As an instructor, you can quickly mark or edit attendance for your classrooms' calendar events, on the go, from the Teamie app. Let's see how you can mark and edit learners' attendance.
1. Tap the Calendar menu option at the bottom of the screen to access your calendar screen.

2. Tap MARK ATTENDANCE for the required calendar event.

You can also tap an event to access its full view and tap the MARK ATTENDANCE button there. Furthermore, you will get bulletin board notifications when a parent files a absence report for their child in your classroom.

3. The Mark Attendance screen opens. It will show the total duration of the calendar event.

4. All the learners of the classroom for which the calendar event will be listed with the 'PRESENT' status, by default. PRESENT status will award full duration of minutes to the learner for the event.

5. Tap the 'ABSENT' status checkbox for the required learners to award them '0' minutes for the event.

6. Tap the 'TARDY' status and set the time duration for which the learner has attended the session.
The aforementioned three statuses are whitelabelled and can vary from site to site. Furthermore, additional status can also be configured at the site level. For example, 'Excused' status can be configured to be shown along with the aforementioned statuses for instructors to mark which gives 100% attendance. This may represents the learner not attending the event with a valid reason, therefore the attendance is not deducted.

7. Tap SAVE once you have marked attendance for all the required learners.

If the calendar event is not in the marking attendance period, a View Attendance button will be shown. The View Attendance screen will not be editable. The marking attendance period is configurable at the site level. For instance, in the following scenario, an instructor can only mark attendance for calendar events that are within 10 days in the past, or 5 days in the future.

1. Tap the Calendar menu option at the bottom of the screen to access your calendar screen.

2. EDIT ATTENDANCE button will be present for the calendar events for which you have already marked the attendance. Tap on it to access the Edit Attendance screen.

You can also access the Edit Attendance screen from a calendar event's full view screen.

3. Make the required changes in the learners' attendance and then tap SAVE to save the changes.

If the calendar event is not in the marking attendance period, a View Attendance button will be shown. The View Attendance screen will not be editable. The marking attendance period is configurable at the site level. For instance, in the following scenario, an instructor can only mark attendance for calendar events that are within 10 days in the past, or 5 days in the future.

Absence Reports is an optional feature that allows parents to submit a form with the reason behind the absence (before or after the event). The instructor for the event's classroom will be notified about the Absence Report and based on that the attendance of the learner can be modified by the instructor, if required. Let's see how you can create report absence and view absence report of your child.
Absence Reports is an optional feature that is not enabled, by default, on a site. It can be enabled on a site, on request.
1. Tap the Calendar menu option at the bottom of the screen to access your calendar screen.

2. Tap MARK ATTENDANCE for the required calendar event.

3. The Mark Attendance screen opens. If an absence report has been filed for a learner, then a Report icon will be shown in front of that learner. Tap to view the absence report submitted by the parent.

You will also get bulletin board notifications when a parent files a absence report for their child in your classroom. You can also access the absence reports from those notifications.

1. Tap to access the required classroom.

2. Tap the MORE screen.

3. Then tap Absence Reports.

4. The Absence Reports screen shows the absence reports submitted by learners' parents for the corresponding events created for the classrooms. You can tap to view any absence report along with any attached supporting document, if any.

5. You can quickly filter the absence reports based on their Attendance Status.
You can also quickly search for learners from the search bar to see the absence reports submitted by their parents.
