You can check your child's attendance as marked by their instructors for their classrooms' calendar events. Let's see how to do it.
1. Tap the child's card to access the ToDos screen.
2. Tap the Show All Events toggle to view all the events.
3. On each of the calendar event, you can view your child's attendance, that the instructor has marked, as per the available status on the site (PRESENT/ABSENT/TARDY). In case the attendance has not yet been marked by the instructor, then the NOT MARKED status will be shown for that calendar event.
The attendance statuses (PRESENT/ABSENT/TARDY) are whitelabelled and can vary from site to site. Furthermore, additional status can also be configured at the site level.
4. Tap View Full Calendar button at the bottom of the screen to view your child's attendance in full calendar view.
The full calendar view has the filter option using which you can filter it only by Events to view your child's attendance quickly.
Absence Reports is an optional feature that allows parents to submit a form with the reason behind the absence (before or after the event). The instructor for the event's classroom will be notified about the Absence Report and based on that the attendance of the learner can be modified by the instructor, if required. Let's see how you can create report absence and view absence report of your child.
Absence Reports is an optional feature that is not enabled, by default, on a site. It can be enabled on a site, on request.
1. Tap the profile card of the child for whom you wish to report an absence.
2. The ToDos screen opens. Tap and enable the Show All Events toggle to view all the calendar event of your child.
3. Tap the REPORT ABSENCE button for the calendar event for which you wish to report your child's absence. You can tap to open the calendar event in full view and then tap the REPORT ABSENCE button on the full calendar event screen.
Report Absence action will not be available if your child has already been marked as Present.
4. You can also access the required calendar event from the full calendar view.
5. The Report Absence screen opens. Enter the reason for your child's absence for the event in the text input field.
6. You can also attach photo, videos and documents from your device, take and attach photo / video from your mobile device's camera. Furthermore, you can also record and attach audio recordings to the absence report as supporting documents (such as a doctor's note).
7. Click the Submit button.
8. A success message will shown once the action is completed. The REPORT ABSENCE button will change to the VIEW ABSENCE REPORT button and you can tap it to view the submitted absence report.
8. The classroom's instructor(s) will get the bulletin board notification for the absence report.
You can check the absence reports that you have applied for your child across all the classrooms at once place. Let's see how you can do it.
1. Tap the profile card of the child for whom you wish to the absence reports across all classrooms
2. The ToDos screen opens. Tap the Absent Reports tab.
3. The list of all the events across all your child's classroom for which you have reported absence will be shown here along with the corresponding attendance details. You can tap to access any absence report.