendance of the learners who are already registered to the training session. If required, you can register learners to the training sessions yourself as well.
3. The training session will open in full view. Click Mark Attendance to access the Mark Attendance page of the training session.
You can also access the Mark Attendance page of a training session by clicking the Mark Attendance button from the training session in the calendar sidebar.
5. The Mark Attendance page opens. It will show the total duration of the training session. All the learners, who are registered for the training session, will be listed with a default status as per the site configuration (for example, in the following example the default status is set as 'Absent'). 'Absent' status awards '0' duration.
6. Click the 'Present' status checkbox for the required learner(s) to award them 'full duration' minutes for the event.
7. Click the 'Late' status to set a particular time duration for which the learner has attended the training session.
You can also mark attendance of a training session by accessing its Mark Attendance page from the corresponding classroom's Attendance page.
8. In case any other status is available on the site (for example, 'Excused'), you will be able to select that status as well to mark the attendance. As per the site setup, the attended duration will be allotted for the custom status.
The aforementioned three statuses (Present, Absent and Late) are whitelabelled and can vary from site to site. Furthermore, additional status can also be configured at the site level.
For instance, a status named 'Excused' can be configured to be shown along with the aforementioned statuses. Instructors can mark the status to represent that the learner has not attended the training session with a valid reason, therefore the attendance is not deducted.
9. Click Save once you have marked attendance for all the required learners.
As an instructor, you can quickly navigate between different events without going back to the full events view by clicking the Previous and Next navigation buttons.
Note: The first event will not have the Previous action, and the last event will not have the Next action.. Furthermore, when you mark attendance and click onSave, then these navigation buttons will be disabled till the save process is complete.
10. If the training session is not in the marking period, the Attendance page will not be editable.
The marking attendance period is configurable at the site level. For instance, in the following scenario, an instructor can only mark attendance for training sessions that are within 10 days in the past, or 10 days in the future.
You can export attendance report for an individual training session as well. Let's see how you can do it.
1. On the Mark Attendance page of the required training session, click Export.
2. The attendance report will be downloaded in excel format. Open the attendance report.
3. The attendance report includes:
- Training session details, such as 'title', 'from' and 'to' date and time,
- Learner details, such as, name, username, email along with any other user meta fields, and
- Training session attendance details, such as, attendance status and attended duration.