ToDos lists are an excellent way to stay organized. Teamie Primo provides you with a To-dos tool that will facilitate you to easily manage your ToDos list. You can keep track of your upcoming tasks such as homework/task posts, assessments and lessons that require your immediate attention. You can view your ToDos and calendar events for individual classrooms or for all classrooms at one place.
Homework posts that students haven't marked as done and assignments / online Quizzes in which students haven't made at least one submission yet are included in ToDos section. Whereas, All Events sections of a classroom includes ToDos as well as lessons, classroom calendar events (created by the teacher) and personal calendar events (shown only to the creator of that event).
Once a ToDo is completed it stops showing in the ToDos section, but will shown in the All Events section
This article will guide you on:
1. Once you login to Primo, you will be taken to the homepage where you will be able to see all the classrooms that you are part of.
On the right side panel, below the classroom's cover image, you will be able to view the list of your ToDos (upcoming tasks and deadlines) and other calendar events in ToDos and All Events tabs. The ToDos tab will show all the ToDos from the next 7 days (including the current day).
The ToDo(s) count for each classroom will also be shown as a badge on that classroom's card. Therefore, the sum of ToDos badge count for all the classrooms will be equal to the badge count on the ToDos tab.
2. You can tap to access a ToDo to complete it (assignment/quiz) or mark it as done (homework post).
3. Similarly, you can tap the All Events tab to view the events for next 7 days. This will include any event(s) created for personal calendar or classrooms' calendar.
4. You can tap to access the events.
5. The All Events tab will show all the events, including the completed ToDos. If you have any ToDos that you haven't completed, then you would see a red dot on the ToDo. The following are considered as incomplete ToDos.
- Homework/task posts that you haven't marked as done.
- Assignments / Online Quizzes in which you haven't made at least one submission yet.
Any completed ToDo will not be shown in the ToDos tab. But it will be shown in the All Events tab with a tick mark.
1. On the homepage, tap the required classroom card.
2. On the right side panel, below the classroom's cover image, you will be able to view the list of your ToDos (upcoming tasks and deadlines) and other calendar events in ToDos and All Events tabs. The ToDos tab will show all the ToDos from the next 7 days for this classroom.
3. Similarly, you can tap the All Events tab to view all the events for next 7 days for this classroom. This will include any event(s) created for the classroom by your teacher.
4. Tap on the required ToDo/Event to access it.
You might see the following materials on the classroom card on Primo's homepage:
a) Next to Read: This label shows the next material that you need to attempt/read as per the order of materials set, on the Materials page of the classroom, by your teacher.
b) Currently Reading: Your teacher can also mark a published material (lesson, assignment and online quiz) as the current material. The current material will replace the existing Next to Read label on the classroom card.
The system will display only one of the label for a classroom at a time and the Currently Reading label will take priority.
1. On the homepage, classroom cards will show the Next to Read/Currently Reading material along with the materials' icon and Title.
2. Tap on the material's name label on the classroom card to quickly access the current/next material.
If you have completed all the materials of a classroom, then a 'Nothing left to do. Have fun!' label will be shown on the classroom card.
You can filter a classroom's newsfeed:
- to show only your posts
- to show only announcements
- to show posts with selected hashtags
1. Tap to enable Show my posts only filter.
2. All the posts shared by you in the classroom will be shown in the chronological order.
3. Tap to enable Show announcements only filter.
4. All the announcement posts shared by your teacher in the classroom will be shown in the chronological order.
Learners cannot create announcements in a classroom.
5. There will be a list of hashtags that are used in the posts in the classroom along with the count posts in which they are used. Tap to select the hashtag and filter all the posts in which that hashtag is used. For example '#Teamie' is used in 12 posts in the classroom illustrated in the following screenshot.
The count of posts next to the hashtags will not take into account the previous two filters (Show my posts only filter and Show announcements only filter), and will include all posts in the classroom that have the selected hashtag.
6. Tap clear next to the hashtag title to clear the filter and see all the posts shared in the classroom.
You cannot use Show my posts only and Show announcements only filter together, but you can use any one of them in conjunction with hashtags filter to narrow down your search.
Once you mark a homework post as done, it is considered as completed and will stop appearing in your ToDos.
1. In case a homework post's due date is within next 7 days, then it will be shown in your ToDo tab. Tap the required homework post in the ToDos tab.
2. The homework post will open in full view. Tap Mark as Done.
3. The moment you tap Mark as Done, the label will be changed from Mark as Done to Done that indicates that you have successfully completed the given homework/task.
4. In case a homework post is not scheduled for the next week or you wish to mark a homework post as done from a classroom's newsfeed, you can do that by tapping Mark as Done for the required homework post in the classroom newsfeed.
When you are on a classroom's newsfeed, you can quickly navigate/switch to another classroom's newsfeed. Tap the down arrow in front of your current classroom's name. Then, select the required classroom to switch directly to that classroom's newsfeed.
When you are inside any classroom, you can also tap HOME, at the top left corner of the screen, to navigate to the home page and then tap any classroom card to navigate to its newsfeed.
You can refresh data on classroom listing page (homepage) as well on classroom newsfeed page to view the updated content.
1. Pull down on the homepage to refresh the aggregate ToDos and its count, classrooms' cards (Next to Do material and ToDos count).
2. After the refresh is completed, you will be able to see updated content on the homepage, if any.