Training calendar helps bring offline workshops and classroom based training programs on Teamie, As an administrator, you can manage and deliver blended learning programs through a single platform - Teamie!
This article will guide you on:
1. In the sidebar, click Session Calendar.

2. You will be taken to the Session Calendar page. The Session calendar is intuitively housed with the Module Catalogue, essentially grouping classroom registration and training registration into in a single place. All the existing sessions on your site will be shown as per their 'From' and 'To' date.
When you add a session, that session will be available to all the learners on the platform. Once a learner registers to a session, he/she will become part of that classroom and will get access to its newsfeed and materials. Let's see how you can add a new session on your site.
1. On the Session Calendar page, click + Add New Session.
2. The Add New Session form will open. Add the required data for the training in the following fields:
- Classroom*
- Title*
- From Date & Time*
- To Date & Time*
- Registration Close Date & Time*
- Venue
- Teachers
- Max Attendees Allowed*
- Description

3. Then, click Create Session.
You can add multiple teachers for a session from the classroom selected for that session.
4. The session will be created and you will get a notification for the same.
5. Hover over the session to view its important details.
If more than two session are created for a date, then you will see a 'n more' option. Hover over it to view all the training created for that date.
5. You can click the session to view more details about it.

In case the session is created for more than one day, then it will be shown on all those days in the Session Calendar.
2. Click the session whose details you wish to edit.
3. On the Session Details page, click Edit.
4. You can change all the details of a session, except its module.
5. Once you have made the required changes, click Save to save those changes and update the session.
6. You will be notified once the session gets updated.
2. Click the session that you wish to delete.
3. On the Sessions Details page, click Delete.
4. A confirmation message appears. Click Yes, Delete to delete the training session permanently.
5. You will see a message once the training is deleted and all the learners who had registered for the training will be notified via a bulletin board notification that the training has been cancelled.

Administrators now have access to a comprehensive site-level sessions report. This powerful tool provides a detailed overview of all training sessions conducted across the platform. You can easily filter and export data based on specific date ranges to gain valuable insights into training activity and performance.
1. Click to open the sidebar and click Reports.

2. Click Sessions Report.

3. The Sessions Report page opens. All the sessions of the site will be listed here which are shown by default for the current month.
4. You can filter the sessions report by selecting the dates or by using the quick date range filters ('This week', 'Last week' etc).
5. Click Export Report to export the sessions report as per the selected data range.
6. The sessions report will be exported in excel format.
7. You can click the classroom title in the Class Name column to quickly access the classroom in which a session was created.
8. Similarly, you can click the count from the Attended Attendees column to check the attendance details of a session (the name of the learners who have attended the session and their attendance status).
9. Click Export to export the attendance details of the session in the excel format.