
Gradebook (Learners)

Gradebook give learners a way to track and view scores, grades and feedback from all assessments in a particular classroom. Instructors can decide when and how students see the score/grade or choose to hide the score/grades entirely. The Gradebook also show grades for learners based on a grading scheme set by the instructor for the entire classroom. The summative assessments will contribute to calculate the final scores and grades.

This article will guide you on:

Accessing a Classroom's Gradebook

1. Hover over the required classroom and click Gradebook.

2. The Gradebook page will open and you will be able to view the grades received in your assessments. You can also view scoring details and your instructors feedback / comments.

View your Performance

2. You will be able to view the scores for all the assessments (assignments, online quizzes, offline test and discussions), whose scores are published by your instructor, in the form of a graph.

3. Hover over an assessment to view your score in percentage for that assessment.

View Insights

2. Click View Insights.

3. The insights screen opens with two charts.

4. The first chart shows a comparison of percentage scores across assessments in the classroom (module) with the help of color codes. It's a good way for you to compare your performance in different assessments.

You can also compare yourself to the average, which is marked as a black line. Assessments for which you have not made any submissions will not appear in the graph.

5. The second chart shows the percentile of the learner across all assessments in the classroom. Assessments for which the learner has not made any submission or for which scores are not available will not appear in the graph.

Please read this article on "Percentile" for more information on what is percentile.

View Classroom's Final Score & Grade

2. You can view your Final Score and Final Grade for the classroom once the instructor publishes them in your gradebook.

Filtering a Classroom's Gradebook

You can filter the classroom gradebook with the help of the following filters:

2. You will be able to view all the published assessments along with your attempts, feedback and published scores, if any.

3. You can quickly filter the required assessments by using the following filters:

View Classrooms By

1. By default, the assessments are shown on the gradebook based on the sections in which they are ordered on the Materials page of the classroom. Click the View Classrooms By drop-down and select Grading Component to view the assessment(s) which are mapped with a grading component.


1. By default, all types of assessments (quiz, assignment and offline test) will be shown on the gradebook page of a classroom. Click the Type drop-down and select the required type of assessment to filter them out. For example, in the following screenshot, we are filtering all the discussions in the classroom gradebook.

Summative / Formative

1. By default, both summative and formative assessments are shown on the gradebook. Click the Summative / Formative  drop-down and select the required filter to filter summative / formative assessment. In the following example, we are filtering all the summative assessments.

It is  possible to have a summative assessment considered for evaluation, but with a weightage of 0%.

Personalised only

1. By default, all the assessments (normal assessment and personalised assessment) will be shown on the gradebook. You can filter the gradebook to see only the personalised assessment(s) by checking the Personalised only filter. This will help you quickly sort the assessments that have been shared either with you individually or in team(s) that you are part of.

Student Projects are also considered as personalised assessments similar to any other assessment that is shared with a specific team or learner.

Viewing Attempts and Scores

2. Any assignment/quiz in which you have made a submission will have the View attempt button. Click it to view your submission in a new tab.

3. In case of an offline test, you will see the View record button. Click it to view any evidence and / or feedback added by your instructor for that offline test.

An offline test is a type of assessment that learner takes offline and whose score is recorded on Teamie by their instructors.

4. In case of a graded discussion, you will see the View record button. Click it to access the submissions page which will show all the comments and replies made by you for the graded discussion.

5. In case your scores are not published by your instructor, then you will see a Pending Review label for that assignment / quiz.

6. In case your scores are published, you will be able to view them.

7. If any rubric is attached to an assessment, you will see a rubric icon infront of it. The rubric details will be shown in the table below. Also, if your instructor has graded the assessment using the rubric, then you will be able to view the scale selected for each criterion.

Score Heatmap Color

For all the assessments in which scores have been published to the learner, a heatmap will be shown to indicate the learners performance. When learners have scored greater than 50% of the assessments score, a green color indicator will be shown on the left edge of the assessment  darker the green the better the score.

Similarly, shades of red will be shown when the score achieved is less than 50, and grey if exactly 50% . This will serve as a visual indicator to quickly view learners performance across classrooms assessments.

Assessment Summary

1. The top of the gradebook will have the Assessment Summary under which the scores from learners latest graded assessments will be shown. The color of each corresponding cell will be according to the heatmap color as discussed in this section.

2. Hover over a cell to will show the name of the assessment, and tapping on it would scroll down to that assessment in the gradebook list below, with the assessment being highlighted.

This assessment summary is shown in order with the latest graded assessments shown first. This facilitates easier understanding of how the learners performance has changed over time.

3. In case, mastery is enabled on your Teamie site, then instead of assessment scores, the mastery scores will be shown. This will use the mastery score assigned at the highest level of objectives. For instance, if a Strand has multiple Standards, even if the assessments are only linked to the Standards, only the Strand mastery will be shown. It will be ordered by the strand that has the latest mastery score.

4. Hover over these cells to see the title of the objective (the mastery is for). Clicking on the cell will take you to the mastery view of the learner, with this objective expanded.

Submission Status

1. The submission status is shown as Pending Review, if submission is made but the grading is not yet done by the instructor. As a learner, you can also view the assessment completion status (Completed, Not Successfully Completed, Completed Late, In progress, Incomplete, Not Started).

2. In addition, the users will also be informed about the classrooms completion rule, which will be mentioned at the top of the table.

The completion rule will only be shown if the classroom completion feature is enabled on the Teamie site. Furthermore, the Not Successfully Completed status will only apply when classroom completion is enabled with minimum assessment score.

Parent View

The parent view of the learners profile is consistent with the learners home page. Furthermore, the aforementioned score heatmap will be shown in the parent view of the classrooms as well, to show a quick summary of their child's recent assessment/mastery performance.

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