
Integrating with Turnitin

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Integrating Assignments with Turnitin

Turnitin is an Internet-based plagiarism-prevention service that checks the submissions made by learners for unoriginal content. Using the Teamie - Turnitin integration, you can check the similarity score of a learner's submission along with the report of the sources from which the content is being used in the submission.

Note 1: Turnitin Integration can be enabled only for assignments and NOT for online quizzes.

Note 2: Turnitin integration will not work for any files picked from Google drive. Only files uploaded directly from the user's computer can be used for Turnitin plagiarism check. Turnitin doesn't check images at present and compare the learner's submission with its available resources to generate the originality report. The file size is limited to 100 MB.

2. Click to expand the Submission setting of the assignment.

3. Under Files subsetting, click the Enable Turnitin checkbox.

Please note that learners will only be allowed to submit one document, that can be evaluated by Turnitin. It will need to be less than 100 MB in size, with one of the extensions (doc, docx, html, htm, txt, rtf, ps, pdf, ppt, pptx, pps, wpd).

4. Two options will be shown, once you enable the Turnitin setting.

5. Enable Allow Students to view the similarity scores before submission subsetting in case you wish to allow learners to see the similarity score for their draft attempts from Turnitin. This can then allow them to make changes to their attempts before submitting them for evaluation and avoid plagiarism.

6. Enable Allow Students to view the Originality Report subsetting to allow learners to view the Originality Report for their attempt from Turnitin.

Enabling Turnitin on Assignments will disable the following non-supported submission methods:

  • Audio submissions
  • Text submissions
  • Google submissions
  • OneDrive submissions

7. Publish the assignment, once you have made the necessary changes.

Viewing Turnitin Similarity Score

1. To view the Turnitin similarity score of a learner attempt, click the View Attempts button of the required assignment.

2. On the Submissions page, you will be able to view the similarity score under the Turnitin Score heading for the corresponding learner(s).

3. If the Turnitin score is not yet shown or you wish to sync the score again, click the Get Turnitin Score icon. The scores will be available shortly.

You will get the notification once the Turnitin score for the assignment is processed successfully.

(36) Attempts | Assignment - Public Speaking | Teamie at UWC

4. You can also view the similarity score from the attempts full view. Click the View Attempts button for the required learner.

5. You will be able to view the Similarity percentage. For instance, in the following scenario, it is 0% Similarity which means that there is no plagiarism in the document submitted by the learner.

Viewing Turnitin Report

1. To view the Turnitin Report, go to the required learner's full attempts view by clicking the View Attempts button.

2. Click the View Report button.

3. You will be taken to the Turnitin Report in a new tab.

4. Here you can see the Similarity percentage. For instance, in the following two screenshots, the similarity % of the learner attempt is '0' and '99' along with the website from which the majority of content is matching.

5. You can also see all the Turnitin web page sources which has the similar content to that of the learner's attempt.

To know more about how Turnitin interpret the Similarity Report, click here.

Learner View

1. If the Allow Students to view the similarity scores before submission and Allow Students to view the Originality Report subsettings are enabled, then learner will be able to sync the Turnitin Similarity Score while making a submission.

2. Once the learner submits the attempt for evaluation, then he/she will be able to view the SImilarity Score and Turnitin Originality Report from the attempts page.

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